(19) The Body

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Hannibal played his classical music, he thought it would settle me down but instead it sounded like funeral music to me.
"Can we turn off the Music?" I asked while shaking my leg. Hannibal reached out to his radio and turned it off.
"Do you want me to turn the car around?" Hannibal suggested, I took a moment to think. If I say no, I will never know who's died. If I say yes, I might of wanted to keep it unknown.
"No, keep driving" I said. I fiddled with my scarred hand and Hannibal took a hold of my hand to stop me from taking out the stitches or making it infected.
"You still need a bandage on your hand, it's not healed" he exclaimed, focusing on the road.
"I didn't have much time to get a new bandage" I stared at his expensive watch and watched the seconds go by.
"Well, I'm sure Beverly will have some bandages there" he tightened his grip on my hand, this made his veins pop out on his hands, and it was extremely attractive to me. He caught me staring.
"What's so interesting about my hand?"he asked.
"Nothing." I smiled, he glanced at me and smiled. My mind was taken off the fact that we're driving to stare at the body of someone I possibly know.

When we pulled up to the FBI academy, I felt like I was going to vomit.
"I can't go in" I said to Hannibal. He was still holding my hand at this point and we haven't left the car yet.
"Imagine we're going to get bandages for your hand" he said, his accent almost soothing and calmed me down.
"Okay" i trembled a bit while opening the car door. Hannibal got out the car and brushed off his suit and took a hold of my hand again for comfort. I saw it as comfort and he possibly saw it in romance, couldn't tell though. We opened the doors and it was like we just walked into a zone that made your legs turn to jelly.
"I don't think I can do this" I begged to Hannibal, who had to catch me since I nearly collapsed.
"Yes you can" he said. He hauled me back up onto my feet and held me close to his body in case I collapsed again. We passed Jack in the corridor and he had worry written all over his face when he saw the state i was in.
"What's happened to Grace" he asked while trying to keep up with Hannibal's speed walking.
"She's just nervous" he exclaimed.

I was seated in an office and I was given some water. I kept zoning out and had too many thoughts that were dangerous to keep in my head too long without any answers. I saw the door slowly open and Alana made her presence known.
"Hi, how are you?" She asked, seating next to me.
"I'm scared" my bottom lip trembled when saying it. She put her hand on my lap and it gave me comfort.
"Imagine it as something that doesn't scare you" she suggested. I smiled, since Hannibal gave me the same advice. My mind was set onto my dad tucking me in bed with one of the gifts he gave me from his travel home from work. I almost had a tear in my eye thinking about him.
"Are you okay?" She saw my tea roll down my cheek.
"It's happy tears" I said, with more tears rolling down my face.
"You ready?" She asked standing up. I wiped the tears off my face and I got up, my legs were not trembling and I was imaging my dad holding my hand, telling me of the story about the solider who killed nobody and gave medical attention to both teams of the war. It got to the part of him trying to save a man who lost his eye sight, pulling him behind cover while bombs and bullets flew past their head. People saw me and Alana walk in the room, nobody spoke and it was all quiet. The body was on the slab, still covered up in the black bag.

"The man was scared, he was so scared of not being able to save his friend. He had to try though, he had family waiting at home and friends too. With all his tears and blood dry, he saved the man"

Mark whispered those words in Grace's ear. She was ready, her tears and blood had dried. Jack nodded her head and Beverly unzipped the bag. The smell of flesh and guts hit my face, my nostrils burned and my eyes teared up. Alana had to leave the room and Jack just pulled faces. Hannibal just stood there, observing. He seemed curious. I slowly moved the bag away from the persons face. In the bag, laid Franklin.

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