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The next morning as the sun was beginning to rise Dragoon knew that this was the best time for him to attack as his research on orcs in the past led him to believe that orcs warriors and hunter tend to leave in the morning to acquire the hunt and water for the day. But being as this was the largest orc camp in the realm, he was not sure if that was the case. So, as Dragoon nears the camp, he quickly looks for good place to hide and watch the gates from a distance to see if any orcs or hunting parties were leaving and sure enough after waiting awhile behind some nearby stones, he can see a large hunting party begin to leave, although what was strange was there was a lot more orcs then the usual hunting party. From his research they would usually go hunting in a group of about 5 or 6 orcs, there was at least 20-30 orcs in this hunting party.

Trying not to take too much notice of the orcs leaving and making sure he was concealed enough for them not to see him as they venture off into the distance, once they were out of site, Dragoon slowly makes his way to the gate making sure to keep out of sight of the guards posted in the towers around the gate. Once he gets against the gates, he slowly makes his way around the large, spiked timber fences trying to look for a way into the camp, as he circles most of the camp not seeing a way in thus far. He begins to get worried incase the hunting party could come back early, so he begins hastily looking for some sort of gap in the fence that he might be able to squeeze through, as he begins to lose hope he sees a small gap between to spikes in the fence.

He begins to crawl through the gap, making sure to take notes as to where the gap was exactly located, so that he can use it as an escape route. Once Dragoon got through the gap in the fence, he slowly gets to his feet emerging in the orc camps armory. Slightly panicking, Dragoon quickly hides behind one of the large wooden posts holding up the tent before slowly looking around to see if any orcs were in the area. As he glances around the armory, he sees a fat orc laying fast asleep on a bed in the far corner from where he stands. Dragoon begins slowly creeping towards the door making sure not to knock anything and wake the orc up, unfortunately the orcs armory is very messy, tools and half made machetes were laying all over the place. Dragoon was being careful not knock anything as he approaches the edge of the tent where the is a slight break in the seams, that he can peer through, to get a look around the outside the tent.

Dragoon begins to peer through the break in the tent, as he keeps glancing back at the orc that was sleeping at the other end of the armory, as he peers through the gap, he notices there wasn't an orc in sight. So he begins to slowly make his way through the gap in the tent, Dragoon's armor catches onto the tent and as he gets outside the tent, he hears a loud ripping noise, Dragoon quickly looks back at the gap in the tent, seeing his armor caught on the tent ripping it more as he moves away. As he slowly leans forward to release his armor from the tent, he can see the orc inside waking up to the noise from ripping the tent.

As Dragoon notices the orc waking up, quickly frees himself from the tent caught on his armor and ducks behind some barrels sitting next to the outside of the tent. The orc who just woken up glances around the armory to see what made the noise, not seeing anyone in the tent he wanders outside the tent and briefly looks around as he scratches his head then grunts and goes back inside the armory. Dragoon lets out silent sigh of relief as the orc stumbles back into the tent.

Once Dragoon is sure the orc is back in the tent relaxing, he slowly makes his way around the camp seeing some cage's in the near distance up a slight hill. He makes sure to keep himself hidden as he creeps up the hill behind the tents out of sight of any orcs that might be wandering around still.

Once Dragoon gets close enough to see the cages properly, he can only see one figure sitting in the corner of one of the cages, hovelling in the corner, so he slowly makes his way to the rear of the cage's noticing that it was actually Drake who is curled up in the corner of the cage not the young boy he is looking for. Without a second thought Dragoon creeps up to Drake and reaches his hand into the cage alerting Drake of his presence.

Drake slowly lifts his head to the sight of his older brother sitting outside the cage with a slight smile of his face, Drake then quickly points over towards the throne not far from the cage's where Kar-Lax the leader of the orcs is resting his eyes whilst he is sitting upon his throne. Dragoon's eyes widen as he laid his eyes upon the large brown brutish looking orc.

Dragoon gulps as he gestures to Drake that he is going to try and lift the cage so that he can crawl out. Drake silently nods his head and prepares to quickly crawl underneath cage.

Dragoon grasps the large bones running along the bottom of the cage and lifts it as much as he can as Drake tries to crawl through the gap. Dragoon looks down as Drake is struggling to crawl under the cage, then gestures for Drake to stop as he begins to lower the cage back down slowly, Dragoon sits there pondering on a way to get his little brother out of the cage without making too much noise. Then Drake grabs Dragoon's arm through the cage and gestures towards the rope holding the front of the cage closed. Dragoon can see what Drake's idea is, the only issue is it would leave him out in the open for all the orcs in the area to see, so he quickly glances around to see if there is anywhere that they ca make a quick escape.

Thinking over and over about the situation, they can go back the way that Dragoon had entered the camp although the orc in the armory was now awake so it will be dangerous. Dragoon keeps glancing around the area to see any ways of escape, the only other way out that he can see was a cliff on the other side of the throne where Kar-Lax is sitting, but not knowing what is at the bottom of the cliff makes it a difficult decision as well.

Drake grabs Dragoon's arm once again through the cage and points at Kar-Lax who seems to be waking up slowing.

Dragoon needs to act now. He quickly races to the front of the cage and releases the rope holding the gate to the cage down, as Drake emerges from the cage, he can see Kar-Lax wide-awake staring straight at them. Kar-Lax stands up with a displeased look on his face as he grabs a horn from his waist blowing directly into it letting out and extremely loud sound, alerting all the orcs within the area.

Dragoon grasped Drake's arm tightly and pulled him in the direction of the armory only to see orcs already converging on their position, then Dragoon panicked and decided quickly to go for the cliff, beginning to rush towards Kar-Lax. Kar-Lax pulled out his is giant axe and swung it with immense strength straight towards Dragoon's head.

Due to Dragoon being well trained in battles he was able to quickly duck under Kar-Lax's swing, continuing to rush towards the cliff behind the throne whilst dragging Drake behind him.

As they reached the edge of the cliff, without hesitation Dragoon jumped pulling Drake over the cliff with him, they landed roughly onto the side of the cliff and began to roll down the cliff getting cuts and bruises as the rolled over the rough jagged stone surface.

Kar-Lax watches on as they continue to roll downthe cliff until they are out of sight "FIND THEM" Kar-Lax yells to the orcsstanding idly behind him. A handful of orcs standing behind him hastily headstraight out of their camp to go and look for them.