(21) Truth sometimes hurts

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Hannibal stared at the mans corpse, he watched him bleed out on the floor and stared at me, looking me up and down, covered in mans blood.
"Did you kill him?" He asked me, while flipping over his body to look at his name tag.
"No. Will saved me" I exclaimed. I looked back to face Will, his arms were crossed and he was staring at Hannibal, who was brushing off the blood from the name tag.
"Dr. Edgar Cross" he said, while standing back up straight.
"You think he's dead?" I asked.
"Probably knocked out somewhere" Said Will, he went to Abigail and began to pull her bed back up to her room. I helped him carry her bed up to her room and Hannibal decided to wait for Jack.

I swiped off the sweat from my forehead and saw that I still had the mans blood on me. Will rolled down his sleeves and viewed at Abigail, peacefully asleep.
"It's so strange" said Will, breaking the silence.
"What is?" I asked.
"You don't seem sad, that a man just died on top of you" he said, glaring back at me. It took me a moment to process what he said.
"Well, it didn't seem convenient to sit on the floor and ball my eyes out. There's too much going on right now" I said, putting my hands on my hips.
"Grace, you saw Franklin's body and you keep having hallucinations. Not to mention, a man nearly killed you almost an hour ago!" Will rubbed at his stubble, worried for my mental being.
"My dad once told me, that you need to be brave at dire moments. And this is a dire moment" I said, in a low but fern tone.
"Grace, it's okay to cry sometimes-" before Will could continue his speech, I interrupted.
"I have shed enough tears this week. I need to find Franklin's murderer and I need to protect Abigail" I bottled my anger because I did not want to fall out with Will.
"So the article is true" said Will, unimpressed by my attitude.
"What part?" I crossed my arms, looking away from him.
"Your not mentally okay, and you feel obliged to look after Abigail after you orphaned her" Will stared at me, expecting a violent response.
"You gotta be fucking kidding." I looked down at the floor in frustration, with my arms still crossed. I bit into my tongue to avoid saying something too harsh.
"It's true, isn't it. Say it!" Demanded Will.
"I don't owe you anything!" I snapped. "In fact, you don't even know me!" I faced Will into the eyes. We were both clearly angry.
"You're right. I don't, it's like you're two different people sometimes. You aren't the same Grace as yesterday, that Grace was caring and this Grace.. is a monster" he spat his words at me.
"You have no idea..." I warned.
"Who's fault is it, this time? Maria? Marcus? Franklin? Freddie? Hannibal?... your dad?" He shrugged his shoulders while naming everyone.
"You're on THIN ice" I warned.
"What happened to him, huh? Did he leave your mum? Did SHE leave him?" Will was treading on breaking ice at this point.
"You don't have the right" I said, holding back my tears. "You have NO clue what I've been through" my throat choked up, it felt like I had barbed wire around my neck.
"I have an idea if this is how you handle it. You don't call your mum, your mum. You call her by her first name. What did she do wrong? What did Finn do wrong, you seemed to have not spoke to him for a while. Oh, what about Marcus, how is he doing? What happens when Abigail wakes up and sees the woman who orphaned her!" He started to shout louder while dragging on his sentence that was a waste of breath.
"You're such an ASS! I raised MYSELF, I am who I am today because of ME! Maria doesn't deserve to be called 'mother' she was an abuser and a drunk! Her boyfriends would always hurt me! Making me as strong as I am today! I had to grow up fast if I wanted to survive! Marcus was a total ass-wipe. He was nothing but a sex craving BASTARD! Felix was the worst person I ever met in my life and he would always get me into trouble, one day he took it too far and he DIED! People around me DIE, Will. Just like Franklin,just like Felix and just like my dad and Abigail needs-" I paused, realising I slipped out the fact that I told him my dad died. He stared in disbelief.
"Grace, I'm so sorry-"
"Just shut up, Will! I thought you was different. I- I mean, that moment we kissed.. it was just.. FUCK!" I screamed, some tears slipped out my barrier and I turned around to sort myself out. Suddenly, I saw Jack open the door and saw me in tears and saw Will angry.
"Am I interrupting?" He asked, feeling awkward.
"No, I was just leaving actually" I stepped out the door and ran to the bathroom.
"Grace, wait!" Shouted Will. Jack shut the door behind himself after entering room 9B. I swung open the bathroom doors and leaned onto a sink. Suddenly, I broke down. The stress I felt and the betrayal I felt was so painful it nearly broke my heart. My crying echoed in the bathroom and I struggled to breathe I cried so much. There was so much I still needed to accept that happened in the past and move on. I needed to also accept that one day everyone will find out about who I truly am. The thought of telling Hannibal about my childhood was terrifying. Although he was my psychiatrist, I felt I had lost trust in him for some odd reason, like he did something wrong to me.

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