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Meanwhile as Dragoon begins to approach the outskirts of Spiral Peak, he can't help but think about the sword that farmer had given him earlier one when he was leaving the village, so he has a quick look around, seeing nothing but desert and a slightly raised hill with a few rocks atop of it, he decides to make camp there as it begins to get dark, he knew it wouldn't be safe to travel through orc territory during the night.

Once he manages to set up a small fire atop of the hill next to the rocks, he sits down next to the fire and pulls out the sword with the dragon etchings on the sheath, mesmerized by the patterns on the sheath alone, he slowly pulls the sword out from the sheath noticing the sword was no ordinary sword straight away, as the steel is glowing a light orange color emitting heat from within the blade, he had never seen a blade like this in his life nor had he ever heard of a blade like it either.

Distracted by the glowing blade within his hands, not realizing something creeping up on in within the darkness of the night. Snap! The sound of twig being snapped came from behind Dragoon. Dragoon quickly stands up and spins around as he holds the glowing sword with both hands, as he stands there holding the sword, the glow and heat emitting from the sword begins to intensify, lighting the area up around him, making a tall bird like creature visible in the shadows in front of Dragoon.

Dragoon points the sword closer to the bird like figure standing in the shadows, illuminating the figure. Upon seeing the tall bird like figure with wings covering its head, Dragoon mutters "A Robin" with a confused expression on his face. Then shouts, "Stay back!" as the Robins wings begin to move.

As the Robin moves its wings from its face making it clearer to see its long sharp black beak and the claws at the end of his wings, "hmm an adventurer out this late at night in this dangerous place" the robin whispers. "I said stay back" says Dragoon fiercely as he raises his sword higher, the glow and heat intensify even more as he grips the swords hilt tighter.

The Robin's eyes begin widening at the sight of the sword "Dragon breath, you aren't a normal adventurer after all, wielding that sword" the Robin says as he smirks. Dragoon sensing that the Robin is preparing to attack, swiftly swings his sword in the direction of the Robin, releasing an intense flame from the sword hurling towards the robin. The Robin quickly raises his wings to protect his body and face from being burnt, still burning his wings in the process "arghhhhh" the Robin cringes in pain.

Once the flames begin to disperse, the Robin sees his feathers on his wings singed from the flames, gives Dragoon a devilish look then takes off into the sky, flying in a very odd pattern due to his damaged wings.

As Dragoon sees the Robin fly off into the distance, he glances at the sword in his hands, realizing the power this new sword he has retrieved, "Dragon breath huh" he mutters as he slowly puts the sword back into its sheath. As he did the glow and heat emitting from the sword suddenly disappeared.

Now not being able to get any rest in a worry that something come out from the night and attack him again, Dragoon begins to plan his strategy of attack to retrieve the farmer's son and possibly Drake. Now knowing the power of the new sword, he knows it will come in handy, in the attack on the orc camp.

Dragoon spends the rest of the night preparing for the assault on the orc camp the next morning.