(28) reality or imagination

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"You gotta be fucking kidding? Whose joke was this?" I looked around the room and everyone's face was serious and sad. I scoffed at them all.
"Dickheads!" I cursed to them.
"Grace, there's no need for this language-" Hannibal tried to talk to me.
"No need? You're saying to me... no need?" I was absolutely blown away by everyone.
"Am I a danger to society?" I asked Dr. Chilton. He put his bag beside his chair and adjusted his suit, staring at me.
"How many people have you killed?" He asked, looking into my eyes.
"Three" I said.
"All man slaughter or self defence?" Dr. Chilton's question was so easy to answer, but I didn't know what to say. The voice I heard meant harm but i didn't, i didn't want to kill Garret Jacob Hobbs either ,but I had to in order to save Abigail.
"...yea" I responded after thinking about it for a long period of time.
"Are you Lying?" He glared.
"I don't know" I sighed.
"How did you kill them?"
"The first, a shelf fell on them that I broke and I tried to save them. The second, was the Minnesota shrike and was going to kill Abigail and the third.." I had to pause. I didn't want to seem crazy, I cant just say I heard a voice that told me to slit his throat. I wanted to be free in public life.
"The third, was going to kill me" I lied. Dr. Chilton stared into my eyes for a long period of time and sighed.
"Okay" he picked up his bag and stood up.
"Is That it?" I questioned, I thought i would've had to write on an essay about how I feel at certain moments in the day or events.
"Yes, thank you for having me" Dr. Chilton let himself out. It was silent in the room.
"Go get a doctor" I crossed my arms and looked out the window.
"What? Why-" Asked Will.
"Go-Get-A-Doctor" I demanded. Will sighed and walked out to find a doctor, it was just me and Hannibal. He stood up and walked to stand next to me, I looked the other way.
"Did you know he was coming?" I asked, he went to reach for my hand but I moved it.
"Grace, look at me-"
"DID YOU, know about this" I was angered he was ignoring my question and I had to repeat myself twice. He sighed at my stubbornness.
"I knew Frederick was coming, I didn't know what for" he exclaimed.
"Calling each other by your first names, must know a lot more than your telling" I theorised.
"I am a honest man" he responded. I looked back at him, he was standing there, looking at me with almost puppy eyes but with flames. I then thought back to what Clarice told me.
"Did you kill Franklin?" I asked. He seemed calm but offended with my question.
"What makes you think I killed Franklin?" He asked, curiously.
"A lot." I glared at him in the eyes and he smiled and sat down.
"Do tell, I'm curious" his eyes gleamed like he was a child on Christmas Day, looking at all the presents under the tree. I was going to tell him my lost but the door opened and a doctor walked in, followed by Will.
"I was informed you wanted to see me, ma'am" he said, adjusting his glasses on his nose.
"Am I okay to leave?" I asked. Hannibal leaned back on his chair, disappointed with my decision and Will wiped his eyes at me.
"Oh, uhh... why are you in?" Questioned the doctor.
"Not too sure, really, these two here think I should be in an asylum but I'm here" I smiled at the doctor and he did a nervous laugh. Will and Hannibal rolled their eyes.
"I think you are, able to leave. Would you like your inventory you came in?" The doctor was cleaning his glasses, nervously.
"That would be wonderful" I smiled, he speed walked out the room to collect my clothes and belongings.
"Was that necessary, Grace?" Sighed Will.
"Was Chilton necessary? I can deal with this on my own and all I need is your support! Not Chilton or Freddie Lounds and especially not anyone's pity!" I crossed my arms and Hannibal did a large sigh. He clicked his tongue and took a breath in.
"How you feel is mutual, but we just want what's best for you" he exclaimed. I smiled in astonishment,  he didn't seem intimidated by my reaction and was ready to hear what I had to say, since he crossed his legs.
"What's best for me?" My jaw dropped at him.
"Your idea of what's best for me is nearly screwing me in the janitor's room!" I shouted. I slapped my mouth realising Will was in the room with us. Me and Hannibal slowly glared back at him and he was jaw dropped.
"...what?" He said under his breath.
"Will-" I was interrupted by the door and a nurse left a bag that had my inventory on the end of my bed. I thanked her awkwardly and she left the room. Will shut the door behind the nurse, crossing his arms and staring at the floor.
"Will, it was one time!" I lied.
"Not honest of you, Grace. You also was in my bed yesterday" Hannibal informed. It was like he wanted revenge for what I accidentally slurred.
"Wow, Hannibal. Real mature" I responded. Will sighed.
"I don't care about your quarrel, don't get me involved" he left the room. I didn't holler his name since this was beyond awkward. I darted my eyes at Hannibal and he just stood up, adjusting his suit and walked over to my bag to lay out my clothes.
"My favourite waist coat, with blood stains" he sighed, laying it out. I got out of bed and grabbed my underwear.
"Would you like me to leave?" He asked.
"You've already seen me. You also told Will" I said, angrily.
"Touchè" he smirked.
"Nice, real fucking nice!" I pulled off the gown in anger and grabbed my bra.
"It's almost like your out to get me sometimes!" I groaned. I tried to put on my bra but it wouldn't clip On and it just boiled my blood even more. Hannibal moved my hair and clipped my bra on for me. I was even more annoyed that I felt like I couldn't even dress myself and Hannibal had to come in for the rescue. I grabbed my pants and threw them on.
"I will clean your clothes and give them back to you" I reasoned. I put on my belt and added "I will find somewhere else to stay, just so I don't slap you" I grabbed (Hannibal's) shirt and started to do the buttons. He sighed as he packed my gifts from people.
"Atleast you will have Barney to keep you company!" He smirked while showing the toy Clarice gave me. I rolled my eyes at him and continued to button up the shirt.
"Thanks for packing for me" I wanted to vomit for thanking him. I threw the waistcoat in the bag and stormed out. Hannibal jogged to catch up with me.
"Just come back home with me!" He begged.
"Why? Is there another surprise waiting for me?" I skipped down the stairs to the exit.
"Maybe, I imagine it would be a warm bath and warm food in your stomach" he informed me. I rolled my eyes and him and swung open the exit door.
"Like I said, doing this so I won't slap you" I reminded him.
"So slap me and come back with me" he raised his arms so I could slap him.
"Debatable, but no" I started to walk again.
"Grace, please-" he tried to grab my hand and that's when I slapped him. His head swung with my palm. He sighed and looked at me again.
"You've slapped me now. Is it out your system?" He hoped.
"Partially" I responded. "Please, leave me be for a moment." I begged of him.
"Please come with me and I can make it up to you" he pleaded.
"Fine" i gave in. Hannibal smiled and lead me to his car. I got in the back seat instead of the passenger seat and we drove back to Hannibal's. I still hated him right now but wanted to to give him a chance.
"Thank you" he said, looking at me through the mirror.
"Sure" I crossed my arms and looked out the window, I was spooked to see Marcus sat next to me in my window reflection. I looked forward, startled and I swallowed my fear. The drive home was awkward and I couldn't wait for it to be over.

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