(35) The Ball

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Grace's POV

I woke up on my bed, I had been changed into some pyjamas by someone else while I was unconscious. I tried to roll over but my entire body was in agony. I let out a painful gasp and let out shocks of air. I was grunting to the pain as I tried to move. I rolled out of bed and hit the floor. I felt a tear roll down my cheek from the pain. I slowly got up off the floor and I reached towards the door. My vision was insanely blurry and I leaned on the door and took some breathers. After a short moment, my vision was more clear. I didn't know if I would lose my vision again, I didn't want to know it I would lose my vision any time soon, so I reached for the door handle but I suddenly saw it was moving. Someone was unlocking the door and I couldn't out run them when they opened the door. I tried to get to the bathroom but I fell to the floor. I heard the door unlock and footsteps followed behind me.
"Grace?" I heard from behind me. I got up and ran, quickly slamming the bathroom door shut behind me, locking it with my shaking hand. I crawled to the corner of the bathroom and tucked myself as close to the wall as possible. They banged at the door, calling my name out.
"Grace, please. I just want to talk"
I sobbed and cried in the corner, covering my ears to block out their voice.
"Grace, don't make me come in there. Open the door"
I moved my knees closer to my chest and cried even more.
I slowly moved my hands away from my ears and heard footsteps fade away. My crying had calmed down, I was only sniffling.

Everything was quiet, I was calmer yet still weak. My legs were still shaking, my body was still in pain and I was still struggling to see right. I used the toilet seat to pull myself up and I slowly walked over to the door. Suddenly, I heard a ton of footsteps walk in and they were using brutal force to open the bathroom door. I fell backwards in shock. The door slammed to the ground and I saw there was two men in armour and Mason was stood in the middle of the door frame, he had his hands behind his back and just watched me. The armoured men both swooped in and grabbed me. I screamed and tried to wiggle free but I was too weak. They threw me onto the bed and Mason sat beside my bed.
"Leave us please" Mason murmured. The men swarmed out and shut the door, I was alone with Mason.
"You're still reacting to the drug I put in your food and from hitting the ground too hard, you should be fine in an hour" he said to me. I spat in his face as a response, he wiped away my spit from his cheek and wiped his hands with a napkin he pulled out from his pocket.
"I'm here to make an offer. Not an offer really, a warning. I'm hosting a rather large party and I'm trusting you to not tell anyone your current situation to anyone and to not escape. If you do, I will kill everyone you love." He looked at me dead in the eye. I gulped in fear but didn't break our eye contact.
"I will also get away with it. I have it all planned out for every individual, even Hannibal and Clarice. I know you Grace" he leaned in to grab my hand but I moved away. He noticed my reaction and only smirked.
"How do you feel?" He asked me. I glanced him up and down and raised an eyebrow at him.
"Cravings? Nausea?" He expanded. I slowly looked down to my bed sheets to realise what he was indicating.
"You're going to pay for this" I said, with my head in my hands.
"Dear beloved Grace, I've already won. I get everything I want and soon you'll feel happy here and maybe even stay here" he leaned in and whispered in my ear everything he said. I kept my head down and listened to his footsteps walk towards the door. I heard the door creak open and shut. I wasn't crying, I wasn't scared, I was angry. I wanted to kill Mason, I knew I could do it.

Days had past at a time, it was the fifth day at the verger mansion. I hadn't had any morning sickness but only mild cravings, the same cravings I've had since I've got here. Today was the masquerade ball Mason threatened me about. He had picked me out a dress that I hated the feeling of. I wondered if anyone I knew was attending and just to piss off Mason, I will be slouching  around the bar.

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