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Drake begins to slowly wake up to the sound of screams and laughter, as he slowly opens his eyes Drake finds himself bound by ropes in what looks like some underground tomb. Drake began frantically looking around to see where the screaming was coming from, as he saw Dragoon lying on the ground with goblins laughing around him jumping at Dragoon continuously stabbing him over and over with their rusty little daggers.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM" Drake screamed as tears rushed down his face. Drake's scream instantly caught the attention of the goblins "Ohhh, this one's awake now hehehe" one of the goblins chuckled as he walks over towards Drake, twirling his dagger in his hands.

Once the goblin reaches Drake, he begins chuckling constantly, swiftly jabbing his dagger into Drake's leg with a cheeky smile on his face. "ARRGGHH WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM US?" Drake cries out in pain. All the goblins in the area just burst out in laughter "You are going to die" the goblin standing in front of Drake chuckles as he drives his dagger into Drake's other leg.

Crying out in pain, Drake glances over at Dragoon lying on the ground looking like he was barely conscious, the goblins around him still stabbing and slicing away at Dragoon's flesh. Drake was their only way of escaping this situation, he quickly glances around the room looking for a way to escape, seeing a doorway not far off in the distance.

Drake then grips the rope binding his hands as he quickly jumps himself forward headbutting the goblin in front of him. The goblin stumbles back, glances at Drake with an extremely angry expression, as he jumps at Drake, the goblins dagger heading straight towards Drake's stomach.

Drake quickly drops to his side, so the dagger would hit the ropes binding his hands, setting him free. As the goblin is not paying attention to where he is directing the dagger, he quickly drives the dagger into Drake's stomach laughing in the process after it entered Drake's skin.

Holding in the pain of the wound, Drake clenched the rope that was no longer tied around him and quickly wrapped it around the goblins neck, pulling it as hard as he could, snapping the goblins neck. He quickly grabs and rips out the dagger that the goblin had pierced into his stomach, then rushes over to the goblins attacking Dragoon waving the dagger around frantically.

The goblins glance over to their dead comrade and growl at Drake as they run out of the room. Drake sighed with relief as they leave the room, Drake knew if he had to fight the rest of the goblin's he would more than likely not survive.

Drake quickly spins around "Dragoon are you alright?" Drake cried as he kneels next to Dragoon who was lying in a pool of his own blood. Drake went over all the cuts and wounds that Dragoon has, seeing that most of them were quite deep. "Why did we have to camp out in the open, I told you this would happen" Drake cries as he punches Dragoon gently.

"We have to get out of here, you're not dying on me today" Drake says with tears rushing down his face as he pulls Dragoon up onto his shoulder and begins slowly walking towards the doorway opposite to the one the goblins ran out of.

As Drake continues down the corridor after exiting the room they were trapped in, Drake begins to struggle more and more as he walks along with Dragoon on his shoulder. Both were losing a lot of blood as it drips onto the sandy ground as they walk along.

Drake stopped in the middle of an intersection in the corridor not knowing which way to go, he tries getting a feel for a breeze, not being able to feel anything "Fuck, fuck, fuck, your usually the one that gets us out of these situations Dragoon" Drake was beginning to panic, as he hears goblins scuffling around some of the corridors closing in on them.

With a quick burst of adrenaline, Drake rushes down the corridor to the right following it to a T intersection, then quickly turning right again, leading to another T intersection and turning left, rushing down the corridor as fast as he could only to come to a stop at an insanely large underground shrine room with three giant statues in the center of the room, all three of the statues seemed to have resembles three of the Divine beasts, then it clicked, they were in Yorshimiree shrine. Drake froze in amazement, setting Dragoon down by the doorway as he goes to get a closer look, only to have something sharp launch straight into his back.

Drake slowly spun around as he was falling to the ground, seeing a goblin readying his bow, launching another arrow into Drake's chest. Drake could not do anything at all but cry, as he seen Dragoon motionless by the doorway getting a spear pierced through his chest by one of the goblins.

Drake looks up and goesto let out a loud cry knowing that both he and Dragoon were going to die today,only for his loud cry to be covered by an extremely loud roar, scaring all thegoblins out of the area completely.