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Drake slowly begins to open his eyes, his head throbbing hard from the hit to the head, as he opens his eyes, he realizes that his inside the jagged bone cage, with his hands bound behind his back. Drake turns his attention to Kar-Lax's throne to see Dragoon lounging across it as he stares at him with a slight grin.

"You know this won't hold me" Drake says as he stares back at Dragoon through the cage. "I know; although I think you'll feel a lot safer in there" Dragoon laughs. Drake gives Dragoon an angry stare, as he raises one of his fingers behind his back causing a sharp dense stream of wind to slice the bindings holding his arms.

Drake stands up holding the bindings in his hand as he smirks at Dragoon "Told you so" Drake chuckles as he reaches for the gate to the cage. Suddenly a large ferocious dark purple skinned orc grabs a hold of the side of the cage, roaring directly into Drakes face slobber and spit fly from his mouth as he rattles the cage, Drake stumbles back, staring at the dark purple orc in shock.

Once the orc settles down, he slowly makes his way next to the throne that Dragoon's sitting on. Drake stares curiously at the purple orc, "Kar-Lax" Drake says as his eyes widen in shock. The purple orc shifts his head quickly staring angrily at Drake as he hears his name "Dragoon, what have you done?" Drake asks in shock.

"What have I done, I simply gave my new friend and some of his friends here some gifts, creating a new breed of orc, THRALL" Dragoon says while he smirks, standing up from his throne. Drake stares worryingly at Dragoon as he realizes what he has done, that has angered Yorshimiree so much.

"oh no, there's more, dear brother, Kar-Lax" Dragoon says with a smirk on his face. Kar-Lax steps forward, looking directly at Drake in his cage, he then grunts as he begins raising his arms, his arms begin to shake as he raises them higher.

Drake's stares with a shocked expression as the ground beneath him begins to shake, slowly raising in the air. Drake staring down at Kar-Lax in shock as he floats in his cage.

"That's enough Kar-Lax" Dragoon says, Kar-Lax lowers both his arms and the ground underneath Drake drops back down.

Drake begins to look around, seeing a couple hundred purple thrall, larger and more masculine then they were before. "You fool, this is why Yorshimiree wants to come after you" Drake sighs as he looks over the small army of purple thrall.

"What? Yorshimiree is coming here?" Dragoon says excitedly as he walks over to Drake's cage, "Yes, to stop you" Drake says in a frustrated tone. "Good let him come, after all I done this for him" Dragoon shouts as raises his hands in the air, the thrall, begin cheering holding the axe's and cleavers up in the air.

Drake's eyes widen in shock as he thinks about what Dragoon just said "Done this for him" he mutters to himself as he realizes, Dragoon built this army to try and kill Yorshimiree. Drake shoots to the side of the cage "Dragoon, wait you don't want to do this, it is not just Yorshimiree coming, it is Leviathan and Storm-grey as well, don't do this, I beg you" Drake pleads as he reaches his arm out of the cage towards Dragoon.

Dragoon looks down at Drake's hand then stares at Drake's face filling with tears, Dragoon's grin begins to get larger, as he hears Drake tell him that not one, but three Divine beasts are coming for him.

Dragoons facial expression begins to sadden "So be it brother, ...... me and my thrall will ...... KILL ALL THREE OF THEM!" Dragoon says as he excitedly raises his sword high up in the air, shooting flames into the sky. Drake drops to his knees inside the cage as Dragoon cheers over and over with his army of thrall. The thrall start chanting "Death to Divines, Death to Divines" as they all continue to hold their weapons in the air.

Drake sits down in the cage against the side of the cage, staring blankly in disbelief, that coming here to try and save him was for nothing. Dragoon makes his way back towards the throne glancing at Drake "They will fall, then you will" Dragoon sneers as he walks away from the cage. Drake slowly tilts his head back closing his eyes, as he falls asleep against the side of the cage.