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Grace's POV

We had arrived back at the FBIHQ, Jack had kindly given me a uniform that the students wear here. I was sat on the sofa in Jack's office. I had been napping on the sofa from the long events that had occurred. I told Katz everything Mason did and said to me. She instructed me to do a few tasks so she could run tests on them. I was now waiting for the results.

Will walked in with a bottle of water and I sat up, so he could sit next to me. He sat himself Down next to me and handed me a bottle of water.
"Thanks" I said to him. I took a gulp out of the water.
It was just me and Will in the office, it was quiet.
"How do you feel?" Asked Will.
"Like I just had to kill a few men, saved Hannibal from being eaten alive, saved you guys in a chamber, hot wired a car, have someone's brains on my arm, almost be shot in the head" I said to him.
"Understandable, What's Katz trying to find out?" He asked me.
"If I'm pregnant.." I responded quietly. Will put his arm around me and I wrapped my arms around him. I was scared for all the outcomes, i was scared about what people would say and I was scared if would get to the public.
"We're all here for you" Will said while holding me, he felt like a huge teddy bear. Like he was my comfort item.
"It's okay to be scared" he said to me again.I nudged myself closer to him and he held tighter. Katz walked in with a piece of paper. Will let me go and I sat myself up and put all my focus on Katz.
"Will, can I have a minute with her?" Katz asked Will. He stood up and walked out, giving me one last assuring look. Katz walked over and sat down next to me. I looked at her while biting my lip.
"Okay so, there's sorta good news, depending on how you look at it" she said to me, I nervously smiled at her.
"I ran some tests and here it says... you're pregnant, with Hannibal's baby. We sampled some of his DNA since the baby didn't match Mason's DNA, that we took from his house, which is now a crime scene" Katz informed me. It took a moment for me to process what she just said.
"Excuse me"'I said to her. I stood up and walked out to find Hannibal. I found him with Clarice in Will's classroom.
"I swear to god, Hannibal" Clarice said. Hannibal only raised an eyebrow at Clarice. They both turned their heads and saw me walk in.
"Jack give you those clothes?"asked Clarice. I looked down at my uniform and nodded my head.
"Can I talk to Hannibal for a minute?" I asked Clarice, I was looking down at the ground with my arms crossed.
"Everything okay?" Clarice asked me, looking concerned.
"No. No it is not" I looked up off the ground and stared at Hannibal.
"Oh, okay. Can you come find me when you're done?" Clarice put her hand on my shoulder. I nodded my head at her. Clarice smiled at me then walked away. I looked back at Hannibal and he was staring at me with his hands in his coat pockets.
"What did you want to inform me about?" He said. He seemed calm and not disturbed at how serious I was.
"Guess" I simply said, I had my arms crossed at him.
"You seem... angry?"

"Yeah, and scared"

"Why scared?"

I took in a deep breath and stood next to Hannibal, I leaned on the desk and looked down at the floor.
"Katz did some tests for me... I'm pregnant but it's not Mason's" I looked up at him, my arms were still crossed and I can imagine my face was mixed with anger, sadness and worry.
"Is it mine?" He let his hands out his pockets.
"Yeah, Katz told me so. She said she took some of your DNA that you had to give her so don't act surprised" I wiped away a tear that rolled down my cheek.
"I'm surprised because I didn't think it would be mine, I thought it would be a simple malfunction in the tests" he exclaimed. I bit my lip since I didn't want to cry even more.
"Are you keeping it? It is your choice" Hannibal put his hand on my shoulder. I felt my eyes water so I looked away.
"I don't know. I was planning on having kids when I'm fixed. Right now, I'm just a mess. I mean, what the fuck happened yesterday." My voice trembled since I tried to talk and hold back tears, that was beginning to fail. I felt a small stream of tears flow down my face and I quickly brushed them away.
"I'm going to be here for your entire journey, if you keep it or not" he pulled my body to face him. I looked down at the ground to hide my teary face but he lifted my chin up. He analysed my devastated face and wrapped his arms around me. I hugged him back as I sobbed. I was so scared for it all, the delivery, raising the child, being there for the child, trying to keep up with their energy, it's all too much for me.

Hannibal's untold story (Hannibal X Grace)Where stories live. Discover now