(18) quick decisions

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I woke up on Will's couch. I tried to adjust my sleeping position but I then realised I had the same dog, asleep on me. It was by dog law that I could not move. I smiled at the sight of the peaceful dog and went to stroke it. That's when I realised, Will had also fell asleep on me. I saw his curly hair peer over the blanket and I noticed his glasses had fallen off in his sleep, I picked up his glasses and put them on the arm chair. I stared playing with his curly hair, it was softer than it looked and was extremely fluffy, I was almost jealous. A dog barked in its sleep and startled me and Will. He opened his eyes in sudden shock and saw me playing with his hair, he only smiled and adjusted his head on my leg.
"How'd you sleep?" I asked, still playing with his hair that he seemed to enjoy.
"Like a baby" he simply said. I stopped playing with his curls and I stretched my arms, I could smell my stench and it made me gag almost.
"I think I need to shower..." I said, a little embarrassed. Will sat up and stretched, yawning.
"Sure" he pointed over at a door, still yawning.
"Thanks" I got up, not disturbing the dog and I went into Will's bathroom. I undressed myself and got into his shower. His shower was similar To mine so I knew how to change the temperature of the water. The feeling of water fall off my body felt like it was taking my guilt and mistakes from the past off me. Once I had got my hair wet, I got to use Will's shampoo and conditioner bottles, I smiled at the thought of my hair smelling and feeling like Will's hair.

Once I was all clean, I hopped out the shower and got a towel to cover myself up. Suddenly, I heard a knock at the door.
"You decent?" Asked Will. I was shocked and realised what I was in and shouted yes by mistake. He walked in and looked puzzled at me, seeing me in a towel even though he asked If I was decent.
"Should I..go?" He asked, a little embarrassed.
"Well, you've already seen me now.." I said, holding the towel up to make sure it wouldn't fall off. He gave me an awkward smile and went over to the sink to brush his teeth. I just sat on the toilet seat, awkward.
"I have a spare toothbrush" he searched his cabinet and pulled out a toothbrush, still boxed.
"Oh, thanks" I took the toothbrush out of his hands and unboxed it, still cautious of my towel possibly falling down. I got the toothpaste and started brushing my teeth with Will. After 2 minutes of awkward silence, we spat out the toothpaste and washed our faces.
"Sorry, I know you didn't exactly wanna walk in on me like this" I chuckled awkwardly before continuing. "I just freaked and said yes" I then looked at Will, first time making eye contact since he walked in on me.
"It wasn't all bad" said Will.
"Are your flirting, Mr. Graham?" I asked. He just smiled and stepped close to me. His breathing was subtle and calm, mine was heavy breathing and anxious. He put his hand on my jaw, stroking my cheek with his thumb.
"May I?" He asked, leaning closer to me. I simply closed my eyes and pouted my lips. He moved my head closer to his, at this moment. I forgot about Garret Jacob Hobbs, Hannibal, Abigail, Franklin, Felix, Marcus, Maria, my dad, Jack, Alana, Finn and Clarice. His lips were like the medication I was looking for. He moved forward, making me move backward. He pinned me against the wall, our kiss got more intense and I was losing breath. Nothing could pull us apart at this moment in time, he slipped his hand on my waist, tugging at my towel, it startled at me at first but I didn't rebel from his grip. I moved my hand into his curls, tugging at his hair which made him almost stop breathing. He moved his lips away from mine and he rested his head on my forehead. We were making serious eye contact, our breathing was deep and we were taking in gasps. He slowly looked down and started to pull at my towel.
"Will.." I said, putting my hand on his.
"I'm sorry" he said, loosening his grip on my towel, but still held onto my waist. I started to play with his curls again. He smirked and started to kiss me again. I raised my leg and he grabbed onto my thigh. He thrusted his body onto mine, it took some air out of me and he smirked at the noise I made. Before we could go any further, we heard a knock at the door. Will pulled his lips away from me and stared at me. I smiled at him and he smiled back, I never saw him smile as much as he did now.
"Their waiting" I smirked. He let go of my leg and walked to the door. I shut the bathroom door and I changed out of my towel into my outfit.

I looked at myself in the mirror and adjusted my hair , I was ready for the unknown day ahead. I stepped out the bathroom to see Hannibal sipping on some coffee that Will had made.
"Good morning, Grace" said Hannibal. He looked up and down at me, as if he's scanning for anything.
"Good morning. dr. Lecter" I felt almost ashamed for what I just did with Will, now that I saw Hannibal.
"I made you some coffee" exclaimed Will, who seemed to have just turned off his emotions again. He placed a coffee on the table, I sat on the chair that was in front of Hannibal. Before I could talk to Hannibal, my phone pinged.

Can you delete my contact?

What? Why?

Delete my contact

Tell me why

Please just do it

I was confused on why he wanted me to delete his contact.
"What is the matter, Grace?" Asked Hannibal, who seemed to have seen the strange look on my face.
"Uh.. just, my phone is spazzing" I exclaimed, I was poor at lying with this situation.
"You sure?" Asked Will, who sat himself down beside me. Hannibal gave a glare to Will, his eyes almost scared me. I deleted Franklin's contact hesitantly. I placed my phone down on the table and I moved my hair back. I seemed stressed and that is not what I wanted to show. I slurped on my coffee and excused myself.
"Excuse me" I walked outside and called Finn.

"Finn, you do not understand how happy I am to hear your voice"
"What happened"
"I don't know where to begin" I stared to cry, thinking about the days I've had.
"I, solved that case. I had to shoot a person to save another" I tried to breathe but my crying was forcing me to take in large gasps.
"Oh my god. Grace, where are you?"
"I'm with Hannibal and Will. Don't be worried,-"
"Don't be worried? For fuck sake Grace!"
"Grace, what can I do?"
"Tell me everything's okay"
"Everything IS gonna be okay. You are just going up the steepest part of the mountain, but you've passed a large bit of the mountain already, don't let it catch up to you. You can do this!"
My crying softened and I could breathe again.
"I already feel better"
At first, I was going to tell him about Marcus but I was too scared to.
"I need to go" I ended the call and let myself calm down before going back inside.

Hannibal stepped outside and walked towards me.
"Would you like to talk about how you feel?" He asked.
"Not here" I said, while pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.
"I didn't know you smoke" he said, he didn't sound surprised but seemed to care.
"I would've thought Maria said something, but I don't smoke. I just have some when I'm stressed" I lied, I smoked whenever I felt like it.
"You say you don't smoke but I believe you are carrying half a packet around with you everyday" he said, sitting on the bench with me.
"How do you know that? Did you go through my bag?" I sounded a little offended but I didn't care if he did.
"No. I can smell them." He locked eyes with me, it startled me a little. I took a large puff and burnt out my cigarette.
"I don't know what to do" I avoided crying again as I buried my sorry face into my hands. Hannibal placed his hands on my back for comfort, it helped a little.
"What do I do?" I said, it sounded muffled since I was speaking with my palms covering my lips.
"Do more sessions with me" he said, stroking my back. I took a large sigh and suddenly, Hannibal's phone buzzed.
"Pardon me" he said while answering
"Hello Jack."
"Yes, she's with me"
"Oh.. I see"
"We'll be right Over"
I looked up at Hannibal, curious about the call he just had.
"I need to take you to see Jack. They've found a body and need you to identify." Hannibal sighed, he seemed concerned for me.
"What? Who's body?" I had many thoughts then. Was it Finn? Tyler? Franklin? Maria? Marcus? I hoped it was just a simple mistake and it was nobody I knew.

Hannibal's untold story (Hannibal X Grace)Where stories live. Discover now