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As Dragoon and Drake make their way through the web infested tunnels, Drake continues to look around frantically as he has a phobia for spiders and the size of these webs surely means that there are some pretty decent sized spiders in these tunnels, Dragoon doesn't really care for spiders or webs so he continues to walk through the tunnel unfazed by the amount of webs.

"Why are you so scared of spiders? Your bigger and much stronger so you have nothing to be afraid of" Dragoon laughs as they continue walking through the tunnels. "I don't know, just everything about them gives me the shakes" Drake mutters as he follows behind Dragoon trying to avoid every web he can.

Continuing down the path the webs along the walls, ceiling and the ones stretching across the room begin to get thicker and thicker, Drake starts to get cold shivers up and down his spine as they come to a T intersection in the path. Dragoon stops walking and peers down both directions, trying to get a feel for the breeze as to which way to go.

Not really being able to feel any sort of breeze Dragoon sees and unlit torch behind a large amount of webbing, he reaches in prying it off the wall, out from the webs. It does not take much effort for him to pull it out. Once Dragoon frees the torch from the webbing, he pulls out his new sword, removes the sword from the sheath, instantly there the is an immense heat emitting from the sword that fills the room.

Dragoon slowly drags his sword along the top of the torch, instantly setting it alight. Dragoon then puts his sword back into the sheath on his waist, lifting the torch towards each tunnel of the T intersection, the first tunnel not changing the flicker of the flame, he then turns towards the second tunnel having a slight flicker in the flame. "This is the way we need to go" Dragoon suggests as he keeps peering into the tunnel.

Drake not paying much attention to what Dragoon is doing, still keeps frantically looking around the room over and over due to the number of webs surrounding them, as he is looking around the room, he notices a shadow of what seems like a spider in the torch's light behind Dragoon. "LOOK OUT" Drake screams as he runs towards Dragoon swinging his sword frantically.

Dragoon turns around quickly, seeing Drake coming at him with his sword "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Dragoon yells at Drake. "There's a spider" Drake shrieks frantically looking for the spider around Dragoon. "What? Where? I don't see a spider" Dragoon says, annoyed as he takes a brief look around seeing a small spider hanging from a strand of web just behind Drake's head, Dragoon chuckles "Don't look behind you" "What? Why not?" Drake shrieks then swings around seeing the little spider directly in front of his face. "AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Drake screams as he begins swinging his sword all over the place in front of him.

Once Drake stops swinging his sword like a lunatic, he starts looking for the spider bouncing around the room, as he lost sight of it while he was frantically swinging his sword. Dragoon just stands idlily by laughing under his breath at the scene. Drake finally found the spider crawling along the ground and begins stomping on it with all his strength. *STOMP* *STOMP* *STOMP*

"You done" Dragoon laughs, after Drake finishes stomping the spider to death, he takes a deep breath of relief and looks at Dragoon with a silly expression on his face that quickly turns into a confused look, as he watches some slimy looking substance drip from the ceiling of the room onto Dragoon pauldron. "What's wrong with you?" Dragoon chuckles as he tries to hold in the laughter of what just happened in front of him. Drake slowly points in the direction of Dragoon's shoulder.

Dragoon slowly shifts his to look at his pauldron to see a thick green slime dripping onto him from the room. Both Drake and Dragoon quickly turn their attention to the where slime is coming from, seeing it dripping down through a thick webbed section of the ceiling. Confused Dragoon quickly steps away from where the slime is dripping down, as he does there is a scuffling in the webs above them, making Drake begin to panic as he stares up at the ceiling full of thick webs.

"Let's get out of here, I don't really feel like finding out what that is in the roof" Dragoon whispers to Drake. Drake swiftly nods his head in agreement. Dragoon swiftly rushes down the path where the torch had flickered in the slight breeze, though after about twenty steps into the passage he turns back to look at the area they have just left, to see a spider around the same size a small horse slowly making its way down the wall.

Dragoon's eyes widen in shock at the sight. "Don't look back Drake, just run now" Dragoon mutters quickly then proceeds to rush down the tunnel as quick as he can. As they are running down the tunnel the webs around them get thicker and thicker, both Drake and Dragoon, see more of the larger spiders crawling down some of the tunnels they were passing as they run. The breeze begins to get stronger as they approach the end of the tunnel.

They get to the end of the tunnel and ray of light blinds them as they enter a large room with a large break in the ceiling, the sun's rays beaming through the crack. When they can see again momentarily after they enter the room, both Drake and Dragoon can see the entire room is covered in large webs stretching from the ceiling to the all over the walls, amongst the webs is several of the larger spiders they had seen earlier down the tunnels.

Drake begins to panic due to the size of the spiders and hides behind Dragoon quickly. Dragoon swiftly pulls his sword out of the sheath on the side of his waist, readying for battle. The sword begins emitting waves of heat into the room alerting the spiders of Drake and Dragoon's presence.

Sweat drips down the side of Dragoon's face as the spiders slowly crawl closer to them, a few of the spiders are about five feet away, Dragoon jumps at them swinging his sword in a crescent motion in front of him strike three of the spiders in front of him, cutting clean through them. The rest of the spiders around him look as though they are about to pounce onto him, when and extremely loud squealing noise comes from the top of room through the large crack, the spiders around Dragoon quickly retreat, hiding amongst the webs in the room.

Both Drake and Dragoon's attention quickly shoot to the crack in the ceiling of the room, as they watch a giant spider crawling through the crack in the ceiling, it is Aracnord, the spider that was outside fighting the Enderworm earlier.

Both Drake and Dragoon's jaws drop at the sight of him again, Dragoon has a quick look around the room to find and escape route as there is no chance, they can take on a divine beast. Suddenly realizing they have wondered into Aracnord's nest. As Dragoon scans the room an idea pops into his head, maybe they can use the crack in the ceiling as their escape route the only issue is how. They would have to wait till Aracnord has come through completely plus they would probably have to climb some of the webs to get up that high, but it is the only chance they have of escaping.

Dragoon sneaks overto Drake hiding behind a rock "You're not going to like this idea, but it's theonly chance we have got of getting out of here" Dragoon says to Drake as heexplains his idea to him. After they are quickly plan out their getaway plan,both Drake and Dragoon stand up swallowing all their fear as they are about totry and escape the nest of one of divine beasts.