(5) heartbreak

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I sat in the waiting room, wondering if I should open up more to him. Before I could give myself an answer, the door swung open. "Grace?" Hollered Dr. Lecter. I stood up and brushed myself off and walked in. He smiled at me then shut the door. "How come you did not arrive home yesterday?"
"You'd tell" I sat myself down and looked out his window, it was the view of the front door. Where me and Finn stood, did he see?
"That would break doctor-patient confidentiality" he sat himself down and I noticed he didn't have a blazer on, and his sleeves were rolled up.
"Maria is the worst person you could ever meet!" I stood up in anger and knew I was about to rant. Dr. lecter showed no facial expression and let me march about. "She just has a go at me for anything I do! I would wear one nice thing and she would always have something to say about it! Oh, your wearing a dress? Who are you trying to impress?" I marched around in the room and could smell something cooking. He started to follow me around the room. "I know your mother isn't the one who's bothering you. Who's bothering you?" He tugged at my hoodie sleeve (that used to belong to Finn). I looked into his hazel eyes. Should I tell him?


Saturday, 12:03PM

"Daddy! Daddy!" Screamed Grace. "Hello, my angel!" Said Mark holding his arms out, ready to pick up Grace. He spun her in the air then hugged her. "This is a pretty outfit." Grace smiled at his compliment. "Thank you daddy! I dressed myself today!" Grace felt accomplished. Maria usually changed her but she had too much work to do. "I should've known" Mark leaned in to whisper to Grace. "Mummy doesn't make you look this cool." Grace laughed out loud and Mark put her back on the floor. "Hi sweetie!" Said Maria, leaving the house. Mark leaned in to kiss her and Grace made a puke noise "gross!" She preached. Both mark and Maria laughed

They all sat around the dinner table having a home made Meal. It was sausage and mash with a few veg. "I don't wanna eat it!" Moaned Grace.
"Well then, you won't be as strong as daddy!" Maria said, in hope for Grace to eat her broccoli.
"Grace is already a strong girl. Yesterday, she held the vase-" Mark then realised that Maria loved that vase and would murder them both if any damage came to it.
"If that is broken, mister" Maria warned. Grace only giggled. Mark nudged Grace under the table and she looked at him. He placed the broccoli on the spoon and flicked it behind him, without Maria noticing. She flicked her broccoli back and Mark laughed at her.
"What's so funny?" Asked Maria, completely clueless.
"Oh nothing hunny. I just love this meal!" Mark didn't stumble once on his words, even with his mouth full of mash.

"Goodnight, princess." Said Mark, tucking Grace under the covers.
"Daddy?" Asked Grace.
"Yes, angel?"
"Can you turn my light off?" Grace usually slept with her night light on but felt brave tonight.
"My baby is growing up so fast" he acted as if he had tears when turning off the light.
"Your only acting, daddy!" Laughed Grace.
"I will bring you something home after work as an award. I love you!" Mark slowly shut the door as Grace yawned.
"Love you too!" She shouted back.

Grace sat on the lawn, waiting to see her dads car but Maria called her in. She wandered inside and Maria held a phone out for her. "It's daddy" she said.
"Daddy?" Grace was excited to hear her dads voice.
"Hi pumpkin! I'm going to be late home because I have something special planned for you!" Mark was always gifting Grace and always put effort in.
"What is it!" Grace was impatient when it came to suprises.
"It's a SUR-prize." Mark wouldn't give her a hint.
"I will see you at 6 o'clock! It's when the big hand is on the 12 and the small hand on the 6!" Grace was only 4 at the time so she knew nothing about times.
"Okay, daddy! I love you!" Shouted Grace into the phone.
"I love you more!" Screamed back Mark.
"I love you to the moon and back!" Grace was ready to start a competition.
"I love you to infinity!" Mark accepted the competition.
"I love you to-" before Grace could say her part, Maria snatched the phone.
"Bye honey." She ended the call. "We have electricity bills Grace, we can't treat it like money grows on trees!"

Hours past and Mark didn't come home. Grace looked outside to see it was dark. "Mummy!" She called out.
"Mummy! Is it 6?" She shouted. There was no response. She wandered up the stairs and shouted for her. "Mummy!" She screamed. She opened her bedroom door and saw her with another man. "Mummy? What are you doing? Wheres daddy?" Grace was too young at the time. "Grace! Get out! I have told you! When mummy has a friend over, you don't come in! You can't even get it right!" Screamed Maria.
"Is it 6-" Grace was a stubborn child and wanted to know what the time is.
"Out!" Maria jogged to the door, covering herself in a blanket and slammed the door. Grace had to fall backwards without getting hurt. Her eyes filled with sadness and went down the stairs, crying.

Her dad got home at 5:20PM, he walked in to see Grace was asleep on the sofa, her eyes were puffy from her crying. He left beside her, a packet of sweets and a teddy that smelt like chocolate. He didn't carry her to bed because he was worried of waking her. After the long day at work, he went upstairs to see his wife but he walked up to see his wife, Maria, with the other man. All the screaming woke Grace and she hugged the teddy bear for comfort. Her dad stormed out the house and his body was found in a garbage bin, chopped up. While he went to gather his thoughts, he was murdered. Nobody knows who did it and nobody knows why he was killed, everybody loved her dad and when the news went around of his death, people arranged a very special memorial and Grace found out 6 years later after Maria said he died of a heart attack. Maria erased everything to do with her dad, every photo, gift (including the teddy).


"I never knew your mother was so evil" said Dr. Lecter. I wiped away my tears and fiddled with my hoodie sleeve. I couldn't say anything.
"I just, I- I thought" i couldn't finish my sentence without breaking down. Dr. Lecter dashed to hug me and held me close to his chest. He held my head and near my neck, I sobbed so loud. I never thought Dr. Lecter would hug me like he is now.
"I'm sorry for your loss" he said, calmly. I calmed down at his words.
"You can call me Hannibal from now on if you would like" I wondered how he meant it when he said that.
"Thank you.." I could speak more clearly now.
"I was cooking a rather large meal if you would like some. Unless, your vegetarian." He was still hugging me.
"I'm a rather large meat eater" I smiled, from how considerate he was. He stood up and held his hand out. I took a hold of his hand and he guided me to the kitchen. I could smell all these spices I didn't know how to cope.
"Smells gorgeous!" I was so took back by it.
"Thank you" he smirked. He started to cut some potatos. I could see he is good with a knife.
"Could I help in any way?" I felt embarrassed to intrude his private time.
"You could choose the wine to accompany us this evening." He glanced at a cabinet. I opened it and it was full of these wines that seemed to be preserved for a long time.
"This is amazing!" I didn't know which one to pick.

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