(27) rest in hell

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I woke up from a terrible dream I had, I gasped for air as I stood up and realised I had been sweating tremendously. I looked around the room and saw I was in a hospital, my heart fell to my stomach. I hated hospitals, I hated them with a passion. I hated them so much a doctor had to save my finger at home. I wanted to cry at the sight of the hospital gown I was in and let out little shrieks, trying to hold in my panic. I saw Hannibal was asleep on a couch and I didn't know if I should wake him. I then remembered what happened, before I blacked out. I looked at my hands to see I was all cleaned up, I didn't like the fact someone cleaned me unconscious. I saw people had left me flowers and cards. I decided to open one and saw it was from Alana.

Dear, Grace

Hope you get well soon!

Dearest regards,

I smiled at her thoughtfulness and I saw she had also left me some flowers. I wasn't the kind of girl who loved flowers and makeup but I still appreciated them a ton. I saw my wrists had bruised from the rope as I placed the card up right as decoration. I also saw a box of chocolates. I picked them up and there was a sticky note on them
From Finn
Get well soon
I rolled my eyes at his message and scrunched up the sticky note. I didn't know if I was allowed chocolates but I still took the ribbon off them and read the flavours of the chocolates, on that small piece of paper you normally get with them. I took a cranberry flavoured chocolate and bit half of it. As I chewed, I look at the insides of the chocolate and it was a blood red colour. I spat it out, in fear. It reminded me of Marcus and I started to have a panic attack again. I accidentally threw the chocolate box onto the floor and it awoke Hannibal. He saw me struggling to breathe and crying. He rushed over and hugged me tightly. I cried into his arm, gripping onto his shoulder. He rested his chin on my head and stroked my hair and back. I already felt calm but I was so scared to open my eyes, I was scared I would see Marcus or Garret.
"I-I killed him" I cried, it was so loud, it echoed in the room almost.
"I've killed.. so many people. Im a horrible person" I sobbed, I choked on my tears and Hannibal let go of me and held my face in his two hands and stared at me.
"You are not a bad person. Everyone you killed was out of self defence" he assured me. He stared right into my eyes while saying it. It didn't make me feel any better, I'm not mentally well and I feel like anyone can't help me. I moved his hands away from my face and wiped my tears away, possibility saving them for later. He took a moment to look at me before going to pick up the chocolates I dropped. The door creaked open and I saw Will walk in with a water bottle. I made a quiet gasp at the sight of him. I rubbed my entire face with my arm and hoped it would seem like I didn't just cry like there was no tomorrow.
"You're awake" he tried to smile but he must've fallen into the depressing atmosphere this room held.
"..Yeah" I looked out the hospital window and only saw the car park. I viewed the birds fly past and I wished I was that free. I'm not though, not only am I stuck in this hospital, I'm also stuck inside my mind.
I saw not only my reflection but I saw Marcus stand beside me. I looked away, trying to act normal and I watched Will take a gulp of water and sat down. Hannibal picked up the last chocolate and placed them On a table.
"I'm sorry" I said, playing with my fingers. Hannibal and Will looked at each other, confused.
"For what?" Asked Will. Hannibal sat himself on the couch while folding up the blanket he used to sleep with.
"I've killed another man" I said, signing. I could feel my tears coming back and I had to build the biggest barrier I could imagine. I wiped away the few tears that slipped out but I kept it all together.
"It was self protection" pleaded Hannibal.
"Fucking hell... it still doesn't change the fact that Marcus is dead!" I shouted. I felt ashamed i just shouted at Hannibal since he's only trying to help me. The room was silent for a few moments which felt like decades.
"Where's Maria" I said, while raising my head. Will suddenly seemed uncomfortable and cleaned his throat. Hannibal sighed and looked at his hands, I was confused and raised an eyebrow. The door handle screeched and I saw Clarice walk in. Her face was pale white and she saw me, conscious.
"Your okay!" She ran to me and hugged me so intensely. I smiled at her body touching mine and shed a happy tear.
"Second I found out what happened, I ran down here. Are you okay?" She asked, pulling away. I nodded my head and wiped my single tear away.
"I'm so sorry Grace!" She said, hugging me again. There was a few moments of silence and she pulled away again.
"I brought a few gifts" she said, excitedly. She revealed a card and a teddy bear with a chocolate scent. I gasped at the sight of the teddy and grabbed it out of her hands.
"My dad got me this one before he..." mine and Clarice's smile faded but I opened her card and smiled at its content.

Dear, Grace

Get well soon! - I hope you are okay with everything going on and I will always be here for you. This teddy is called Barney and love hugs and gives good hugs back! I am fully aware you're not a child but still take Barney, he needs a home!

Dearest regards,
Clarice XX

I smiled and looked at Barney. He didn't look identical to the teddy My dad gave me but it's scene and name was perfect to me.
"Thank you so much!" I said. Everyone smiled at my reaction and i felt my legs get pins and needles. I grunted and tried to get out of bed.
"Is that a good idea, grace?" Considered Clarice, who was holding her arm out in case I fell.
"I'm not on a drip, I only passed out. I have pins and needles, I'm just going for a walk" I exclaimed. Hannibal cleared his throat and stood up.
"I can supervise her" assured Hannibal and followed behind me. We walked down the corridor and left Will and Clarice alone. I had been on that bed for a long time since I lost my footing every millisecond. I was bare foot on the tiled floor and it was extremely cold. Patients looked at me in astonishment and it made me uncomfortable, this old man gave me a serious glare and I looked back at him, and his whole ass was hanging out. I gulped, i could've had that gown on.
"Hannibal... weird request, is my ass showing?" He glared down to my backside with my permission and clicked his tongue before saying
"Yes". I saw there was a door next to me and I pushed Hannibal in there with me. I slammed the door shut and turned on the light. It was a janitors room and Hannibal chuckled at my embarrassment.
"Oh my god. Even Will and Clarice saw!" My face went as red as a tomato and I wanted to die in a hole.
"Why didn't you tell me?" I cried. Hannibal smiled at me.
"I generally didn't know" he justified. I couldn't tell if I believed him when he said that, smiling.
"Well, how do we go back to the hospital room?" I questioned, finding a lock on the door and using it.
"Who said we have to go back to your room?" He suggested. I glanced back and saw him smile. I pulled a sarcastic face as a joke while walking towards him. He grinned at my mischievous. He grabbed onto my waist and threw me onto the wall.
"Shh! People might hear!" I reminded. He shrugged his shoulders at me and i glared at him in confusion. He kissed me tight and slowly lifted his hand up my gown. I tried to squeeze my thighs together out of my reflexes since he tickled me. He growled in my mouth and I smirked. He thrusted onto my body and slightly knocked air out of me and I let go of my thighs. I moaned quietly  and he grinned, growling in my mouth. I rushed to unbuckle his belt and he pulled his lips away and his hand.
"What?" I asked, sad I might've ruined the mood somehow.
"I don't know if this is right, Grace you-" I interrupted.
"Please don't remind me, can we just.. think of us?" I raised my leg and he grabbed it, smirking.
"I do want this Grace, but you are not in the correct mindset to do these decisions" he let go of my leg and kissed me again. I was a little sad but I knew he was right. He let me go and sorted his belt out. I sighed as I adjusted my hair.
"How do we get back... without my ass blowing in the wind?" I asked. He smiled at how I phrased it and took of his blazer and wrapped it around my waist. We left the janitors room and walked back to the hospital room. I walked in to see Clarice gone and Will fiddling with his empty water bottle.
"You guys were gone for a while" he sighed. I tried to hide my smirk and Hannibal cleared his throat, he sat next to Will and I took off the blazer from around my waist and sat back down on the bed.
"She needed to go to the bathroom" Excused Hannibal. I nodded my head in agreement and Will just wiped his eyes. I took in some air to ask where Maria was for fhe second time but the door opened slowly again. A man I have never seen before peered his head in and smiled at Hannibal.
"Are you Grace?" He asked. I looked at Will, the last time someone said that to me, it resulted to me on the concrete floor. Will winked at me, assuring everything's okay. I did a small smile while nodding my head at the man. He smiled at me back and entered the room, shutting the door. His hair was a chestnut colour and from the distance we were at, I could scarcely tell his eyes were a hazel green. He has a brown suit on matching his bag.
"Good afternoon, Grace. My name is doctor Frederick chilton. I am a psychiatrist, and I have worked with Hannibal and Will before, they needed to interview some of my patients at my asylum, Baltimore's state hospital for the criminally insane. I believe I am here to have our first session and see where you should stand in public society" my jaw dropped at what he said. I didn't want a psychiatrist. Who said I needed a psychiatrist? Is he here to lock me away? Am I really that mad?

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