(26) Destiny Almost

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I woke up, with a crashing headache. It throbbed and almost had a heartbeat to it. After staring at the ground for a few moments, I slowly looked up. My head was too heavy for me to hold in one place so it slowly bobbled side to side. I scanned around the area to see if there was any life in the room with me, the room was dark and dim and I tried to stand up but I realised I was tied to a chair. It was rope on a wooden chair, I gasped in shock and tried to get out, rocking the chair side to side to try and break free since it was only wooden. I fell onto my side and hit my head on the floor. I groaned in pain, it angered my headache and disturbed where I was hit in the back of my head. I tried to wiggle but got startled by a door opening, the only light source came through the door and I saw two people. The light hid their identities and they closed the door behind them. One of them hit the light switch and I could see the room I was in, it was like a storage room since there was piles of rubbish everywhere and broken furniture.
"You're awake" I heard one say, her voice sounded feminine but deep, like she smokes.
"About time" the other person said. His voice was low and Stern. I moaned in pain and I tried to get up, One of them walked towards me and put the chair up right. I frowned my brows as I stared at them. He looked at me close in the face but I still couldn't see this person. I saw him reach his hand out to my face and I tried to move my head away.
"She's busted her lip" he sighed, trying to inspect my injury. I then started to feel the pain of my busted lip, it bled a little but I knew it would bruise. The other one crossed their arms and sighed, they walked over to me and the closer they got to me, the more I began to notice. It was Maria.
"Maria!" I shouted in shock.
"Hey baby, how's your lip?" She leaned in to stroke my cheek but I spat at her in the face. She closed her eyes and reacted in disgust. The other man looked at Maria for a moment then gave me a very hard slap across my cheek and drew blood. I spat it out the floor and looked back, my eyebrows still frowning.
"Maria are you okay?" They asked, going to check on her.
"Yes yes, I'm fine. Sort Grace out, I will go make some soup and clean... myself off" she wiped off my spit and walked out the room. I was left alone with the man I still couldn't identify.

He sighed and pulled out an old stool from the pile of furniture. He brushed off the dust and placed it in front of me. He sat on it and glared at me, I glared back.
"You know who I am?" He asked. I slowly shook my head, but I was more concentrated on trying to find out who this man is, he still had his hoodie up and all I could see was his nose.
"You should do" he snarled, looking like he was going to sneeze but shook it off.
"It would help if you moved your hood away" I suggested. He grinned and obeyed.
"Fine" he said, he slowly removed his hoodie and I stared in shock. It was Marcus. His eyes were blood shot red and his hair wasn't slick back as he used to do it everyday. I tried to squirm out my chair but he put his finger on my lips to keep me quiet.
"Let me go" I demanded, I didn't look away from his eyes and he enjoyed it. I only glared to tell him to let me go.
"Why would I do that?" He smiled, feeling my lips but I showed my teeth and he backed off.
"Because I don't love you" his smile dropped when I said that, it looked like his heart was shattered into a million pieces and all that was left was this dark Empty hole in his chest.
"You had that blonde chick, go get her" I suggested. His face turned to anger and he looked like he swallowed a huge lump.
"It was just a mistake, I was drunk-"
"No. You was the mistake, Marcus. You and I!" I interrupted, I had enough of his pity.
"I've grown up, what we had wasn't special, it was toxic" I explained, he had to look away to wipe away a tear.
"You've met someone new haven't you?" He said, his top lip shivering.
"It's complicated, I have found someone new, but I've been reunited with someone I loved before" I don't know why I was telling him this, I was glad to see him in pain after he kept me captive in his 'love' for so long.
"Who is the person you've met?" He faced me again, interested.
"I won't say, but as complicated as it is right now between us. He is 10x the better man you are" I preached. His hands clamped into fists and he looked away from me.
"He is so much more attractive than you are, he's smarter, more talented and don't even get me started on how he is in be-" he cut me off before I could pierce him in the heart even more.
"STOP!" He stood up in anger and the stool fell backwards. He walked towards a mirror, that was on the wall and smashed it with his fist. The mirror was dirty and looked like it had been on that wall for my entire lifespan.
"Untie me, and I will show you what he taught me" I flirted with him in order for my plan to work, it felt wrong but I needed to escape.
"You lie" he said, holding his hand that was bleeding.
"Fine, leave it as that and never know what I could do to you, in this room, all alone" I smiled at him and he took a moment to think. Just as my plan was going well, Maria walked in with some soup.
"I made soup!" She chanted. Marcus looked back at me, sad she ruined the moment. She placed the stool back onto its legs and put the tray on the floor, and sat on the stool. She picked up some soup and spooned some up on cutlery.
"Open wideeee" she sung, she was never this happy and it startled Me.
"She isn't three" preached Marcus, he crossed his arms in disappointment. Maria dropped the cutlery in the soup and stared at Marcus in astonishment.
"She is my daughter" she argued back. I sat there, interested where this will go. Maria spotted the broken mirror and Marcus' hand.
"Oh my goodness! What happened here? Tell me later, I will go get some bandages!" She ran out the room and Marcus slowly walked to the door and locked it. I gulped. He slowly walked to me and started to untie the rope.
"Can I trust you?" He whispered.
"Course" I whispered back. He untied the rope and left it beside the tray of soup that Maria had left. I stood up, feeling my wrists since the rope was especially tight on there, I smiled knowing i was free.
I still had to act the part what I was 'in love with him' and think of an escape plan. I pushed him onto the wall, beside the broken mirror and he grinned, flirtatiously.
"I thought I would never see you again" he smirked, he tucked my hair behind my ear. This made me want to vomit everywhere, I only wanted to hear Hannibal say and touch me like that. I had to smile and he leaned in to kiss me. Suddenly, there was a bang and a shot downstairs, it made Marcus jump up and I had to think of a plan FAST
glass shards
Locked door
I'm weak - he's strong
He's distracted
I heard a voice inside my head, pleading for me to do it.
"Grab the glass, do it. Grab it, do it. He is going to kill you"
It was like something took over me and I grabbed the glass shard and slit his neck, it all happened so fast and his blood sprayed all over me. He stared in shock and tried to say something but gagged on his blood and fell to the floor. Everything was a blur in the background and I saw someone burst the door open, I stared at him bleed out on the floor and shiver every now and then. I was shaking, staring at the bloody shard in my hand and Marcus.
"Grace? Grace!" Someone was shaking me miraculously and I just stared at Marcus.
"Oh my god, you're covered in his blood!" I heard them say, I looked at my hands and saw how blood filled they were, I dropped the glass shard and looked up to see it was Will. He was shaking me still, chanting my name. Although we fell out, I was so happy to see him. I saw more people run in and then it all went dark

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