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After hearing the roar come from deep within the mine, chills run down both Drake's and Dragoon's spines as they raise to their feet, sweat dripping down Dragoon's face as he creeps towards the doorway of the room, they were standing in.

When Dragoon gets to the edge of the doorway, he slowly sticks his head out glancing in both directions, the creature roars once again causing a strong breeze blowing down the passage Dragoon was looking down. Dragoon's eyes widen in fright as he quickly pulls himself back into the room where Drake is standing still holding the green sword in the center of the room, frozen still after hearing the roar. "Will you snap out of it" Dragoon shouts at Drake. Drake quickly drops the sword then stumbles backwards "What was that?" Drake askes as he trembles in fear. "I'm not sure, but I have a feeling it has something to do with that sword" Dragoon responds quietly.

"What are we going to do?" Drake asks as he leans against the wall. "We need to get out of here quickly, that thing whatever it is, will be coming for us" Dragoon mutters in fear.

Dragoon walks over to the glowing green sword laying on the ground, picks it up and shoves it into Drake's chest. "Pull yourself together we need to escape this place intact if you want to explore that shrine up north" Dragoon says trying to knock Drake out of his dazed state of mind.

Drake hesitantly grabs the sword off Drake, as he does so the sword's glow dims as if it is responding to Drake's emotions. Dragoon just glances at the sword and again realizes another similarity with the red sword that he now wields.

"Let's get going, make sure to be quiet we don't want to alert whatever that creature is" Dragoon says as he starts to steadily walk out the entrance to the room. Drake just nods agreeing and begins to follow Dragoon, they begin to venture through the mines, trying to find the exit before this monstrous creature finds them.

Moments after leaving the circular room, Dragoon and Drake can hear something walking around in the mines, it is not just one creature though there were a lot of different things moving around making lots of noise. Drake and Dragoon get to the entrance of an extremely large room with multiple different floors, making sure to stay out of sight, Dragoon only peers his head in slowly to look around but due to it being dark in the mines, he couldn't see much. Slowly peaking his head in a little further he notices a bonfire lit in the far corner of the room, with a bunch of bones lying around it, as he tries to see if there were any creatures around the fire, Drake behind him accidently stand on a bone snapping it in two, making a loud snapping sound.

Instantly Dragoon sees the bones near the bonfire, stand up and turn to look in their direction. Dragoon quickly pulls his head back out of sight and grabs Drake, "Are you trying to get us killed" Dragoon whispers to Drake. Drake looks down at the bones beneath his feet "I'm sorry, I didn't see it there" Drake says apologetically.

Dragoon shakes his head and turns his attention back to the doorway, seeing three skeletons holding rusty old swords walking towards them, Dragoon pulls out his new sword, as he pulls it out of the sheath it begins glowing red again emitting a surging wave of heat. "Get ready to fight" Dragoon say to Drake courageously. Drake gulps as he holds his green sword with both hands preparing for the imminent battle.

As Dragoon is about to charge towards the three skeletons and arrow suddenly pierces the wall next to his head. Dragoon freezes, seeing the arrow barely miss his head, "Yea nope" Dragoon stutters, quickly turning around grabbing Drake's arm then running as fast he can back into the mines. "I thought we were going to fight" Drake says confused as Dragoon pulls him along. "THEY ARE LIVING SKELETONS WITH SWORDS AND ARROWS; I DON'T FEEL LIKE DYING TODAY" Dragoon screams as he keeps rushing through the mine not knowing where he is going.

They eventually cometo stop at a large doorway covered in nothing but cobwebs stretching from oneside of the doorway to the other. "I don't like the look of this Dragoon" Drakesays in a worrisome tone. "What would rather, some spider webs or livingskeletons chopping you up" Dragoon responds aggressively. "You can go back; I'mgoing through here" Dragoon shouts then proceeds to make his way through theweb filled doorway. Drake looks back down the tunnel leading towards the roomfull of skeletons, shaking his head, he continues to follow Dragoon through theweb infested tunnel.