(30) Mason Verger

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We slowed the car down since detectives and police officers were walking across the road.
"I recognise this road" I said, glaring out the window. Will adjusted his glasses while viewing the place.
"Well, let's hope you won't know the boy" prayed Jack. They put the brake on the car and we all stepped out. I looked at the house and gasped, it was Finn's home.
"Finn?!" I shouted. I dashed into the house and I heard Will shout out my name and try to catch up to me. I jumped up the stairs, I missed a step and fell but I got up and ran into his bedroom. There was a lot of policemen in the room and I was trying to push past them.
"Grace!" I heard from behind me. Before I could see if it was Finn, Will grabbed me from behind and dragged me away from his bedroom. I shouted and tried to escape his grasp.
"Let me go!" I demanded. Will hit the wall but still held me tight on my stomach. He slowly landed onto the ground and we were both sat on the floor together. I screamed and tried to get up. I realised there was no point in trying and just sat on the floor with him. He then made it feel like a hug instead of a grab. I sighed in defeat and didn't know if I should mourn Finn or not. Jack and Clarice ran up the stairs and saw me and Will on the floor. Clarice sighed at the look of me and Jack went to go see the body.
"Hey.." Clarice said to me, walking to me slowly.
"I had to stop her in case it is someone she knows" said Will, who still held me tight, our bodies so close together I could feel his muscle.
"I think she knows everyone in this house, so it would be best to take her somewhere else. I don't know what we was thinking." Informed Clarice. I just crossed my arms at them all.
"I am here" I grunted. A hair strand fell in front of my face and Will tucked it behind my ear. Clarice got to her knees to look at me in the eye.
"Where do you want us to take you?" She asked.
"...I don't know" I had no home and I didn't want to intrude Hannibal.
"Would you like to go home with me?" Asked Will.
"I want to stay HERE. I want to find the ass who killed whoever!" I went into a paddy again. Clarice got up and walked off, dialling someone. I kicked and shouted again, Will gripped onto me again.
"Let's get some fresh air" recommended Will. He practically had to pick me up and carry me down the steps. Detectives watched me kick and paddy while leaving the house, in Will's arms. Clarice was walking back to me, putting her phone away.
"Katz said she could babysit her" she said. I gasped at her.
"Babysit!" I repeated. Clarice put her hands on her hips and looked me up and down. I did realise I was being childish. I stood up so Will didn't have to carry me anymore and I brushed off my outfit and cleared my throat. Jack walked out the house and was walking too fast.
"Jack?" Clarice said, a little concerned.
"The stab wounds, were like antlers. They matched the bodies we found last month" Jack sighed. I raised a brow, confused.
"This killer has a pet or a.. suit, he wears that have antlers. They killed a couple last week" Will informed me. I nodded my head slowly, understanding what's happening.
"Get grace back to the head quarter" Jack ordered. I tried to defend myself but Will put his hand on my shoulder and slowly shook his head. I sighed and dragged my legs to the car. I sat in the passenger seat and Will got into the drivers, I noticed Clarice wasn't in the car. I rolled down my window, to communicate.
"You're not coming?" I shouted. Clarice looked behind her shoulder and jogged over to the car, she put her two arms on the car door while she talked.
"I think I should stay here and evaluate what's gone on. We will update you and Grace, I'm sure it isn't your friend" she assured me.
"I'm glad you're going to update me but you can't tell me if it's Finn or not." I said. I was so sick of people assuring me about something when they don't even it know themselves. I said bye and rolled up my window. Clarice watched the car reverse out and leave, waving. We drove back to the FBIHQ and I decided to go through the files behind Jacks back.
"Are you going to tell Hannibal" I asked, Will. He looked at me for a moment before facing the road again.
"Tell him what?" He asked.
"About my tantrum... and Finn" I told him
"Do you not want me to?" He wondered.
"I don't want him to worry even more. My... hallucinations are getting worse and Hannibal is getting more concerned" I explained.
"I am too, Grace" Will spoke, loud but soft. I sighed, feeling ashamed I'm worrying those around me.
"I'm... sorry" I apologised. Ever since I had joined the FBI, I had only killed which was not the point of it all.
"There's nothing to be sorry about, even my class would agree that everything you have done is justified" he assured me, changing gear.
"So us kissing was a good idea?" I looked up at him to see his face, his cheeks blushed at comment and put the brakes on the car, since we had arrived. We both didn't leave the car, we just looked at each other.
"We're both not well..." he said, leaning close to me.
"I can see that..." I responded, whispered almost. I saw him lean closer to my lips but I backed away.
"I'm sorry, Will... I need to focus on myself" he leaned back and cleared his throat.
"I understand, I do too..." he stepped out the car and shut the door. He put his hands in his pockets and walked into the building. I was about to follow him but I got a notification on my phone. It was Freddie Lounds. I rolled my eyes, but intrigued what else she had to say about me.

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