(25) Wicked Witch

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Hannibal glared at me in the eyes, his hazel eyes were more mesmerising than ever and slightly caught me off guard.
"I... uh," I tried to say what I needed to say, but it felt like someone had cut my tongue out.
"I used to..." I couldn't say what I needed to say.
"You used to be romantic with Clarice...?" He suggested, walking around his desk to his book to flip through the pages.
"It's complicated. We haven't spoken to each other in ten years"'I said, stumbling on my words. I haven't ever told anyone about me or Clarice, even Finn didn't know, so when I told Hannibal. It felt like it was the end of the world. He didn't seem bothered at what I said, as If he knew it was coming.
"Oh wow. You analysed her didn't you!" I realised. He must've seen Clarice's and I's walk of misery, regret and embarrassment. He clicked his tongue then said,
"No. You just don't hide it too well" he exclaimed, closing the book and put his hands on the desk.
"Nothing slides past you, Does it?" I smirked, I glanced at his desk for something to fiddle with and I came across a scalpel. It was very sharp and very clean.
"Ah, I've been looking for that" he says, while holding his palm out. He got off his chair and walked to somewhere else in the room. I followed him to a desk that was full of amazing, detailed drawings. I gasped at just the sight of them.
"They're incredible!" I said, moving the drawings to find more and more.
"Thank you, I'm currently working on this piece. It's the boarding school I went to, as a boy" he showed me a drawing that was a large building and looked very fancy.
"The detail is insane!" I basically repeated myself, the drawings were honestly like no other. I saw him pick up the scalpel and pencil and he sharpened his pencil with it. He must've done it before from how persisted he was, when sharpening.
"Have you came out to anyone else?" Asked Hannibal, this was a really awkward conversation but I knew I had to have it one day.
"No" I sighed, I put the drawings back in a neat pile and he put his scalpel and pencil down.
"Have you liked any other girls?" He asked, starting to change into something more formal, I watched him put on a small,thin, black leather belt.
"I haven't liked any other girls but I find a lot pretty" I sat myself down on his desk chair, and swung it around to his direction, watching him put on his waist coat over his tie.
"How do you feel about... Alana bloom?" He inquired. I smiled at what he said, 'does he really think I like alana?' I thought to myself.
"She's pretty but, no" I cleared my throat, and looked up to stare at his book shelves, packed neatly with books that looked ancient.
"I'm off to introduce myself to Mason Verger" he exclaimed, brushing off his outfit that he changed into and grabbed a coat.
"I will leave a key here for you" he held out a spare key and left it in the door for me to take if I was going out.
"Thanks, if I leave, I will hide it in a plant pot outside" I said. I didn't trust myself with other peoples valuables, so I never really took them with me. He clicked his tongue and took a deep breath in.
"I see. I will back at 7PM sharp" he smiled at me, shutting the door behind himself. I was now alone in Hannibal's home, I grinned at all the mischief I could get up to. I looked around his office, finding some files, I didn't get too nosey and left them be. I climbed up the ladder, that lead to the books, they were stacked neatly. I put my finger on the books and walked past them slowly, they all felt like real leather and were all in different languages. After I got to the last bookshelf, I glanced at my finger and saw no spectacle of a dust. I was impressed from how clean he kept everything. Suddenly, I had the great idea to look in Hannibal's wardrobe. I practically jumped off the ladder and ran up to his bedroom. I swung open his door and ran to his wardrobe, I swung it open and sighed at the sight it was just suits and buttoned up shirts. I knew I could make an outfit with my pile of clothes and his. I decided to wear my jeans, my bracelet and I decided to wear a black waist coat up and a maroon buttoned up shirt, I viewed myself in the mirror and did a little twirl. I adjusted my hair and glared at myself. My hair was still a little messy but matched the outfit, I looked rather masculine but I felt like an FBI agent and I loved that feeling. I decided to finish off the look by wearing my chain, it was small and golden but it really signed off the look. I smiled at how I looked and went to his bathroom to see if he had any perfume or any nice after shave. I opened up his cabinet, shocked to see a Gucci perfume. I felt mischievous and smelt it. It was a gorgeous scent and I sprayed a little on myself, I placed it back and looked at myself in the bathroom mirror, I yelped at the sight of Garret Jacob Hobbs in the corner of the bathroom, I saw him in the mirror reflection. I spun my head to the corner and he wasn't there, I looked back at the mirror and I saw he was gone. I slowly walked to the sink and I splashed myself in the face, keeping my eyes open. Once I was clean, I went out the bathroom and didn't glance back. I grabbed my phone and saw it was on 4%. I sighed at the look of it, I can't remember where I left my charger so I had to put my phone on low brightness and low power mode. I grabbed the key Hannibal left for me and locked the door behind me, I placed it under a tall plant pot and clapped the soil off my hands. I walked down the street, feeling a little captive instead of free. People glared at me and whispered, I felt a little self conscious and took a turn in the alleyway. My phone pinged and I looked to see what Freddie Lounds had posted.
I MET GRACE AND SHES JUST AS VIOLENT AND MEAN AS SHE SEEMS. Underneath the text, was a photo of Hannibal holding me back.
"Sneaky bitch" I snarled. Before I could look into it further, my phone lost its battery.
"FUCK!" I shouted, trying to turn on my phone. I growled at the empty battery symbol shown up on my screen. I put it in my back pocket and decided to go see Abigail. The alleyways were dim and damp. I could hear my feet tap on the water as I walked by. It was cold and I shivered, people were smoking or dealing their drugs and I avoided eye contact with anyone. I was now lost.

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