(31) Mason and Finn

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We drove to the FBIHQ, I was silent the entire way there, thinking about what Mason said. I wasn't considering carrying his child, I was just considering that Freddie has maybe more photos than I know. We parked the car and we stepped out in a hurry, I saw Alana standing outside, she seemed annoyed but  put on a smile when she saw us.
"Hey you guys!" She said, cheerfully.
"We have something about the Chesapeake ripper" I said, rushing inside. She followed us inside and we jogged to the office. Jack and Will were in the office.
"Grace? Me and Hannibal talked over the phone, what's happened?" Jack stood up off his chair when he saw us enter. Will was sat on the couch, beside the broken window but the glass shards were gone and they seemed to have put paper on there, with some tape for the time being.
"The Chesapeake ripper, he saw me with Will and he said on the note-" I tried to explain in the best way possible but I just really spat it out really fast. Alana put her hand on my shoulder, I glanced at her and she told me to take it slow. I took in a deep breath and I sat myself down next to Will. He smiled at me and I smiled back.
"The Chesapeake ripper saw me and Will. We have spent most the day together so the ripper must've seen us at one point and if I remember correctly, the note he left with Maria said 'she's mine'? He must feel something towards me and that's when he sent Finn to get Will but didn't expect me to be together. I don't know how he knows Finn but he does" I exclaimed, I scanned around the room to see people's emotions, Alana was biting her lip while staring at the floor, Jack had his arms crossed, Hannibal had his hands in his pockets and Will crossed his legs on the couch beside me.
"Where's Clarice?" I asked.
"Printing some papers" responded Jack. I nodded my head slowly, while looking away.
"The ripper has a romantic attachment to you..." said Will, he said it in a slow, gravel like tone. I looked at Hannibal and he just looked back at me. Why isn't Hannibal dead then? I couldn't say it out loud.
"But, I'm seeing someone and they aren't dead?" I inquired, leaving Hannibal's name out.
"Is it Clarice?" Asked Alana. Me, Hannibal and Will looked at each other and Jack caught on.
"..Hannibal?" Jack added. Hannibal looked away in embarrassment and I adjusted myself on the couch.
"Who they are doesn't matter, what does matter is that the ripper is basically obsessive over me" I changed the subject rather fast since it made me and obviously Hannibal uncomfortable. Jack put his arms to his side.
"You said Freddie has photos of you?" Asked Jack.
"And possibly more than we know, Mason has a photo of us all in Hannibal's office and she could be  giving some other photos to other people" I theorised.
"I know where her hotel is, let's go" Jack walked out the door and everyone followed. We got into a car which was a small squeeze but we've done this before. I was yet again in the middle of Hannibal and Will but it didn't bother me that much, they were probably the few people I saw more as friends than co-workers. Jack was driving steady but I knew he wanted to step on it from how he clenched the car steering wheel. Alana was sat at the front, looking out the windshield, she seemed to be in her own world. My phone pinged, I pulled out my mobile and saw a text off Clarice.

Heard you're off to go see Freddie

Who said that?

A little bird told me

She has more photos Of us and she's painting me as an evil bitch

Good job I didn't come then, I would've punched the living daylights out of her

She's also sending them to people

I'm considering driving myself there

Please don't ;-;

Lol okay. Enjoy seeing Freddie and make sure YOU don't punch her

Hannibal's gotta hold me back for that

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