(33) God help me

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I was startled by the maid gently shaking my shoulder and to wake me up.
"Sorry, ma'am. Mason told me to wake you and told me to tell you to meet him downstairs for breakfast? He has left you an outfit to wear for the day" she seemed really nervous and scared almost, I rolled over and groaned as a response. she walked out the room without locking it and in a few moments, I sat up right and scratched my scalp, squinting at the sun coming through the opened curtains. I threw the duvet off my self and crawled over to the box. I opened it to see some folded up clothes. I sighed while stepping out of bed. I walked over to the bathroom and undressed to shower, I started the water and when it was just right, I climbed in and this was the most unsettling shower I've had in a long time. It didn't feel right to be in here and I shouldn't even be in this house. I was kidnapped and I was scared for what Mason had planned for me.

I changed into the clothes Mason asked me under his request and I took one last look in the mirror, I sighed at the sight of myself

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I changed into the clothes Mason asked me under his request and I took one last look in the mirror, I sighed at the sight of myself. I shouldn't of been in these clothes. Oh I just longed for the moment when Will, Jack and Clarice find me. I heard a slight knock at the door which brought me back to reality.
"Come in" I said, looking away from the mirror. I saw Maria peer her head through. My heart sank, she was still cold and damp and still as dead as she could ever be. She walked over to me and held her hand out to me. I fell to the floor and curled into a ball counting to 10.
"Woah, are you okay!" Someone touched my shoulder. I opened one eye on number 8 and saw Margot standing over, looking concerned. I looked around and saw it was just Margot and Maria was no where in sight. I sighed while rubbing my forehead.
"Thought you were someone else" I got myself up and brushed off my outfit.
"Are you sure your okay-"
"I'm fine. Just, show me where Mason is" I said. Margot looked at me hesitantly before guiding me to Mason. I had to shake off what just happened because I didn't want to seem weak. After some walking, I saw the grand table with Mason at one end of the table, another plate in the middle of the table and the last plate on the other end of the table. In the middle, was a lot of food like bacon, pancakes, eggs (fried and scrambled), sausages, hash browns, toast with a selection of jams, a choice between milk or orange juice and many more food items. I stared in amazement at the table.
"Sleep well?" Asked Mason. I glanced over to him, he was putting a napkin on his lap and pulling his chair under the table.
"Fine. Where am I sitting?" I shrugged my shoulders. He pointed to the other end of the table and I sat myself down.
"I see you wore the outfit I picked out for you, do you like it?" Asked Mason. I tucked my chair under my table and poured some milk for myself.
"I didn't know there was a choice for me to wear or not to wear it" I simply stated while slurping my milk. He chuckled at my comment and Margot sat down in the middle of the table and viewed the food for today.
"Well, let the feast begin!" Mason preached. I had to stand up to collect what I wanted to eat because of how long the table was. since Margot was in the middle, she could just simply lean over to grab what she wanted. I picked up some blueberry pancakes with some scrambled eggs. The rest I left for waste. I sat back down and I saw Mason open this small pot.
"What's that?" I questioned while eating some scrambled eggs.
"Fish eggs, would you like some?" He offered, holding a spoonful of them. I shook my head and went back to eating my pancake and eggs.
"What an odd breakfast you have there, Grace" Margot said to me, I shrugged my shoulders at her and went back to eating. I heard some foreign men's talking get louder as they got closer to the dining room. I heard Margot let out a large sigh and Mason put his knife and fork down to greet them.
"Carlos! So good to see you" he spoke loud and proud.
"Hello, Mason." Carlos grabbed a pancake with his dirty fingernails and I lost my appetite Seeing the state of the pancake in Carlos' hand yet he still took a large bite.
"Course, help yourself" Mason picked up his knife and fork and began eating again.
"Are you not hungry, Grace?" Asked Margot, she slowly chewed her sausage while looking at me. I shook my head and moved the plate away from me. I took a sip from my milk and stood up.
"Excuse me" I said, walking out the dining room. My heels clicked on the floor while I sped walked away. I swung open the front door and took in a breath of fresh air. I went over to sit on the fountain and put my hand in the water, it was cold yet it still felt nice on my hand. I heard someone approaching by their feet hitting the gravel.
"You okay?" I looked up to see Margot.
"You've already asked me that today, don't act like you care" I pulled my hand out the water and brushed off the water using my pants.
"You being here isn't my fault, it's my brothers" she tried to exclaim.
"You're his sister, you knew what he was going to do yet you did nothing so me being here is also your fault" I darted my eyes at her and she gulped. Margot clicked her tongue before saying...

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