(8) expected of him

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We pulled up outside Hannibal's house. I grabbed my bag and I helped Hannibal out the car.
"Come on, nearly there" I said to him, his arm around my neck seemed to not give him enough support. He helped me carry him by using the wall to hold him up. I opened his door, that was luckily unlocked and I slowly laid him down on his couch.
"Where uh, where does it hurt?" I asked him, a little confused because I have never experienced this before.
"Are you okay?" He asked instead, I rolled my eyes at his question. I was a little shook from what happened but only my hair was grabbed. He had blood over his face, for god sakes!
"Hannibal, I am fine. Tell me what to do" I said to him, in a calming but toned voice.
"I think I bruised my rib, I only need a bandage" he explained. I was a little confused at what he said.
"You...bruised a rib and you want a bandage?" I repeated what I think he said.
"And a wet cloth for my nose" he used his index finger to see if he was still bleeding, which he was.
"Okay, I will be right back." I ran into the kitchen and searched for bandages and a wet cloth. I found a cloth and ran it under the sink , I then ran rushed back to Hannibal.
"I don't know where to look for bandages but I have a cloth." I exclaimed, trembling a bit.
"The top left cabinet in the kitchen" he said, I ran to the cabinet and moved stuff out of the way frantically. I found the bandages and ran back to him.

He tried to take his shirt off himself, but he must've done something to his shoulder too.
"Grace, you can calm down" he must've noticed my panic. I took a few deep breaths and slowed down. I helped him take his shirt off and he had a large bruise around the area where his rib cage is. I winced FOR his pain. He rested his head on the sofa, looking up at the ceiling. I put the bandage around his chest and shoulder.
"Scale of 1 to 10, how much does it hurt?" I asked, bandaging him slowly.
"Uh, 7" he replied, looking back to me.
I looked at him, we made quick eye contact until I broke it.
"How is that bandaging? Sorry I'm not that good?" I used that question as an excuse to look at his chest. He peered at the bandages and nodded his head. I grabbed the wet cloth and I used one hand to hold  his head and I leaned in on him, to clean his bloody nose. He was taken back from the cold water I used. "Haha, sorry" I chuckled at his reaction. He laughed with me. I went back to concentrating on cleaning his face. He looked at me in my eyes.
"You know that it's very distracting when you keep staring at me" I smiled while saying it. I put the cloth on the table beside me and I looked back at him. He was still staring. I looked back at his hazel eyes. We both slowly leaned in at the same time, our lips touching made me feel electricity. He held my jaw and my waist, to pull me closer to him. I played with his hair using my fingers and rested my other arm on his shoulders. We got more intense and I sat on his lap. He held onto my waist tight, he sometimes felt my back and I tugged onto his hair.

Suddenly, he pulled away.
"What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?" I questioned, worried that I maybe touched him somewhere he didn't like.
"No, but please forgive me, Grace. It is inappropriate for a patient and a doctor to have relations together" he exclaimed, still holding my waist.
"Oh, you're right." I pulled myself off his lap and I sat next to him.
"I'm sorry if I offended you" Hannibal still seemed to want to kiss me.
"You didn't. It's okay, can I rest my eyes here?" I asked, implying could I sleep beside him.
"Sure" he wrapped his arm around me and I fell asleep, on his chest.

Hannibal's untold story (Hannibal X Grace)Where stories live. Discover now