(17) Mixed emotions

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The drive to Will's house was lovely, he lived out the city so the views there were gorgeous. Looking out my window, I saw farm animals, trees, hills, fields, wild animals, there was too much to look at. I saw Will glance at me and smile, I looked back at him and smiled.
"This is just amazing! How come you don't live in the city?" I asked while looking at a whole field of sheep.
"I don't do well in large crowds of people and I won't be able to find a home for my dogs" he adjusted his glasses while looking at the road. My face glistened up when he said he had dogs.
"Dogs?" I smirked.
"You like dogs?" He asked, looking at me for like two seconds before looking at the road.
"Love them! My dad was going to get one, he was talking to a staffe breeder but he couldn't get the dog in the end" I lost my smile while talking about it, I looked back out the window so he couldn't see.
"How come he couldn't get the dog for you?" Asked Will.
"Uhh, he didn't have enough time to get it. Someone else got the dog..." I tried to think of a better excuse but I couldn't think of one. Will took a turn into his drive way, his house was small and isolated and had a rather large porch and I assume the land around it was all his.

"Welcome to my humble aboard" he said, locking his car manually. I heard the barks of dogs that sounded like hundreds. He went to unlock the door and loads of dogs pushed the door open, they were a mixture of different breeds and sizes. I got onto my knees to pet all the dogs. They were very loving and gave me lots of kisses.
"Hello! Aww, hello there!" I spoke in a high pitched voice to the dogs and they wagged their tail. It felt like doggy heaven.
"Ugh! Your so lucky to come home to this everyday!" I was stroking loads of dogs at once and they were all giving me their full attention. Will laughed at me and held his hand out to save me from being loved to death.
"Thanks!" I brushed all the dog hair off me and followed Will inside, it looked like he dedicated himself to his dogs. There was dog beds everywhere and it seemed they claimed half his house.
"What do you feed them?" I asked, it seemed expensive to hold this many dogs.
"I make my own food for them. The dog food you can get at stores are unhealthy or bad for their teeth." Exclaimed Will.
"When do you feed them?" I asked, hoping i could help feed the dogs. He looked at his watch and said
"Now, usually". I clapped my hands in excitement and I helped Will make the dog food. He rolled his sleeves up and his arms were veiny. I placed my jacket on a chair and I rolled my sleeves up too.
"What do I do?" I said in excitement.
"You need to grind the meat and I will do the rest." He placed some sausages and beef and other kinds of meat in a bowl and gave me a utensil.
"I've never done this before and I don't wanna ruin your dogs lunch, could you help me?" I was pretty clueless and always feared messing things up.
"Sure" he smiled. He stood behind me and grabbed my two hands and guided me on what to do. Our bodies were pretty close together and I could feel his breath on my neck. I felt like his puppet, but didn't complain. He moved my hand to grind the meat.
"Do you understand now?" Will said in my ear, my body felt the vibrations on when he spoke.
"Yes thank you" I said, before I started to grind the meat, I tied my hair up in a pony tail and I began to grind the meat. Me and Will were like two peas in a pod.

After serving the last bowl to the last dog, I wiped my forehead and walked to wash my hands.
"That was so fun!" I said, laughing. I heard him chuckle behind me. I towel dried my hands and I sat down, pulling my hair down. Using the tip of my fingers, I ruffled my hair and I caught Will staring. He suddenly looked back at what he was doing, making coffees.
"1 or 2 sugars?" He asked.
"1 please" I smiled. He plopped in the sugars and sat down with me. He handed the coffee over to me.
"Thank you" I said while slurping on it. "This is heavenly compared to the coffee's I've been drinking lately" I said, with a sigh of relief. Will chuckled at me.

A few hours passed, I was wrapped around in a blanket while Will was placing the vegetables out on the plates. A dog was sat on my lap and i slowly pet it, I could tell it was close to falling asleep on me but was motivated to stay awake. Will walked over to me and placed my plate next to me, on the arm of the chair.
"Do you want me to take her off you?" Will asked, referring to the dog on my lap.
"It's okay, I quite like dogs falling asleep on me anyway. It's adorable" I spoke quietly to not wake up the dog. Will grabbed his plate and sat next to me. The food was good and I definitely needed a hot meal after yesterday.
"You said you was seeing Garret Jacob Hobbs again?" Asked Will, who was cutting up his veg into smaller pieces.
"Yeah.. I first saw him yesterday in the street" I nibbled on my food, feeling sick just thinking about him.
"Maybe you should tell Dr. Lecter" Will spoke in a soft tone, it was almost like he felt my pain.
"Do you see anything that isn't there?" I asked Will, changing the subject about my hallucinations.
"I see... something? It changes. It would be a wild animal to, a man with horns. It changed ever since I started therapy with dr. Lecter." There was a small pause after Will said that, then he went back to eating his food. I also then started to eat my food.

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