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Both Drake and Dragoon feel relieved that they have finally made it to Desteria after all that has happened on their journey so far, although this was only part of the journey, they are still yet to explore the newly found ruins at the top of the deserted plains.

Once they have made it into Desteria, walking through the large gateway carved out of the sandstone walls surrounding the village. "We need to look for a blacksmith to take a look at these swords and get you some armor" Dragoon says in and exhausted tone. "I think we need some rest first don't you, and you need someone to look at those cuts on your hands" Drake yawns with a tiresome expression on his face. Dragoon looks down at the cuts in his hands seeing the blood slightly dripping out of them, "I will just wrap them, they aren't that bad" Dragoon says as his body begins to ache.

They begin walking through Desteria looking for and inn so that they can get some rest, conveniently as they spotted the inn that had also spotted the blacksmith right next door. "Maybe we could quickly pop into the blacksmiths before we head to the inn then" Dragoon suggests as he walks to the entrance of the blacksmith shop. Drake follows slowly looking down at his mysterious green sword that he has obtained.

As they walk through the doors to the blacksmith "Welcome to Ashton's Anvil" they hear someone say from further inside the store. Drake begins walking towards the large stone bench at the end of the store, whilst Dragoon is distracted by the shiny pieces of armor scattered all over the walls. "This is some damn fine armor" Dragoon says to himself as he admires the wall of armor.

"Why thank you kind sir" Says the same voice from earlier overhearing what Dragoon had said. Dragoon turns his attention in the direction of the voice only to see Drake standing by the stone bench at the end of the store.

Then up pops a strange looking head from behind the stone bench, with small, curled horns atop his head "Welcome to my store" He chuckles. "You're a satyr" Drake says as he stares at him strangely. The satyr's face quickly turns sour "Is that a problem?" he asks in and annoyed tone. Dragoon quickly steps forward "No, no, no, it's not an issue at all" Dragoon says with a smile on his face as he nudges Drake in the ribs. "Ohhh, I meant no ill will by my comment Mr. Satyr, it's just it is rare to see satyrs anymore these days" Drake quickly follows with after being nudged by Dragoon. "Hmmmm, what can I do you for?" The satyr asks as his expression goes back to a large grin.

"Where here to get our swords examined and to get this one here some armor" Dragoon says as leans onto Drake's shoulder and smiles. "Please call me Ashta, may I see these swords you speak of" says the satyr as he looks at the swords hanging around both Drake and Dragoon's waists.

As soon as both Drake and Dragoon begin pulling their swords out from the sheaths on their waists, instantly Ashta's eyes light up in surprise. "Those are two of the Divine swords" Ashta says as his jaw drops in amazement. "Divine swords" Both Drake and Dragoon say in confusion. "These swords are legends, Dragon breath the sword forged in the depths of the volcano's in Kragmor said to contain the blazing fires of a dragon's scorching breath and Green Mist the sword made from an enchanted green crystal said to contain the intense gusts and frost of a blizzard, both swords originate from the tales of the first five Divine beings" Ashta explains as both Drake and Dragoon continue to stare down at their swords in amazement.

"Seems like you two were chosen for something" Ashta says as he waves his finger at them both. "Chosen for something?" Drake says as he raises his head looking back at Ashta. "This is the first time I have ever seen any of the five divine swords from the legend, it is said that the swords themselves choose who can wield them" Ashta continues as he begins jumping around excitedly.

Both Drake and Dragoon cannot believe what they are hearing, the two new swords that they have stumbled across are two of the divine swords said to be once wielded by the original Divine beings, which are basically gods.

"There is a man who lives just outside of Desteria who could tell you more about the origin of these swords" says Ashta. Dragoon quickly steps closer to the stone bench in front of Ashta, slamming his hands down onto the bench. "Tell me where he lives now" Dragoon demands excitedly. "Easy, easy I was going to tell you anyway, he lives just outside the northern gate, you'll see a small house near some large pillars" Ashta says as he raises his hands in the air slightly. Dragoon excitedly runs out the store. "I'm sorry about that" Drake says quickly before he chases Dragoon out of the store.

"DRAGOON STOP" Drake yells out to Dragoon, as he follows him out of the store. Dragoon stops in his tracks and turns back to look at Drake. "What?" Dragoon says with an irritated look on his face. "Don't you think it would be better for us to get some rest, then go to see this man tomorrow?" Drake explains.

Dragoon stops to think for a second "I guess it can wait" Dragoon sighs disappointed. Both Dragoon and Drake then proceed to head into the inn to get some rest. "Welcome to Scavengers inn, where everything is cheap" a young red-haired woman says from behind a small desk. "Can we have one room with two beds thank you" Drake says as he walks towards the desk, Dragoon looks around the room full of all different adventurers, humans, elves, stonemen but one of them in particular looks familiar sitting in the far corner of the room at a small table was a Slytherien in a hooded cloak. Dragoon watches him carefully as he is scanning the room.

"FIFTEEN SILVER PIECES,I THOUGHT YOU SAID EVERYTHING WAS CHEAP HERE" Drake shouts suddenly. Dragoonquickly turns to see what all the commotion is about, to see Drake arguingabout the cost of the room with the young red-headed women. "Your causing ascene here Drake" Dragoon says as he walks over to him. Dragoon lent over thedesk slightly "We'll take it" Dragoon says as he smiles flirtatiously at theyoung red-headed women. She blushes and nervously hands the keys to the room toDragoon. Shortly after, Drake and Dragoon both head up the stairs to their roomand to get some rest.