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Drake and Dragoon both on the brink of death. Drake slowly turns his head to see what had let out that insanely loud roar, seeing what looks like an insanely large Dragon looking down at him. "Drake of Heraldia, we have an offer for you, but know if you accept this, your life will never be the same" a voice echoed inside Drake's head. "What? Who are you? Why are you in my head?" Drake said in a tiresome voice.

The Dragon slowly leans his head down further towards Drake revealing its crystal blue scales. Drake's eyes instantly widen "Yorshimiree, your Yorshimiree" Drake says as he clenches his stomach in pain. "Yes, I go by that name, what do you say to our offer?" the voiced echoes again inside Drake's head.

Drake turns his head to look at Dragoon lying on the ground motionless "What will happen to my brother?" Drake asked politely. The Dragon snorts as smoke leaves his nostrils towards Drake. "He will die" Yorshimiree's voice says bluntly.

Tears start swelling up in Drake's eyes "Then no, I don't accept your offer" Drake cries. "You realize you will also die here if you don't accept" Yorshimiree's voice responds as he pulls his head back away from Drake.

"I don't care, I'm not going to go on living without him" Drake cries out as his breathing got heavier and heavier, he knew he was going to die shortly. "Wouldn't your brother want you to go on living if you could" Yorshimiree's voice says. "I said I don't care, I'm not going to continue living without him, I won't" Drake shouts at Yorshimiree.

"If we revive him as well, will you accept?" Yorshimiree's voice asked. Drake quickly turns back towards Yorshimiree. "Absolutely, will you do that?" Drake asks, excited that him and Dragoon possibly will not die here today.

"We will, but know this, if we revive Dragoon as well, you will face even greater hardship in the future due to this decision, do you still want us to revive him knowing this?" Yorshimiree's voice explains.

"I don't care what hardship my brother and I go through; we will go through it together" Drake responds quickly. Yorshimiree snorts smoke out of his nostrils once again "So be it" Yorshimiree's voice says softly.

Yorshimiree then turns around towards the giant statues and whips his tail into the statue of him revealing several orbs as the statue starts to crash down to the ground. Yorshimiree then leans against the half-broken statue and starts to emit a large bright glow, filling the orbs with some sort of essence.

Once two of the orbs were full, Yorshimiree gripped both of them with his teeth and slowly carried them over towards Drake and slowly set one down, then carried the other one over to Dragoon, who was still laying by the door motionless with a spear protruding from his chest. "Crush it" Yorshimiree's voice says to Drake.

Drake slowly grasps the orb next to him gripping it tightly in his hands, as he watches Yorshimiree gently step onto the orb next to Dragoon. Drake glances at Dragoon "I'll see you again soon brother" Drake mutters to himself as he crushes the orb against his chest, whilst Yorshimiree crushes the orb with his foot. Releasing a glowing essence into the air around them, Drake watches the essence gliding through the air, as he does so, he glances over at Dragoon to see the essence near him entering his body, Dragoon's body begins to shake around frantically, Drake's eyes widened as he watches his brothers body fling around like a ragdoll.

Drake begins to panic but is unable to move due to his wounds, all he can do is watch the floating essence enter his body. Only moments after, Drake's wounds began to heal right before his eyes. Drake was astonished, suddenly his body begins reacting strangely, he begins to burn up inside getting hotter and hotter until he begins to lose consciousness slowly falling to ground as he looks up at Yorshimiree slowly walking towards him, he passes out.