(7) the big escape

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The car drive home only consisted of Maria screaming in my ear, lecturing me about me vanishing for the day. When we got to the house, I swung open the door and went inside. I locked my bedroom door and took off (Finn's) hoodie. I checked how much money I saved from my last job, that I was let go from because I was always late. I had £40 saved. The only thoughts I had was 'Go Fuck Yourself Maria'. She never cared about me, this play she had going on, was not fooling anyone. I got a backpack and packed it with clothes. I then, showered. The feeling of water trickle down my back was so soothing. The pain of my stitched hand didn't phase me. I realised how I was feeling. Nothing, I felt nothing. I sat on the floor while the shower was still running. It masked my crying.

I looked at myself in the mirror, I removed the bandages and looked at my hand. I stared at my palm, I noticed it was bleeding again. I got new bandages and bandaged it up again but not as good as Hannibal did it. I wonder if he has any education on physical medical issues instead of mental medical issues. I changed into sweatpants and a comfy shirt. I sat besides my packed bag and wondered if what I was doing is right.
"GRACE DO NOT IGNORE ME! I AM YOUR MOTHER" I heard from downstairs. I decided what I was doing was right.

I put on trainers and climbed out the window with my bag. I ran faster than ever, reminded me of me racing Finn, only that I was faster. I ran until I got lost, almost. Now where could I go? 

It started to rain, I travelled in the dark, alone. Where I lived was very shady and their idea was violence was demonstrated on my dad.
"Hey there, darlin" I heard from behind me. Their voice was croaky and low. I didn't look to see who it was and walked faster. Suddenly, a man popped out from the alleyway I was passing.
"What's the rush?" He was missing some teeth and had holy clothes on. I looked around me and there was loads of men ganging around me. They were either skinny or fat. They all were careless in how they looked.
"Stay away from me!" I screamed. They all just laughed at me.
"Sorry, love" said one, restraining me by holding my two arms. Just before I was going to find out what they wanted from me, Hannibal divided me and the man holding me.
"I ask politely that you leave the girl alone" he said, guarding me.
"What are you gonna do?" Joked One of the men that went close to Hannibal's face. He head butted him and he fell on his ass, with a nose bleed. They all had shock on their face.
"You bastard! Nearly broke my nose!"
Suddenly, they all charged at Hannibal. I closed my eyes and kneeled on the floor, worried I would be hit or punched.
"Get up, girl!" One pulled me by my hair and I screamed. I opened my eyes and saw Hannibal struggling, but winning. I managed to turn around, and I grabbed the mans face and pushed him against a wall. He let loose of my hair and I grabbed a glass bottle shard beside me and stabbed him In the eye. He screamed in agony and pain, shocked at what I just done, Hannibal grabbed my hand (that wasn't sliced) and ran me to his car. I threw myself into the passenger seat and he started reversing out. While he was reversing out, I saw he knocked some guys out, broken some noses, and left some bloody puddles but nobody was killed.
"What're you doing out here?" He said. His hair was all messed up and he had a bloody nose and blood drops on his suit, I don't know if it it's his blood or the guys out in the rain.
"I could ask you the same thing."

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