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Drake suddenly awoke, raising his body slowly to see he was in what looked like Intra's house.

"So, you've finally decided to wake up" Intra says as he stands near the front door, Drake rubs his eyes to get a clearer look around trying to find Dragoon, "Dragoon, where is he?" Drake asks in a panic. "He's outside, he's been awake for the last day or so, I see you found your way to Yorshimiree's shrine" Intra chuckles slightly.

"Wait what do you mean a day or so?" Drake asks in confusion. "You two were unconscious when I found you out the front of the shrine, you're lucky I did and not those pesky goblins that hang around there" Intra explains.

Drake got out of the bed holding his head, as he has a pounding headache. Drake slowly makes his way to the nearest window to see Dragoon out the front of Intra's house, throwing rocks as he stares off into the distance. Drake then looks down at his feet and closes his eyes trying to picture in his head the last thing he could remember, but his mind was blank.

"Don't worry your memories will return in a couple of days and your headache will dissipate" Intra says to Drake in a serious tone, Drake looks over at Intra in confusion, "How do you know so much?" Drake asks "Because I know what you and your brother are, one of you made a pact with Yorshimiree" Intra replies with a serious look on his face.

"Pact, Yorshimiree, what are you talking about?" Drake mutters "As I said your memories will return in a couple of days then you will know, I suggest you go speak to your brother as he already remembers parts of what happened" Intra says as he points at the door.

Drake slowly makes his way outside, only to see Dragoon looking at him briefly but fiercely, Dragoon then turns back, looking into the distance. "Why did you do it?" Dragoon asks, Drake could tell Dragoon was annoyed by the sound of his tone, so he kept his distance slightly. "Why did I do what?" Drake asks standing there confused. Dragoon looks down with fierce expression on his face then turns to Drake "Do you think I'm an idiot, WHY DID YOU MAKE THE PACT?" Dragoon shouts angrily.

"Easy, easy, he has not gotten his memories back like you" Intra says as he stands by the doorway of the house. Dragoon continues to stare into Drake's eyes as his frustration grows, suddenly the ground beneath Dragoon and Drake began to shake as if a slight earthquake was happening. Intra quickly runs over to Dragoon putting his hand on his chest. "CALM DOWN NOW" Intra yells at Dragoon, breaking Dragoon's concentration. The ground beneath them instantly settles as Dragoon calms down "Sorry Intra" Dragoon mutters to Intra as he turns back to looking into the distance.

Intra makes his way over to Drake, placing his hand on his shoulder "Probably best to leave him alone for a while" Intra suggests to Drake, as Drake stands there in a daze baffled as to what just happened. "We need to talk, come inside" Intra says to Drake as he gently pushes him back towards the house.

As they get inside Drake instantly falls into one of the chairs by the table "Did Dragoon do that?" Drake asks still confused by the sight. "Yes, he is now what I use to call an earth kinetic. One of my brothers Druss, could control the earth and everything that goes with it such as sand, rocks, and stones. We need to figure out what you can control" Intra says as he slightly smiles at Drake. "What I can control?" Drake mutters to himself as he looks at his hands. "How do we find out?" Drake asks as he looks over at Intra.

"That will reveal itself in a day or two" Intra replies as he sits down at the table across from him. Drake still staring at his hands wondering what he was now capable of. "See one of you, from what I heard from your brother out there, you were the one that made the pact with Yorshimiree, regardless of the reason as to why, you and your brothers lives have now changed forever. There is no going back, you two are now like me and my brothers" Intra explains as he sits across from him.

"So now we are immortal divine beings?" Drake asks astonished by what Intra was saying. "Not necessarily immortal, you can be killed by another divine being or beast, but yes you two are now divine beings. It is important to remember the powers that divine beings have, are not what makes them divine, it is what they do to achieve that title to the humans and other species in the realm" Intra explains.

"It is what we do that make us divine" Drake mutters to himself. Just as Drake says the word divine, he suddenly has a flash back to where he was laying in the shrine with Yorshimiree standing over him, noticing Dragoon laying near the entrance to the room pierced by a spear motionless.

As the flash back ends, Drake quickly shoots up from his chair and storms out of Intra house heading straight towards Dragoon, Intra quickly follows in case the two become heated again. Dragoon turns to look at Drake storming out of the house, instantly feeling frustrated again.

"I saved both our lives, that is why I made the pact" Drake yells at Dragoon. Dragoon not interested in what Drake is saying, slowly begins walking towards Drake with a fierce look on his face. "Did you ever think, I may not have wanted to be saved" Dragoon shouts back angrily. Intra quickly jumps in the middle of the two stopping them from getting any closer to each other.

"I'm sorry, I wanted to keep living and going on adventures with my big brother" Drake yells as tears run down his cheeks. "If we were meant to die down there, then we should have died" Dragoon yells back angrily. As the heat of the argument builds, the ground starts to quiver again, the breeze in the air starts to get stronger, thunderous storm clouds begin to form in the sky, as torrential rain begins pouring down. Intra shocked at the sight the two had control over more than just one element, they had control over several elements each.

"STOP!" Intra screams, letting out a large bolt of lightning into the sky. Instantly Drake and Dragoon both settle down enough for everything around them to stop building. The ground stops shaking, the storm clouds and the strong breeze begin to disperse.

Both Drake and Dragoon look at Intra "I'm sorry Intra, but I can't stay here with him" Dragoon shouts as he turns his back on them both and begins walking away. "Wait, Big brother" Drake says quickly before Dragoon got too far. Dragoon slightly turns his head to look back at Drake "You are not my brother, my brother would have known I would not have wanted to be brought back like this" Dragoon replies quickly as a gust of sand blew in between them. Once the gust of sand clears Dragoon was nowhere to be seen.

Drake falls to his knee's as tears rush down his cheeks, dripping into the sand. "Come on let's head back inside" Intra says softly to Drake as he puts his hand on his shoulder. Drake slowly gets back to his feet as he stares off in the direction of where Dragoon had disappeared, then slowly follows Intra back into his house.