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Drake and Dragoon still standing inside the house confused as to what had made the man suddenly change his attitude towards them "Please sit, as I said we have a lot to talk about" Intra says as he waves his hand in the air. The chairs at the table suddenly move out from under the table slightly.

Drake and Dragoon both still confused but astonished by the power that the man has, agreed then sit down on the chairs. Intra slowly sits down opposite them "So let's get to business, you're here about your swords yes" Intra says. "How did you know" Drake replies as both his and Dragoon's confusion increases. How does Intra know what they were here for, did Ashta tell him, they were both asking themselves in their heads. "Sir, how did you know we were here because of our swords" Drake asks politely.

Intra looks at Drake "because of this" Intra says as he lifts a sapphire looking sword up and places it on the table. Both Drake and Dragoon instantly notice the engravings on the sword were remarkably like the ones that they wield.

"This is Storm blade, now pull your swords out and place them on the table?" Intra asks. Drake and Dragoon without hesitation pull their swords out and quickly place them onto the table next to Intra's sword. "Ahhh Green mist and Dragon breath these were once my brother's swords a long, long time ago" Intra explains as he glances at Drake and Dragoon's swords.

"Your brothers?" Drake says with a confused expression on his face. "People are allowed to have brothers other than us you idiot" Dragoon butts in trying to make a joke, yet Drake nor Intra laugh at all. "Yes, I had 5 brothers all of us imbedded part of our powers into sacred objects, then had them crafted into swords" Intra explains. "So how did you and your brothers get these powers?" Dragoon asks curiously with an intrigued expression on his face.

Intra then begins telling a story "To tell you that I have to start from the beginning, around 1000 years ago, the Divine beasts weren't as hidden away as they are now. They used to run rampart across all corners of the land, except for a few. The ones that did not seek death and destruction to all the races fought against them to try and save as many as they could. Me and my brothers were just young men back then."

"What so you and your brothers are immortal?" Dragoon quickly interrupts Intra as Dragoon raises in his chair. "In a sense, yes" Intra replies. Dragoon is about to bombard Intra with questions, Drake quickly grabs Dragoon's arm and pulls him back down onto his chair. Dragoon then knew he must be quiet.

"Anyways going on with the story, my brothers and I, were all in our village not far off the harsh land of Kragmor, when the village was attacked by the divine beast Feirstone, he had destroyed almost all of our village when Yorshimiree and Leviation appeared from the sky, then my brothers and I, could only sit and watch the 3 divine beasts engage in battle, it was a tremendous sight to behold. By the end of the battle, Feirstone had fled back to his volcano in Kragmor, whereas Yorshimiree and Leviation were about to leave when one of my brothers Phoenix decided to start hurling stones at Yorshimiree. Yorshimiree quickly turned to look down on us all, as if he was peering into our souls, he let out a huge roar into the sky, then an immense blinding light beamed down onto my brothers and me. A few days later we woke up in a shrine not too far from here and we all gradually seemed to have obtained powers over the next couple of days. Once we were at our full power, we all made an oath to seal all the divine beasts away, eventually word got around about the six warriors fighting the divine beasts, Yorshimiree, Leviation and Storm Grey joined forces with us to put the rest of them into a deep slumber. Once we had achieved our mission, everyone across the land started calling us the divine beings, who were entrusted with the power of the divine beasts" Intra holds his head high as he finishes telling his story.

Both Drake and Dragoon astonished by the tale, staring at Intra with their eyes wide open. "So where are your brothers now?" Drake asks out of curiosity. As soon as Drake asks the question Intra's face expression changes drastically from looking as if he was enjoying reminiscing about his past to suddenly dreading the thoughts running through his mind.

"Two of my brothers Cloud and Aeon are dead, the other three Phoenix, Druss and Codrin they are locked away in the shadows, never to return here or anywhere else for that matter" Intra explains with depressing expression on his face.

"Shadows?" both Drake and Dragoon shocked after hearing that five of the six most powerful humans that ever existed were either dead or locked away. "Enough questions aren't you two going to head off to explore those ruins everyone is speaking about" Intra says implying for them to leave. Drake and Dragoon both stand up at the same time and grab their swords off the table then slowly put them back in their sheaths as they make their way to the door of the house. As Dragoon pulls the door open and begins to walk out "Now you two take care of those swords, they chose you two for a reason" Intra says with smile on his face as he watches them leave.

Just before Drake wasthrough the door completely, he glances back over to Intra to see him wink athim with a smirk on his face. As soon as they got outside of the house Dragoonbegins walking hastily away from the house before he even speaks to Drake.