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On a fine sunny day at Heraldic Castles market, both Dragoon and Drake are wandering through the market to gather more information about the newly found ruins that everyone has been talking about for the past couple days, everyone who knows about the ruins is eager to know what lies inside but no one is brave enough to explore them.

"Big brother come have a look at this" says Drake excitedly as he points at a dusty old grappling hook at one of the stalls. A large figure with long wavey hair, in strong crimson red armor shining brightly in the sun starts walking towards Drake. "Drake we don't need the dusty old hook, we're here to gather more information about these ruins, not to buy pointless junk" replies Dragoon in a crisp tone. Drake stands by the stall looking back at Dragoon disappointed. "Fine, lets gather more intel on where these ruins are" sighs Drake in a disheartened tone.

As both brothers gather intel throughout the market, chatting to a couple other adventurers and looking at wavers posted on the news board at the center of the market. Drake can't stop thinking about the grappling hook he had seen earlier on, due to his love for old artifacts he feels as though he needs to have it even though it was just a rusty old grappling hook, that would probably break if either him or his older brother try to use it on any of the future adventures. So, he strolls back to the stall where he had seen it earlier on. As he approaches the stall, he can still see it sitting there on the table the rusty chips hanging off it, as he was looking at it, a shady looking person in a dark cloak walks over to the stall, also looking at the grappling hook. Drake quickly rushes over to the stall and grabs the grappling hook. As he does so, a scaley hand with sharp claws emerges from the shady persons sleeve and reaches for it, grabbing it on the opposite end.

Drake stares at the hand on the other end of the grappling hook and gasps "A Slytherien?? In Heraldic Castle" The people and humanoids around the stall quickly turn around after hearing there was a Slytherien in the area. Slytherien's aren't particularly liked within Heraldia due to the amount of reports from adventurers or travelers entering the Slytherien Mountain's and getting attacked, captured or even killed, just for going into their land and to have one in the heart of the humans/humanoid's territory was profound. Everyone in the area, shocked by the scene as they stare in disgust, loathing at the sight of him, some even ready their weapons, preparing to drive it out of Heraldia.

As the people in the area around them watch on, the Slytherien swiftly pulls his scaley hand back behind his cloak. "Young man, could I pleassse purchassse that grappling hook in your handssss" a voice hisses from beneath the cloak. Drake and the stall keeper both stare in a disdainful daze. Unsure as to what to say "ummm, I guess it's up to the stall keeper" mutters Drake hesitantly. The stall keeper quickly snatches the grappling hook out of Drake's hands and yells "Both of you get away from my stall, please" Drake continues to stand there not sure what to do. They have had run in's with Slytherien's in the past, none of which have ended well.

As the commotion continues, none of the bystanders nor Drake or the Slytherien notice a Royal Paladin approaching them from behind them. "Please Mr. stall keeper can I please purchase the grappling hook from you" hopingly asks Drake. "NO, get away, you and your lizard friend" the stall keeper shrieks. None of them noticing the Royal Paladin approaching the scene from behind them, the commotion between the three of them continues to build.

Meanwhile Dragoon chats to some adventurers by the news board to gather intel about the ruins, he glances over towards the commotion seeing Drake and a cloaked figure arguing with a stall keeper about the rusty old grappling hook, also seeing the Royal Paladin approaching them from behind. "That bloody grappling hook again, will you excuse me" Dragoon sighs disappointedly, as rushes over to the scene. As Dragoon gets to them so does the Royal Paladin. Drake turns around to see a large figure in bright green and silver armor. "A royal paladin" Drake gasps in shock. "What seems to be the problem here?" the Royal Paladin asks in serious tone. As he speaks, Dragoon quickly stands in front of the Royal Paladin, both relatively around the same height. "Nothing sir, me and my little brother here were just gathering some intel about the new ruins discovered" says Dragoon as Drake conceals himself behind him. The Royal Paladin grunts disdainfully as he tries to peer around Dragoon, Dragoon creeps over keeping Drake hidden.

As Dragoon distracts the Royal Paladin, the Slytherien quickly snatches the grappling hook from the stall keeper and proceeds to run through the market to get away. The stall keeper screams in shock "STOP that lizard" The Royal Paladin quickly shoves Dragoon out of the way with a strong forceful push, turning as he glares at Dragoon. "You two wait here I'll deal with you in second" he snarls aggressively. Then chases after the Slytherien through the market.

Dragoon glares at Drake disappointed, as the Royal Paladin charges off into the distance. Drake looks up at Dragoon with a worrisome smile on his face "A Slytherien in Heraldic Castle, whoever though that would happen" he chuckles lightly, as he tries to lighten the mood. Dragoon continues staring at him angrily. "I can't leave you alone for two seconds without you getting into trouble can I" Dragoon huffs in anger. Drake looks down at the ground knowing he has messed up, all because he wanted that good for nothing grappling hook. "I'm sorry big brother, I'll try not to do it again" Drake says apologetically as he continues staring at the ground. Dragoon takes a quick look around still seeing the bystanders watching them "come on, let's get out of here before the Royal Paladin gets back, I've already gathered enough information as to where these new ruins are" Dragoon sighs in relief, as he puts his hand on Drake's shoulder. Drake glances up at Dragoon in excitement as he hears that they will be heading off to the ruins soon. "Alright let's head off right away then" Drake says as he smiles with joy.

They then begin walking hastily out of the market, making sure not to go in the direction that the Royal Paladin had gone. As the bystanders watch them leave, they begin to lose interest, going back to rummaging through the stalls. Dragoon walks ahead of Drake, to shield him from sight as much as possible until they get outside the gates of Heraldic Castle. As soon as Dragoon and Drake both get out the gates, they pause as they sigh with relief, that they did not bump into the Royal Paladin again.

"So how far are these new ruins" asks Drake excitedly, as they continue down the main road out away from the city. Dragoon grins "They're pretty far away brother, we're in for one hell of journey, but first we have to get you some armor, enough of this walking around in rags all the time, people are starting to think you're a peasant" he chuckles. Drake looks down at his clothes seeing all the tears and stains on them "I like my clothes though; they remind me of all the adventures we've had over the years" Drake sighs in dismay. Dragoon glances at Drake as if to say really. Drake begins to think that this journey might be dangerous after all the rumors they have heard about the ruins. He glances back at his clothes once more "I guess, it would be helpful for both of us to wear armor then" he agrees.

Dragoon smiles and turns in the direction theywere walking "It's off to Desteria Village then, hopefully we can pick you upsomething nice" Dragoon says as they continue walking.