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The next morning Drake wakes up to the sound of vomiting coming from within the room, he glances over towards the toilet in the room to see Nessa hunched over vomiting into the toilet.

"Are you alright?" Drake asks in a worrisome tone. Nessa tries to reply but continues to vomit as she shakes her head instead. Drake quickly jumps out of bed and rushes towards her, but Nessa starts waving her hand at Drake to back away as if she did not want him to see it. "I think we need to take you to the towns doctor" Drake says as he worriedly continues to watch Nessa vomit.

Once Nessa stops vomiting, Drake quickly helps her up to her feet and gently sits her on to the bed, "You wait here and get some rest, I'll get the doctor to come here" Drake says with a smile on his face trying to lighten the atmosphere in the room. Nessa with a sick expression on her face nods then lays down onto the bed as Drake quickly rushes out of the room.

Drake makes his way to the center of town to looking around to see where the doctors shop might be, as he looks around he sees a long line coming out of the stores, looking up at the sign his face drops seeing that it is the Doctor of Desteria's shop. As he stares at the line in distress, he feels a light tap on his shoulder.

Drake turns to see the Slytherien once again, Drake looks at him confused "Are you following me?" Drake asks as he glares at the Slytherien. "No, it'sss jussst a mere coincidence that we keep bumping into each other" the Slytherien says with a smile on his face. Drake gives the Slytherien a suspicious look as he glances back at the Doctors shop with the long line stretching out the door.

"Do you need a doctor" The Slytherien mutters softly. "Yea my girlfriend has been vomiting a lot this morning" Drake says in a worrisome tone, as he looks at ground with a distressed expression. "Maybe I can help?" the Slytherien says with a slight grin.

Drake stares at the Slytherien with a hesitant expression, as he stares, he sees two figures come through the gates of Desteria, it was Gax and Larry, it seems as though they were still on the hunt for the Slytherien. "Alright, lets hurry" Drake agrees to let him look at Nessa. Then hastily grabs a hold of the Slytherien's arm and drags him towards the inn.

As they get inside the inn, Drake quickly peers out the window trying to see where Gax and Larry are in case they had seen them. As he was peering through the window, he sees Gax and Larry wondering through the center of town searching around for the Slytherien, as they cannot seem to find they begin heading towards the inn. Drake then quickly grabs the Slytherien's arm and rushes upstairs towards Nessa's room. As they enter Drake quickly shuts the door behind them.

"Drake who is this?" Nessa says as she lays in the bed under the blankets, the Slytherien then turns around removing his hood revealing his scaley skin. Nessa about to let out a shriek at the sight, Drake quickly rushes over covering her mouth gesturing for her to calm down the Slytherien means no harm.

As Drake removes his hand from Nessa's mouth, she remains silent staring at the Slytherien "This is argh, I never actually got your name" Drake says as he looks blankly at the Slytherien. "My name isss Lizaroas" says the Slytherien as he makes his way over to the bed.

Nessa slightly pulls away as he gets closer to the bed, Drake gives a Nessa a look to try and make her trust him as he sees her hesitate. She looks back at Drake and sighs slightly as she allows Lizaroas to examine her.

Lizaroas's places his scaley hand gently onto Nessa stomach and closes his eyes after he has done a short examination of the rest of her body. Nessa and Drake watch him as he has his eyes closed with his hand on Nessa's stomach. Suddenly his eyes pop open as he smiles slightly. "Congratulationsss your girlfriend here isss pregnant" Lizaroas says as he smiles at Drake and Nessa politely.

Drake and Nessa's expressions suddenly drop unsure what to say, they look at each other in a daze trying to think of what to say, Drake slowly begins to smile until they hear a loud crash come from downstairs. Drake quickly stands up and begins walking to the door "You two stay in here, I'll go check it out" Drake says as he makes his way through the door, closing it behind him. As he makes his way to the stairs, he can hear the commotion building downstairs, the sound of chairs and glass being thrown and smashing against the walls.

Once Drake reaches the stairs, he can see Gax downstairs holding a table over his head whilst Larry hunches over the innkeeper's desk asking her if they have seen the Slytherien. Larry spots Drake at the top of the stairs out of the corner of his eye. "Well look who it is the Lizard protector" Larry chuckles as he makes his way to the bottom of the stair while staring at Drake.

Drake stares back gritting his teeth, with his hand on the hilt of his sword. Larry sees Drake put his hand on the hilt of his sword and his grin gets bigger and more sinister as he wanted to fight. "Gax, I have a feeling were about to have some fun" Larry chuckles as he leans on the rails on the stairs, staring sinisterly up at Drake.

Gax begins to make his way towards the bottom of the stairs, as he does Drake slowly begins to pull his sword out of it sheath, until suddenly a hooded figure jumps over the second floor rail down towards Gax and Larry.

Gax grins as he readies to swing his axe at the hooded figure, the figure quickly rips off his hood throwing straight into Gax's face, revealing Lizaroas's two thin golden scaley wings with sharp spikes on the ends. Lizaroas span in the air quickly swing his wings out wide knocking both Gax and Larry off their feet and into the walls.

The inn suddenly grew silent as everyone stares at Lizaroas standing over Gax and Larry, "Isn't that Lizaroas the slasher" "Yea it is, the golden scales on his wings with the two sickle swords, it is definitely him" "What is one of the Drakin Warlords doing here" "Drakin's are like the elite of the elite Slytherien warriors, to have one of their Warlords here" people in the inn start to mutter as they watch the scene.

Drake's eyes widen as he hears the name "Lizaroas the slasher, the Drakin Warlord" as Drake is pondering on what was being said, Lizaroas looks up at Drake at the top of the stairs and gives him a slight wink.

"You take care now friend" Lizaroas says to Drake as he makes his way out of the inn, his long tail closing the door behind him as he leaves. Drake still in a bit of a daze as he watches Gax and Larry struggle to get back to their feet. "Lord Kendrick did not mention anything about it being a Warlord" Larry grunts as he slowly gets to his feet, Lizaroas must have hit them hard for two famous bounty hunters to be struggling so much.

Drake slowly makes his way back to the room where Nessa lays in bed still, as he walks through the door "Is everything alright?" Nessa asks in a concerned tone seeing the expression on Drake's face. "Yes, Lizaroas stopped Gax and Larry from tearing up the place" Drake says with his face still looking as though he is in shock.

Nessa gently grabs hold of Drakes arm as he gets closer to the bed "As long as you are alright, that is all I care about" Nessa says softly as she holds onto Drake's arm tightly.

Drake rests in Nessa'sarms for a while, as the scene plays constantly in his head, until he suddenlyjumps up onto his feet once he remembers he only has the rest of today andtomorrow to find and stop what Dragoon is doing. "I'm sorry Nessa, I reallyhave to go and look for my brother before something bad happens to him, I'm notsure when I will be back" Drake says as his expression saddens. Nessa looks athim with smile as a small tear runs down her face "It's okay, I will be herewaiting for you" Nessa says softly as she hugs Drake tightly before letting himwalk out the door.