(22) Hannibal

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Hannibal's POV
(I doubt I need to add any warnings since it's Hannibal we're talking about now)

I held tight on Abigail's hand. I wondered if she could feel me hold onto her hand. It made me curious. Grace and Will had left, it made me very conscious that they were alone together. I looked at the time at it was 11:30. I remembered the time and I looked back at Alana, she seemed angry and had saved herself a speech.
"What is it, Dr. Bloom?" I asked. I normally called her by her first name but I felt it was convenient to call her by her last name, it was rather formal and I felt this was a work related topic.
"I think you know what I'm about to say" she swallowed up her spite, as I saw her throat move like she just swallowed an apple. I analysed her body language and she had hints of anger and signs of empathy and even some romantic strings on someone.
"Enlighten me" I said, crossing my legs. Getting cozy before her rant, I normally did this with my therapy sessions with my patients, since they always had a whole paragraph to get off their chest. She scoffed.
"I think you need to reconsider Grace being here" she said.
"I think she is perfectly fine being beside Abigail, in fact, I believe it's her coping mechanism" I expressed.
"You said that when you said she could help with the Minnesota Shrike case. Not only did she see a woman die, she had to shoot a man AND she had a panic attack at the scene. Do you know how I know this? Freddie Lounds saw. She made an article on her, does Grace even know?" Alana shrugged her shoulders at me.
"She knows enough." I clenched my jaw and stared at Alana. She was in complete shock and didn't know how to respond.
"Hannibal... you can't keep this from her"
"I can and I will" I responded, before she could continue her speech.
"Grace deserves to know!" She started to shout.
"Grace deserves a lot but her mind cannot take all this stress"
"So why let her on the case?"
"She once told me she liked crime mysteries, I thought it would relieve her"
"Relieve her of what?"
"I don't know, I wanted to see if she seemed relieved. Like, she had just done a job for God"
"You think she killed someone before?"
"I do not know, she has a trauma and maybe she is hiding things from me, I appreciate your concern, Alana. However, I have this under control" I said, sternly, hoping she would drop the conversation. She   Got a good look at me and walked to the door, she was about to leave but she had to get something off her chest, I could tell since she held her breath.
"I hope you know what you're doing with her" she walked out and left me alone with Abigail. I got up off my chair and walked around the room, I knew there was a security camera in here since I used to work at a hospital. I slowly walked around the room until I got to the napkin Grace had accidentally left behind. I picked it up and stared at the numbers. I mesmerised them and I threw the napkin away after I had a good look at the digits, sloppily wrote down. I knew Finn and Grace had neater writing since I looked at some of their high school work, after finding out I was going to have Grace as a patient. I left the hospital and put on my waist coat, I got into my car and was going to discover who was the mystery person.

Franklin Dowers
No siblings
Adopted by Melissa and John Dowers
27 Baltimore St

I smiled, finding out that I was correct, yet again.
I drove to his address and found what I seem to be his car. I stabbed the gas tank and I waited, for Franklin to leave his home.

It got dark and I spotted Franklin walk out the door and get into his car. I turned on my engine and tailed behind him. I didn't go too close because I didn't want to alarm him. He drove out of Baltimore and he was leaving more and more gas behind. He suddenly pulled to the side of the road. I smiled and slowed down driving. I watched him get out of his car and get down on the floor to view the what was wrong with his car. He shouted something out but my car engine was louder than him, he saw my headlights and waved his arms at me. I pulled over and put on my gloves and I stepped out my car.
"I am so sorry to bother you sir, but my car has broken down." He sighed, wiping at his forehead.
"I see. I can only fix human bodies from my knowledge, but I would be happy to drive you back into town" smiled Hannibal, who was walking closer to him.
"You're really my guardian angel!" He laughed. I smirked at his comment, now beginning to tease with his mind.
"Do you believe in God?" I asked. He looked at me, confused. I decided to rephrase my question.
"Are you an atheist" I asked again, raising my voice.
"Why do you ask?" He was still smiling. I was still walking closer to him.
"I can see you have Jesus' cross on your finger, and that cross represents the rebirth of Jesus" I exclaimed. He looked at his finger and laughed.
"Ah, yes. No, I am a HUGE atheist. Why do you ask?" His smile got larger, less suspicious of me.
"You should believe in God" I held the knife behind my back.
"You have anyone special back at home? I asked, I wanted some info on how he sees Grace before i watch him bleed out like a pig.
"Not really... but I met this girl" he smirked at me. I grinned back at him, moving my head to the side.
"She, is really... something else. Excuse my french, but her body was like it was hand crafted by a goddess and don't get me started on how fucking hot she is, her face looked so soft when I saw her! I just wanted to, undress her right there and then! You ever feel like that sometimes?" He asked, leaning on his car. While he dragged on his description of Grace, I felt disgusted at how he saw her.
"You shouldn't talk about women like that, friend" I spoke quietly and gripped tighter onto my knife.
"It's fine, I bet she felt the same way about me. She said she loved my tattoos and wanted one of her own. I would love to tattoo her one day, but on her back if you get my saying" he smirked. That was my last nerve, I walked to him and put my free hand on his shoulder, so he could not run away from me. He seemed confused at first, but didn't try to evade my grip.
"I do get what you are saying, however Grace is a very special lady. She does not deserve people like you but someone better. Someone who would kill for her" I threw my knife into his stomach, I slowly pulled it out and I watched blood fall out of his mouth like a fountain. He tried to escape me but fell to the ground. I looked at the knife, that was covered in his blood. I admired it and wanted to almost paint with his blood. I looked back at him, seeing him try to crawl away was funny to me. I slashed his ankles so he could not crawl and he screamed out in pain. He begged and pleaded for anyone to help him, but we were alone. I was tired of hearing his screams and I slashed his throat. He dropped dead. I looked at his car and his body. I thought of a plan to dispose the evidence. I rolled his body over and cut open his stomach, to see if his meat looked any good, I had the sudden urge to search his pockets, and I found his mobile. I was curious what Grace had said to him and I used his thumb to unlock his phone, he wasn't messaging any other girls except Grace, I was glad I killed him the way I did when I saw how he spoke to her, trying to seduce her. I was also confused on why Grace didn't mention me, I added a timer on his phone to send messages to Grace, so once I'm in her presence, I would be the least suspicious person out of us all. After I did my side job, I looked back at his meat and I sighed seeing he seemed to be a stoner, ate what seemed to be junk food 24/7 and drank way too much alcohol. I sighed at the disappointment.
"Ugly on the inside too" I said to myself. I dragged his body into his car and I grabbed a water bottle from my car to wash away the blood, making it a clear liquid on the floor. I drove his car to the waterfall that I assume, was where Grace came with Finn. I got one last look on what people say is a man in today's modern society and I pulled down the brake. I pushed the car into the pond and watched it sink. I walked back to my car and drove home to clean myself up.
Once I was home and washed up, I drove to Will's at the crack of dawn. Although I got no sleep, I was satisfied that Grace would be with me instead of Will.

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