(38) Dreams

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I woke up and I felt Hannibal's arm around my stomach. I slowly turned myself around and faced Hannibal. He basically looked passed out and I felt like I was obliged to stay in bed with him, I decided I would wait for him to wake up, then leave his side. I looked up at the ceiling and I felt something choke up my throat. I jumped off the bed and I ran to the bathroom. I collapsed onto my knees and threw up in the toilet. I puked what felt like my organs, I kept vomiting and I thought it would never end. I felt Hannibal behind me as he held my hair back for me and rubbed my back for comfort. Once I got all the vomit out my system, I flushed the toilet and moved to the wall, resting my back on the tiled wall. Hannibal was knelt in front of me and he looked at me. I spat out the small chunks I felt in my mouth into the toilet and wiped my mouth using my hoodie sleeve.
"How do you feel?" He asked me. I shrugged my shoulders at him.
"I'm scared" I said, I tucked my knees close to my chest and dug my head into my hands. I felt Hannibal crawl next to me and he hugged me. I still was curled into a ball but I rested my head on his bare chest.
"You Will be perfect as a mother" he promised me. I shook my head, depressingly.
"I don't know what to do as a mother. I barely had one myself" I whimpered.
"Then be like your father" he recommended. I moved my head up and looked at Hannibal's face.
"I suppose you're right. But what if I am too hard about their grades or, how their day was or maybe even them forming into someone that I made them out to be and not letting them be themselves" I panicked. These thoughts were not related to my childhood but I always overheard classmates talk about their parents in that manner and I didn't want my child to say stuff like that about me, even when they knew I would be trying my hardest to guide them into becoming a good human being.
"Grace, our child is so lucky to have you as a mother" he says to me.
Hannibal stands up and holds his hand out to me. I gracefully take it and he pulls me up to my feet.
"I will go make breakfast" Hannibal says. He trots out and I hear him gallop down the steps. I yawn and wipe my eyes and I change into today's outfit.

 I yawn and wipe my eyes and I change into today's outfit

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I brush myself off and view myself in the mirror. I smiled at the look of myself and I added a chain to finish of today's look. I walked downstairs and I could smell melted butter and syrup and all these other lovely scents. I strolled inside the kitchen and I saw Hannibal flip a pancake.
"American, blueberry pancakes" he smiled while whisking the batter, waiting for the pancake to cook.
"Smells gorgeous" I peck him on the cheek and I grab a glass and fill it with water. I took a sip and I sighed in relief, the taste of bile was already fading away.
"I need to find Clarice after breakfast, and Alana too. Maybe Jack" I inform him. He glanced up at me from the pan and watched me sit down at the breakfast bar, he looked back at the cooking pancake and clicked his tongue.
"Pregnancy announcement?" He asked.
"Yeah" I noticed he had cut some fruit up in a small bowl to add with the pancakes and I slid my hands towards the bowl of fruits and I start to pick up the strawberries. It was around summer time and these strawberries were so juicy and sweet.
"Why don't I come with?" He asked.
"Maybe with Alana and Jack. I need to talk to Clarice alone, though"
"Very well" Hannibal serves out a small pile of pancakes in front of me, he added a dash of maple syrup and leaves me to do all the toppings.
"Thank you" I say. I add on some strawberries and blueberries and I begin to eat my breakfast.
"Had any strange cravings yet?" Hannibal asked while pouring batter onto the hot pan.
"Weirdest cravings I had is simply a chocolate bar with whipped cream" I chuckle while taking another mouthful. Hannibal smirks and flips the pancake.

Hannibal's untold story (Hannibal X Grace)Where stories live. Discover now