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Both Drake and Dragoon look at each other for a moment, before racing towards some large boulders below the large crack in the ceiling. As they begin climbing the boulders, Dragoon makes sure to keep an eye on how far Aracnord has made his way through the crack. If they do not get there at the right time, just as Aracnord emerges through the crack completely then their plan will not work.

They reach the top of the boulders with ease, now is the tricky part where they must climb the sticky web, hanging from the ceiling connected to the boulders they are standing on. As they are climbing Drake begins to fall behind a bit as his clothes being rougher than Dragoon's armor keep getting caught on the webs.

"KEEP MOVING" Dragoon shouts aggressively as he looks back at Drake who is falling behind. They begin nearing the top of the webs, but as they do one of Aracnord's legs connects with the web they are climbing, he starts to use it as leverage, pulling himself through the crack faster. This makes the web swing around a bit making it harder for Drake to catch up to Dragoon who is nearing the top of the web.

Dragoon reaches the top of the web, near the crack whilst Drake is still struggling to climb the swinging web. Aracnord's leg still pulling on the web, the web begins to tear just above where Drake is climbing. "YOU NEED TO HURRY UP DRAKE" Dragoon shouts from the top of the web. Drake begins to panic and clutches onto the web frozen, worried he is not going to make it before the web rips apart.

"DRAKE WHAT ARE YOU DOING? PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER NOW" Dragoon shouts aggressively, trying to encourage Drake to move his ass. Drake begins saying to himself "I'm not going to die here, I'm not going to die here, I'm not going to die here" over and over, until he builds up enough courage within himself to start climbing again, he starts racing up the web as fast as he can with tears rushing down his face, beginning to jump up the web frantically. As he is about to reach the top near Dragoon, half of Aracnord's body has made it through the crack, revealing their opportunity to escape.

"QUICK JUMP ONTO HIM NOW" Dragoon shouts as he springs himself from the web onto Aracnord's abdomen, latching onto its long hairs. Drake jumps not long after Dragoon, reaching for the hair on Aracnord's abdomen, not being able to grip to any of them, he starts panicking hastily grasping anything he can. As he begins to think, he is about to fall to his death; Dragoon's arm comes out of nowhere and latches onto Drake's arm, Dragoon quickly swings Drake closer to Aracnord's body so that he can grab on properly.

Aracnord lets out a loud squeal making both Drake's and Dragoon's ears begin to ring, also causing the crack in the roof to start to cave in onto Aracnord. Aracnord starts to bash around furiously as the ceiling begins collapse on top of him, causing Drake and Dragoon to latch on to him as tight as they can, Dragoon manages to hold on and slowly makes his way to the end of the abdomen beginning to see the sunny blue sky's outside of the cave, whereas Drake begins to lose grip again, Drake quickly decides to pull his sword out and plunge it into Aracnord's abdomen.

Aracnord starts throwing himself around frantically, reaching his pincers over his abdomen trying to grab Drake but being unable to reach him. Drake continues to climb Aracnord's abdomen by constantly driving his sword into Aracnord's flesh each time making Aracnord throw itself around even more furiously.

Dragoon makes it to the end of Aracnord's abdomen and uses the momentum of Aracnord throwing himself around, to jump to the ledge of the crack making it out of the cave, as Drake nears the end of the abdomen, Dragoon gestures to him to jump to the ledge so he can catch him. Drake quickly rips his sword out of Aracnord's flesh and jumps towards Dragoon. Just missing Dragoon's hand by inches, Dragoon quickly grabs the end of Drake's sword cutting into his hand, he quickly pulls Drake up to the top of the cavern by the sword.

As they are both finally free from the mines, Aracnord lets out a loud squeal again and his legs begin to swing around frantically hitting the roof of the cave that Drake and Dragoon are standing on.

The surface begins to crack and fall away, down into the cave, Drake and Dragoon have just finally gotten out of. Drake and Dragoon quickly start sprinting away from the falling surface, barely making it away from the cracking ground, as it begins to fall into the cavern below.

Once they're finally sure they are free from the mines, both Drake and Dragoon peer into the now large hole in the ground to see Aracnord at the bottom of the hole covered in rubble, with what looks to be the spiders from earlier crawling all over him.

Drake shakes his hold body as if he has something crawling on him, Dragoon just stands there and laughs at him "What's so funny?" Drake aggressively asks Dragoon. Dragoon just shakes his head and continues to laugh louder.

Once Dragoon settles down, he has a quick look around, trying figure out where they were, unexpectedly he can see a large village surrounded by a sandstone wall not too far off in the distance. "Will you look at that" Dragoon says in a joyful tone. "What?" Drake asks as he is dusting himself off. "It's Desteria" Dragoon replies with smile on his as he points towards to village.

"Finally," Drake says in a relieved tone as he starts walking down the sandy hill towards Desteria. Dragoon just laughs again and follows him down the hill.