(40) 10 months later

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Ten months later, I had a healthy baby girl and she was called Mischa, named after Hannibal's sister who had passed away. She was an adorable little baby girl and she was everything I hoped for, she had my eyes and lips then Hannibal's nose and ears. She was a cute baby, and she was small. Everyone loved her and Hannibal always was there for our baby girl. He didn't moan or groan when I asked for him to bathe or change her dirty diaper, he was a perfect father and it made motherhood so much more easier, it boosted my confidence for when she grows up. She was however, a hand full. She was a very fussy eater and she would kick and scream in the nights, it once got so bad that I had to call Clarice in the middle of the night as an emergency, since me or Hannibal tried everything to calm her down but it was useless. Will treated Mischa like his very own, blood related daughter. He was always up to holding her and Mischa liked to feel things, especially Will's beard and lips and Will didn't mind it, he embraced it. Jack loved the sighed of Mischa but was worried of hurting her when holding her or scaring her, so he kept his distance but still cared for her dearly. Clarice was like a nanny, she just always knew how to calm her or make her laugh. In honesty, seeing her know Mischa so well made me feel a little ashamed to be her mother and not be able to calm her down as quick as Clarice did.

It was around 9PM and Mischa didn't sleep. I was cradling her in my arms as I bottle fed her. I saw her eyes slowly close as she tried to battle to stay awake.
"Is it working?" Hannibal asked me. We were both shattered and hadn't had a good nights sleep for a while.
"Seems to be..." I said, yawning and trying my very hardest to stay awake.
"Here, let me take her to bed" Hannibal slowly lifted up Mischa and patted her back in case she needed to burp, and walked upstairs. I hurried to bed because the idea of sleep, sounded wonderful. I landed on the bed and drifted to sleep slowly. I heard Hannibal open the door and shuffle next to me in bed.
"She's asleep" Hannibal assured me.
"Thank god..." I smiled, happy about the idea that I could sleep like a baby myself.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the park with mischa tomorrow"

"You at the FBI tomorrow?"

"Afraid so"

"Is Clarice working tomorrow?"

"No. She is for the rest of the week starting on Monday though" today was Friday.

"Okay.. night"


Misha's cried echoed through the house and woke me up. I groaned as I had to get out of bed, I heard Hannibal still was asleep as he snored a little. I got myself out of bed and I walked over to Mischa's bedroom. I opened her door and she cried and cried.
"Sh sh shh.." I picked her up and I rocked her slowly in my arms. She weeped and weeped so I sat down, knowing this would be a while. I sang her a song while I went to go sit on the rocking chair that was in her room. She liked the song twinkle little star, I could tell Mischa was going to have a fantastic imagination when she grew up. She was always pointing and touching at things, a lot interested her from a young age. After I finished singing twinkle little star to her, she was only sniffling in my arms. I rocked the chair slowly and tried to get Mischa back to sleep.

"Grace, Grace" Hannibal said, he was tapping my arm and I opened one eye, he was in his suit for the day and had clearly showered since he smelt nice.
"I put mischa back into her crib when I found
you two and I didn't want to wake you, but I must be leaving now" exclaimed Hannibal. I nodded my head while I wiped my eyes.
"Call me for anything" he kissed me then left. I stood up and saw Mischa was awake in her crib. I heard Hannibal shut the front door.
"Ready for today?" I picked up Mischa and carried her downstairs and I warmed up some milk for her in the microwave while I carried her. Her head was resting on my shoulder and I used my right arm to hold her. I started to get the sink running to bathe Mischa since she began to smell and I took out the milk from the microwave and I began to feed Mischa.

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