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I left Dr.Lecter's house through the back to avoid Maria then I walked up to my favourite part in the town. I jumped over the barbed wire and walked into the woods, then when I got to the spot, I sat on the big, sturdy rock that hovered over the waterfall. I stared at the sun set and then broke down. I had a lot of thoughts in that moment, I wasn't exactly thinking of Marcus. I was thinking of me and my mental health. I was worried that I would be stuck feeling like this forever and at one point, I'm going to have to tell Dr.Lecter if I wanted any help. The sun had set and I had calmed down. I picked up my phone from beside me and called Finn. I listened to the phone ring while biting my nails.

"Hello? Grace? What's up"
"Hi...Finn, Maria sent me to a psychiatrist"
"What?! When?"
I slightly sobbed
"Could I come over for a bit?"
"Sure! I just gotta clean up this bomb site"
I giggled at his comment
"Okay, thank you. Bye"

I then set of to Finn's house in the cold weather. The streets were quiet and dark. I only saw a few teens and adults walking home. I slightly zoned out once I put in my ear phones, shivering from the cold too. I stepped foot in the street and a massive horn went off that scared me half to death. I looked at the car and it was pretty expensive but I couldn't see who was in the car, since the head lights were on. Then, someone stepped out, I only saw their figure. They were in a waist coat and a scarf. I just ran off before they could say or do anything.

I knocked on Finn's door and I heard loud steps running down the stairs and the door swung open. It was Finn. "Hey" he smiled at me, even though my eyes were poofy and red and I kept sniffing. "Hi" and I went in to hug him, he held my head and held my back. I could feel his face move, I assumed he smiled. "I have a surprise for you" he grabbed my hands and flew me upstairs and into his room. On his bed was a large hoodie and some ice cream. "You know me too well" I said, grinning.I took off my cheap hoodie and I threw on Finn's hoodie and it smelt just like him, it was so fluffy inside and it made me forgot everything that happened today. I opened the ice cream and began taking small bites out of it. "So, what happened?" Asked Finn slowly sitting down next to me. "I... got a therapist. He seems weird but, trust worthy and when the session finished, I snuck out so Maria couldn't say or do anything to me" I began eating my ice cream again. "What about... Marcus?" He asked. I slowly looked at him giving the simple answer "he's dead to me". He didn't question Marcus for the rest of the night.

I woke up to someone snoring, I opened my eyes to see Finn slobbering on the pillow and his arm was around me. I smiled at his goofiness and slowly got out of his bed. "Good morning- oh!" Finn's mother swung open the door and I took her by suprise. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't intend to stay for the night" I felt like she was going to tell Maria my where a-bouts. "Oh no it's perfectly okay. I've known you since you was a child!" She laughed at my worried face. "I've brought Finn's...and yours, breakfast!" She held a plate full of fresh pancakes in front of us. Finn woke up to the smell. I smiled at them since I didn't eat after my session with Dr. Lecter.

The plate was empty and Finn was on call of duty. I looked at the time and it read 4:30PM. I thought to myself 'time flies'. "Okay, I have to go to my appointment." I said, starting to put my shoes on. "Want me to walk you?" He asked. "What about your game?" I was taken back, Marcus never asked if I wanted walking somewhere before. "What about it?" He started turning off his Xbox and looked for some trainers. "Your hoodie?"
"Oh no, you can keep it.. only if I can keep yours" he smirked. "Uhh, sure. I don't know if it'll fit you though." I laughed.

I thanked Finn's parents for letting me stay and once we were around a block away, I lit a cigarette. "Want one?" I asked Finn. He only stared at me. "Okayyy" Finn was very athletic and didn't like to ruin his body too much. I looked at the time and it read 4:45 PM. "Shit, we gotta hurry!" I realised. I threw away my cigarette and started running. "Race ya!" Finn shouted, running ahead of me. I never ran so fast in my life. As much as I tried, Finn won. He started flexing and brushed at his trainers. "Ha ha your hilarious" I said, sarcastically. "Your only mad because I won" he smiled. "Yes, I am. Anyway, thanks for everything" I smiled at him, he was such a beam of light in my life. "Anytime" he hugged me so tightly then he left. I looked back at Finn then walked into the building where Dr. Lecter waited.

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