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"That was a close one" Dragoon says to Drake as he helps him to his feet. "Yea, to close" Drake replies as he brushes himself off. "Now what are we going to do?" Drake asks as he looks at the caved in entrance.

"These mines as far as I remember have three ways in, one near Desteria, another near the forgotten land and this one on the edge of the wasteland, if we can try and make it through the mines towards Desteria it could be beneficial for us" Dragoon explains as they begin to look around the mines seeing nothing but cobwebs hanging from the walls and ceiling, old rusty rail road tracks run down through the mines.

"What were those things out there?" Drake asks as they walk through the mines. "I think they were both divine beasts, the giant spider resembled Aracnord from the old book dad use to read us and well we've seen Enderworm before, if you remember the last time we came to Desteria" Dragoon says as he chuckles a bit. "Dragoon, the last time we came to Desteria was a long time ago and it wasn't very fun" Drake replies in an irritated tone. "Well it was fun for me" Dragoon chuckles softly.

As they continue venturing further into the mines, the terrain inside the mine begins to change, instead of being a dry dark stone path with rusty old tracks like near the entrance to the mine, the tracks seems rather shiny and the air is moist, the stone path is beginning to get slippery as they continue through the mines, the only thing that hasn't changed is the number of cobwebs covering the walls.

"We need to find a place to rest, we've had a very long day" Dragoon says feeling exhausted. "Yea surely it would be nearing nightfall outside" Drake responds as his body begins to ache. They continue a little further into the mine to find a circular room, strangely there is a green sparkling sword planted into the ground in the center of the room.

Both Drake and Dragoon look at each other before they approach the center of the room where the sword is, as both Drake and Dragoon get closer to the sword they feel as though something is emitting from it, like the reason the air feels so moist and the floors being so wet is due to this sword for some reason.

"We'll get some rest here, don't touch the sword Drake" Dragoon says in a stern voice. Drake just nods his head as he keeps staring at the sword, while he is setting up a place to rest.

During the night, Drake wakes up several times to Dragoon looking at his newly acquired sword, noticing the markings on the sword Dragoon had in his hands, are similar to the markings on the one in the center of the room, although Drake knows Dragoon won't let him near the green sword so he waits with his eyes shut for Dragoon to go to sleep.

As soon as Dragoon has fallen asleep Drake creeps up to the sword in the middle of the room making sure not to make too much noise, so he does not wake up Dragoon. Once he is sitting right next to the green sword, he starts admiring it and looking over every inch of the blade, from the engravings on the hilt to the ones on the blade, he can't make out one of the engravings due to the dust covering it so he decides to brush the dust off, as soon as he touches the sword it begins to glow bright green.

Drake quickly shoots back to where he was laying incase Dragoon wakes up due to the light. The green glow just keeps getting brighter and brighter. Dragoon wakes up once the whole room has lit up with an immense bright green light emitting from the sword. Dragoon looks over at Drake seeing he is still asleep, so he gets up and walks over to the sword in the middle of the room, looking at it curiously, remembering the sword he has did the same thing after he pulled it out of the sheath.

Dragoon begins looking around the room for a sheath for the sword stuck in the ground, scanning the room top to bottom looking in every part of the room to find nothing, he decides to wake Drake up finally to see if he might have seen the sheath for the sword.

Drake shoots up looking straight at the glowing sword. "What happened? Why is it glowing suddenly?" Drake asks, knowing that he was the one that caused it. Dragoon just shrugs his shoulders "I just woke up to it like this, I've been looking for the sheath for the sword, but I can't seem to find it" Dragoon says confusingly.

"Maybe we should try and pull it out of the ground" Drake suggests as he walks towards the sword. Dragoon stands in his way, "I'll pull it out, it seems really stuck in their" Dragoon demands as he begins to grasp the sword, as soon as his hands touch the hilt of the sword, he feels a surge of energy building in the handle. Suddenly a large sonic boom emits from the handle blowing Dragoon against the wall, Dragoon hits the wall hard.

As he crawls back to his feet, his eyes set on the sword "What the hell was that?" Dragoon shouts in annoyance. Drake not listening to Dragoon begins walking towards the sword in daze. "Drake, get away from that thing" Dragoon yells in a worrisome tone. Drake does not pay any attention to Dragoon sitting against the wall shouting, slowly grasps the hilt of the sword, he begins feeling a surge of energy building in the handle. Drake pulls on the sword with all his strength.

Dragoon sits against the wall watching, wondering why the sword is not blowing Drake away like it did him. As he keeps watching Drake pull on the sword, the sword begins to slowly come out from the ground, inch by inch Dragoon watching in amazement.

Once the sword is free, it releases a large sonic boom from the tip of the sword shaking the entire area. Dragoon still in a daze, watching in astonishment, he grabs onto the wall as the sonic boom releases from the sword, to stop himself from falling over.

As soon as the area settles from the tremors caused by the sword, Drake stands up, panting in the middle of the room holding the sword with in one hand whilst gazing at it smiling excitedly.

Suddenly andextremely loud roar comes from deeper in the mine echoing through the entirearea. Both Drake and Dragoon's faces drop instantly, upon hearing the roar.