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As Drake approaches Desteria still soaring through the sky, he realizes he does not know how to land, also it would not be good for the people and other beings in Desteria to see him flying through the sky. So, he quickly veers his course to just outside of Desteria.

As Drake gets closer and closer to the ground, he begins to slow himself down slightly but was still travelling way to fast to land, he decides he should glide back upright as he got about a meter off the ground. Once he was close enough to perform this maneuver, he changes his position, which leads him to crash into the exterior wall of Desteria.

"Fucking hell" Drake grunts as he slides down the wall. As his feet hit the floor his body slowly follows. Drake quickly looks around to see if anyone had seen him and as he glances around, he sees a young brunette woman staring straight at him.

Drake not even caring about the woman seeing him anymore was stuck in a daze, staring at her elegant body and long wavey brown hair that complimented her crystal blue eyes. The woman begins to blush as she watches Drake's eyes scan over her body. He slowly gets back to his feet and begins slowly making his way towards her, still staring at her, although as he walks towards her, she slowly steps back looking as if she was frightened by him. Drake not wanting to scare her off, smiles politely as he says "Hi, I'm Drake" in a polite tone. She then quickly turns and runs into Desteria as fast as she can, with a frightened expression on her face.

Drake just standing there in disbelief, watching the woman run off into town, "Wow she was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen" he mutters to himself. Then quickly decides within himself he was not going to let her get away without knowing her name and begins to run after her.

As Drake begins to run into Desteria, he hears loud mortifying screams coming from the towns people as they rush towards him. "Wait, what is wrong?" Drake tries to ask the towns people as they rush past him heading out of Desteria.

None of the towns people even take notice to Drake as they run past him, he then turns to the direction they came from, seeing a tall masculine man in dark black and red armor holding Ashta the blacksmith up in the air with one arm and his sword in the other. "PUT HIM DOWN DRAGOON" Drake shouts as he readies his sword pointing it straight towards Dragoon.

Dragoon turns his head slightly seeing Drake standing there with his sword pointed right at him. Dragoon then turns towards Drake with a cheeky smile letting go over Ashta in the process, although Ashta's face was full of fright as he didn't drop to the ground, it was as if Dragoon was still had a hold of him.

"Oh, dear little brother, have you come to talk" Dragoon said cheekily. Drake could see something was different about Dragoon. "What's happened to you, big brother?" Drake said, his voice beginning to get shaky as he was getting upset. "I've had a revelation little brother, with these new powers, we don't have to go searching for artifacts or ancient treasures anymore, we can just take them!" Dragoon said as he begins to laugh. "This isn't you Dragoon" Drake says confused and upset with a tear slowly going down his cheek as he steps forward still directing his sword at Dragoon.

Dragoon's face turns slightly sour "You caused this and now you want to get in my way, when I'm enjoying it, so be it. Intra isn't here to save you this time" Dragoon says as he tightens his grip on his sword, staring fiercely at Drake.

Drake quickly glances around at the remaining people in the area, seeing the woman he saw earlier standing with a small group of people watching on. As Drake was looking at the woman, caught in a slight daze once again a large gust of wind blew towards Drake.

Drake quickly turned in the direction of the wind, seeing Dragoon charging at him furiously swinging his sword, Drake caught off guard went to block the swing with his sword, only just being able to block it but not being prepared for the force behind the swing, knocking him off his feet falling and landing a meter away.

"Come on, if we're going to fight then fight me properly" Dragoon chuckled as he looked down at Drake on the ground. Drake gritted his teeth as he rose back to his feet and gripped his sword with both hands causing his sword to glow a bright green again.

"That's better" Dragoon says as he smirks at Drake then grips his sword with both hands, causing it to glow bright red, emitting and immense heat. Both Drake and Dragoon slowly begin to lift their swords above their heads. Dragoon smirks at Drake as their swords are right above their heads. Both Drake and Dragoon swing their swings straight down, both swords begin to release indifferent pressures, Drake's sword releasing and immense gust of frosty wind and Dragoon's sword releasing a ferocious blaze.

Suddenly a large bolt of lightning strikes the ground in between Drake and Dragoon, causing a large cloud of dust to engulf the area. Everyone in the area quickly seek shelter after seeing the lightning bolt trying to watch through the windows of nearby shops and houses.

As the dust begins to clear, everyone watching through the windows to see a man standing in between Drake and Dragoon holding the blades of their swords. "Intra" Dragoon says in an angry tone as he pulled the edge of his sword out of Intra's hand.

"What are you doing here?" Drake asks confused but slightly relieved. It would not have been good for Desteria or its towns people if this fight had happened. "You need to leave" Intra says staring at Dragoon furiously with lightning emitting from his body. Dragoon grunts then turns away from Intra and Drake slowly walking away with smirk on his face.

Intra turns to Drake as he lets go of his sword, "Now why would you leave without saying goodbye" Intra says with a smile on his face. Drake confused how Intra was so easily relaxed. "INTRA LOOK OUT" Drake shouts as he watches Dragoon's fiery sword swinging straight towards Intra's head. Intra just standing there smiling at Drake as the sword collided with his head. "INTRA" Drake screams as he watches Intra fly into Ashta's shop, crashing through the front of the shop.

"He's not so tough"Dragoon chuckles as he turns back slowly heading out of Desteria. Drake quicklybegins running towards Ashta's shop. "Wait, he stole my armor" Ashta yells ashe falls to ground in front of his shop, making Drake stop in his tracks andglance back at Dragoon who was wearing the armor that Drake had seen when theyvisited Ashta's shop a few days ago. "Drake I'll see you soon" Dragoon chuckledas he waves his hand whilst making his way out of Desteria, slowly disappearingoff in the distance.