(13) the minnesota Shrike

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After hours of staring at the body of the poor girl, we came to realise she had cancer, the meat was taint and therefore could not be eaten. The Minnesota shrike then took her body back home and let it rest in peace. There was a layer of something that would only be found in construction sites. Now, just me and Hannibal have gone to a construction site while Will and Jack went to the other. We had to work through a list so we had to move fast. This was our third search of a construction site and I felt like this is the perfect path to finding the Minnesota shrike. It was peaceful in the car, some would say awkward but I enjoyed the silence. I don't think Hannibal liked it since he played some classical music, it wasn't my taste but I still hummed to it. In the corner of my eye, I saw Hannibal look and smile at me, and then look back at the road.

"You think this is the site?" I asked Hannibal, looking out the window and watching the traffic go by.
"What do you mean?" Hannibal seemed confused at my question.
"Do you think this is where we'll find the Minnesota shrike?" I expanded on my question.
"I think this may, help us in finding the Minnesota shrike but I don't think we will find him there, if that is what your asking" responded Hannibal. "What do you think we will find there?" He glanced at me and saw me slowly move my head to the music.
"I think we will find what we've all been looking for" I responded.

We parked into the construction site, the property seemed quiet for a Wednesday afternoon. I stepped out the car and I adjusted my jacket, that was caught on the seat belt on the drive here. I looked back at Hannibal shutting the car door and he was wearing a scarf and a waist coat. I brought me back to that night, the night after our first session and I walked out into the road without looking. Was it Hannibal? I zoned out at that thought.
"Grace?" Hannibal touched my shoulder and it brought me back to reality.
"Sorry, must've zoned out again" although some stuff isn't my fault, I still apologise.
"Your day dreaming seems to be getting out of hand" he seemed concerned about my zoning out but I excused it.  Together, we walked to the small trailer on the property. Hannibal knocked on the door and brushed at his coat. A woman opened the door and she didn't seem like she was in the mood to socialise.
"What's up?" She spoke, chewing on her gum without closing her mouth.
"Good day, miss. I am Dr. Lecter and I am here on regards of Jack Crawford. Head of the FBI. May I come in?" Hannibal spoke in an orderly manner, although he didn't introduce me.
"And who's this young lady?" She seemed more intrigued to know who I am Instead of the fact that FBI want to search the place.
"I'm Grace" I held a hand out the shake and she shook my hand, rather slowly.
"May we come in?" Repeated Hannibal.
"Sure, files of our workers are over there and files of our company are over there" she pointed at two piles of files that seemed to be a mountain compared to those on duty right now. Both Hannibal and I thought of checking the files of the workers.

Half an hour later, I came across a rather suspicious file.
"Hannibal, look at this" I showed Hannibal the file.
"How peculiar. May I ask why this file has no address?" Hannibal showed the lady the file that contained no address, but a telephone number.
"I dunno." She said blankly, not even bothering to look at the paper.
"Does 'Garret Jacob Hobbs' have a daughter?" I asked.
"I think so" she sat back at her desk.
"Does she have brunette hair? Blueish eyes?" I tried to recall the appearances of the missing girls.
"I've only seen her like twice, but I think so. Yeah" she started typing away at her laptop.
"I'll call Jack." Hannibal steps outside and dials a number instead of going on his saved contacts.
I began to put back the files me and Hannibal pulled out and I thank the lady.
"It's alright, love" she responds.
"How come your nice to me but, not the man outside?" Ever since we arrived here, she's been rather rude to Hannibal.
"He doesn't look right." She got off her chair and came too close to my face. "He's missing something in his eyes, like he died a long time ago" she stepped away from me and let me breathe again.
"Remember what I said love" she sat back at her chair. I gave her a bland smile and speed walked out of there. Hannibal seemed to be finishing up his conversation.
"Let's go" I speed walked to the car and tried to open the car door but it was locked. Hannibal unlocked the car and looked rather confused on why I was acting this way. I rushed to get my car seat belt on, when I clicked it on. I stared out the wind shield.
"What happened in there?" He asked, reversing out.
"That lady was nuts, for a moment I thought she was the Minnesota shrike." I let out a sigh of relief when we left the property.

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