(2) Lies

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After hours of being the party, we played many games to do with alcohol and everyone let loose. "DRINK! DRINK! DRINK!" Screamed the crowd, a man was doing a hand stand while drinking his beer in a tube while being punched in the stomach. He puked on someone's shoes and collapsed to the floor. I closed my eyes in slight disgust. I heard Marcus and Tyler laugh at the poor man. "Can you walk me home?" I asked Marcus, with my eyes still closed and tugging on his shirt. "It's just getting fun though, Grace" he moaned. "Okay, in half an hour?" I offer, "thanks babe! Your awesome!" He kisses me on the cheek and goes back into the house, leaving me alone, which is not what I meant. Tyler comes over to give me company. "You want me to walk you home?" He offers. "No, no. It's okay, I can hold on for another half hour" I walk off into the house to get a refill. I keep getting pushed and shoved and a girl bumps into me and pours alcohol all over me. "Ohhhh my god, I'm soooo sorry" she stumbles on her words and looked rough. She went to grab a towel but I stopped her. "Oh, it's okay... I needed to go to the bathroom anyway." I stumbled out of the crowd to the stairs and tried to find my way to the bathroom

I open doors and look in to see if it's the bathroom, I open the second to last door and it was a bedroom. I peer in and see Marcus making out with a blonde girl. She moaned as he kissed her neck. "What the fuck..." I say in disbelief. He swings back his head and sees me standing at the door in shock. "Grace, before you leave-" I slammed the door so hard I thought it would rattle the house. I rush down the stairs so he can't catch up and I ran out of the house.

It started to rain and it messed up my light makeup. "Grace! Stop!" I hear behind me. "I'm so done with your bullshit, Marcus!" I screamed out loud, as I turn around, I realise it's Finn. "What has he done now?" Asks Finn in a soothing voice, acting like I didn't just scream my lungs out. "Sucking this girls face off" I say, on the verge of tears. "That asshole!" He murmured. I start to shiver and Finn notices, he throws off his jacket and hovers it in front of me. "I'm not that cold anyway" he assured, I take it in gratitude. I thank him while smiling. "Let me walk you home." He says, I don't complain

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