(9) the FBI

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I woke up on Hannibal's chest. As much as I wanted to lay there all day, I got up in case I was hurting him. I searched in my bag to quickly change into today's outfit.
"Morning" his morning voice was so low, I almost forgot I was half naked.
"Don't...open your eyes, and good morning" I heard him laugh, I checked to see if he obeyed, he did.
"Okay you can open now" I picked up my Pyjamas to pack away. Hannibal winced at the sudden pain on getting up.
"Do you need any help?" I still held my arms out to catch him.
"I'm okay"
Someone walked into Hannibal's office as if they owned the place.
"Hannibal, there's been a murder, Jack wants to see you-" they stared at me in confusion. "Who's this?" He asked, adjusting his glasses.
"This is Grace, a uh, patient of mine." I could only imagine the thoughts this man was having, walking in on Hannibal bruised and SHIRTLESS with a random girl in his house.
"Oh, does that also explain..why your shirt is on the floor?" The stranger asked. I was a little blown away from that accusation. Hannibal looked at the shirt for a moment, then back at the stranger.
"No. I needed some medical attention on my chest" said Hannibal, pointing at his obvious bandages.
"What happened?" The stranger asked. I looked at Hannibal to see if he would be truthful.
"Some rude people wanted to intrude on Grace, so I interrogated" Hannibal only sampled some of the story
But it sounds better than what actually happened.
"Okay..anyway, Jack wants to see you" the stranger seemed to of totally ignored my existence.
"Hi, I'm Grace" I walked over and held my hand out to shake.
"I'm Will, Graham" he said. He stared at my hand then me, then walked over to Hannibal. 'Rude' I thought to myself.
"Jack wants to see you. There's been another murder, it's another teenage girl with brunette hair." Will seemed to be so calm but concerned about the dead girl.
"I will go change" said Hannibal, walking away with his bloody shirt. I was left alone with Will Graham.

"So, how do you know Hannibal?" I asked Will, to avoid awkwardness.
"He's my psychiatrist. Jack wanted me to start seeing him because, I have a mind that is like no other and sometimes I can forget what reality I'm in" Will walked around the room, with his hands on his hips.
"What realities?"
"I can see what happened at the murder scene, but in the murderers perspective"
"Sounds scary"
"It is"
"Who's Jack?" At this point I was being nosy.
"The head of the FBI" Will seemed to be shook that I didn't know who Jack was.
"Why is Hannibal working with the FBI?"
Before Will could answer, Hannibal walked in, adjusting his tie.
"Are we all ready?" Said Hannibal.
"What about me?" I question
"Well, you could come with" Hannibal suggested.
Will didn't seem to care if I came or didn't.
"Okay, sure" I seemed quite excited.
We got in Hannibal's car and drove to an unknown location.

Hannibal's untold story (Hannibal X Grace)Where stories live. Discover now