(6) wicked witch

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The wine was so sweet, I savoured every taste of it. The meal however, was like nothing I had ever tried before, you could taste a million flavours but it fitted so well together. The meat was so succulent and flakey. It's weird to think that a moment ago I was struggling to breathe I was crying so much.
"Is the meal good?" Questioned Hannibal. I stared at him for a moment to gather what word would describe the meal.
"This is probably the best meal I have tried in my entire life." I smiled while taking another mouthful.
Hannibal also smiled and went back to eating his plate

I stood up to go and wash my plate but Hannibal stopped me.
"It's okay, I can clean up" he insisted.
"I'm the guest here, let me clean up. It's the least I could do" I held onto my dirty plate so he could not take it off me to clean himself. He only smiled at how stubborn I was. He placed his plate by the sink and went back to clean the table. While washing the plates, I grabbed the cloth to wipe at the sauce still left on the plate. While scrubbing at the plate, I heard a sudden scream in my head.


It took me by surprise and I dropped the plate in panic and I swerved to look behind me. I took in gasps and I saw nobody in sight. I saw Hannibal rush in.
"What happened?" He saw I was safe and walked over to look check on me.
"I heard a voice" I stuttered my words, still in shock. He went to take a hold of my hand but saw I sliced myself on the broken plate.
"Wait here" he walked off to grab some medical supplies. I looked at the broken plate and tried to pick up the broken pieces. I threw away what was left of the plate in the period of time it took for Hannibal to find bandages, stitches and alcohol.
"Come sit" he patted the stool chair next to him. I sat down and he took a hold of my sliced hands.
"This may sting" he warned, he got a cotton bud and put the alcohol on it. I braced myself, since I know what the pain is like. He carefully started cleaning the cuts and talked to me to get my mind off the pain.
"Who's voice did you hear?" He asked.
"I didn't recognise it" I held my lips together to cope with the pain.
"Do you take any medicine for the voices?"
"It's never happened before." Which was true. I haven't ever heard this voice before. I haven't ever heard a voice in my head before except my own.

After a few stitching and talking, he was finishing up my hand, by bandaging it.
"There you go" he said, while letting go of my hand.
"Thank you..." I spoke quietly, embarrassed but still confused.
"Don't feel embarrassed" what he said was out of the blue, but strange. I looked up at him, he was packing away the medical supplies.
"Wait, how did you-" Hannibal's door swung open and in came Maria.
"GRACE!" She screamed. I just stared at her, in confusion. Hannibal looked at the front door and saw my mum storming in.
"I WAS SO WORRIED!" She looked down and noticed my hand.
"Oh my god! My baby!" She cried. She went to hold my hand but I stood up.
"I can assure you-" Hannibal was trying to calm her down but she just screamed, as per usual. However, both of us were not phased by her.
"WE'RE LEAVING GRACE!" She grabbed my hoodie and pulled me out.
"Oh my god! Let go!" I protested, but she just seemed motivated to get me away. I looked behind and saw Hannibal following behind me until it got to the door.
"I'm sorry!" I cried out to Hannibal.

Hannibal's untold story (Hannibal X Grace)Where stories live. Discover now