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About half an hour later Drake and Dragoon arrives at the man's house that Ashta had told them about, not seeing anyone in sight, Dragoon decided to have a quick look around the outside of the house to see if anyone was home. Unfortunately Dragoon couldn't find any sight of anyone, all he could see was a couple of ruined pillars out the back that Ashta had spoken of and a small garden crop but it didn't look like anyone had planted or even cleaned out the garden in years.

Dragoon annoyed as no one was around here and it did not look as though anyone had been there for years. "let's take a rest here for a while, it looks as though there might be a small storm coming" Dragoon said to Drake as he looked at some storm clouds building in the not too far distance.

Drake not so much annoyed as Dragoon was but disappointed about not being able to find out more about the origins of the swords that they now possessed just agreed as he gazed off into the distance. "We should try and get inside, if we are going to wait out the storm here" Drake suggested.

Dragoon quickly removes his sword from its sheath then slices right through the door of the house, "Found a way in" Dragoon says cheekily as he looks back at Drake with a smirk on his face. Drake shakes his head and follows Dragoon into the house.

As they had enter the house they can tell straight away no one has lived there for a very long time, as everything inside the house was covered in cob webs, from the bed at one end of the room, to the wooden bench by the door.

Dragoon begins to get frustrated that Ashta lied to them about the man who could give them answers about the new powerful swords living here. Dragoon starts throwing some of the old wooden furniture around the place as he made his way to the cobweb infested table and chairs to sit down and relax.

Drake goes to sit and relax at the table as well, slowly making his way through the house trying to avoid touching as many cobwebs as he can on the way. Once Drake reaches the table, Dragoon shoots back up and makes his way towards the bed, "I am going to have a short nap, let me know when the storm passes." Dragoon mutters.

"Fine" Drake sighs as he rolls his eyes annoyed with the way Dragoon has been treating the house, not knowing who it belongs to. Once Dragoon had slightly nodded off to sleep on the bed, Drake begins looking out some of the windows to see how far off this storm was. As he does, he sees a large bolt of lightning strike the ground not far from the house. Once the smoke caused by the lightning strike cleared, Drake sees a man emerge heading straight towards the small house that they have broken into.

Drake begins to panic and jams the broken door shut by wedging one of the wooden chairs by the table under the front door's door handle. The door begins to shake "WHO'S IN MY HOUSE" the man from outside begins shouting as he pulls on the door handle. Drake panicking quickly runs behind the bed and shakes Dragoon so he would wake up. "What is the storm over already" Dragoon says drowsily with his eyes only slightly a jar.

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE" the man behind the door yells as he keeps bashing on the door. Instantly Dragoon shoots up from the bed. "Fuck, I didn't think anyone lived here" Dragoon says as he shakes his head from side to side slowly. "We have to let him in" Dragoon says as he turns to Drake. "What!? What if he kills us?" Drake asks with nothing but shock on his face. "It is his house; we can't continue to hide from him" Dragoon explains as he slowly makes his way to the door.

As Dragoon takes his third step an extremely loud crackle of thunder sounds, then the front door swings open with immense force throwing the wooden chair into the wall across from the door. Drake and Dragoon look at the dark figure in the doorway, as lightning crashes against the ground not far behind him.

The figure walks through the door slowly revealing himself from the shadows, only for Drake and Dragoon to see a middle-aged man, not very built and not to tall. "Bahahaha you were scared of this man Drake" Dragoon begins laughing as he points at the man who has just walked into the house.

The man's face expression was fierce, he slowly raises his hand. Drake watching the man carefully, seeing sparks slowly begin emitting from his hand, then a large wave of lightning storms through the door behind the middle-aged man heading straight for Dragoon. Dragoon's eyes widen in shock as the wave of lightning picks him up and presses him hard against the wall.

Drake swiftly pulls out his sword and holds it firmly in front of him with both hands, the sword begins emitting its green glow like it did in the mines. The man standing in the doorway pauses for a second as he looks at Drake's sword. Noticing the sword, he begins examining Dragoon and sees Dragon breath's hilt protruding from the side of Dragoon's waist. "Who are you two?" the man asks as he lowers his hand. Once the man's hand is back at his side the lightning holding Dragoon against the wall disperses and Dragoon falls to the floor.

Drake still holding his sword towards the man "I'm Drake and that's my older brother Dragoon" Drake hesitantly stutters. The man begins scratching his head as he glares at both Drake and Dragoon who has just gotten to his feet.

"What the hell was that?" Dragoon says to the man standing in front of the door. The man does not even acknowledge what Dragoon said and begins mumbling to himself as he looks up at the ceiling. "HEY, ARE YOU GOING TO ANSWER ME?" Dragoon shouts as he was getting irritated. "Watch your tone with me boy" the man says as he looks fiercely at Dragoon. Dragoon was about to shout at him again until Drake grabs his arm from behind, shaking his head at him as if signaling not to provoke this man.

The man standing by thedoorway then looks back at both Drake and Dragoon with his expression on hisface slowly changing to a smile "We have a lot to talk about it seems, I am Intra"the man says politely as the door behind him slowly closes by itself.