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As Drake made his way out of the inn, the sadness of not know when he would be able to see Nessa again grows, also finding out she is pregnant makes it even harder for him to leave. But he knows if he does not stop Dragoon then he will surely die to Yorshimiree.

Drake glances back at the window of Nessa's room, seeing Nessa waving through the window as tears drip down her face, swallowing his sadness he then shoots up into the air, heading in the direction of the black thunderous clouds the other night.

Night begins to fall as Drake soars through the air, as it begins to get darker he starts to see large fires illuminating the air in the distance, as he gets closer he realizes the flames are coming from Spiral peak, he decides to land on hill not far from Spiral peak allowing him to peer inside.

As he glances inside he can see large figures moving around as if they are partying, though not being able to get a good look at the figures, he decides to slowly glide over the encampment to get a better look.

Using the night sky as a camouflage as he glides over the encampment making sure to stay high end so no one could see him, he begins to peer into the camp, seeing orcs running around laughing and drinking. Drake gets confused as watches the orcs seeing that they are no longer a brownie, green color, they were more of a purple or red, they also seem a lot bigger than before.

Drake continues to watch them as he tries to figure out why they are partying, "Hello brother" Dragoons voice comes from behind Drake. Drake's face fills with shock as he turns around seeing Dragoon floating in the air behind him, with a smirk on his face.

"Have you come to join the party" Dragoon chuckles as he crosses his arms "No, dear brother, I've come to stop you from whatever it is that you are doing" Drake says as he slowly reaches for the hilt of his sword. Dragoon smirks as he watches Drake hesitantly reach for his sword "Stop me! Stop me from doing what? Having fun with my newfound abilities?" Dragoon chuckles as his eyes follow Drake's hand.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about Dragoon, don't play dumb with me" Drake says as he grits his teeth, whilst gripping the hilt of his sword. Dragoon stares at Drake with a sinister grin.

Drake overwhelmed by frustration and anger, lunges forward swiftly pulling his sword out of his sheath, then slashes through Dragoons chest, tears rushing down his face blurring his vision. Drake quickly brushes the tears from his eyes to see properly.

As he begins to see, Dragoon was split into two parts with a smoke in between his legs and torso, Dragoon still staring at Drake with a sinister grin on his face. "A ghastling" Drake says to himself as he stares in shock, watching Dragoon slowly fade away still grinning at him.

Ghastling's are dark and sinister creatures, being able to search ones memories to be able to create mirages of people you hold dear as they try to lure you into a trap, once they have a hold of you it is near impossible to escape, as they freeze you with fear just by making you looking into their eyes.

As the ghastling fades away Drake turns his attention back down to the encampment, hoping not to have made them aware of his presence. "Hello brother" Dragoons voice comes from behind him again, Drake quickly spins around swinging his sword in the process going straight through another mirage of Dragoon, the ghastling fading away into the night again.

Drake grips his sword firmly with both hands as he looks around him trying to find the ghastling, looking around frantically as he floats in the sky, he sees Dragoon floating in the sky in the distance. Drake leans his head forward slightly trying to get a better look, seeing an inhuman smile on his face stretching from ear to ear, sharp teeth protruding from his mouth.

"hehehe" Drake hears a sinister chuckle come from behind him so he quickly spins around again swinging his sword with both hands, swing his through nothing but air. Drake looks around confused, then he feels a hand slowly sliding down his shoulder. He turns his head to see a grey skinned hand with long sharp nails reached over his shoulder, a long slimy tongue starts making its way into Drake's vision heading straight towards his face.

Drake frozen in fear as the ghastling's face slowly emerges, long grey hair slightly covering its face, as pitch-black holes stare directly into Drake's eyes. The ghastling's sharp teeth protrude from its mouth, with a sadistic grin stretching across its face.

Drake not being able to do anything but stare back into its pitch-black eyes, frozen in fear as its face inches closer, while its mouth slowly opens wider and wider as it gets closer to Drake's face.

Suddenly a quick burst of fire shoots directly into the ghastling setting him a light, the ghastling jumps off of Drake as it trashes around in the air, frantically trying to put the fire out, it begins to slowly stop moving around as it begins to turn to ash the flames go out as the last pieces of ash blow away in the wind.

Drake turns his head in the direction of the fiery blast, seeing Dragoon floating in the air a couple meters away. "Hi brother, what brings you here?" Dragoon says in a stern voice.

"Dragoon, brother isthat really you?" Drake asks as tears start flowing down his cheeks. Dragoonstares blankly at Drake as he waves his hand downwards. Drake feels a hard thudon the top of his head, he slowly begins to fall unconscious then begins fallingto the ground quickly.