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Blake Jones (young Danielle fishel)


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Blake never understood the point of school. Yes, the whole learning new things part was the main thing, but what about the things their being taught.

Like for starters, geometry . When would anyone ever need to use it. Or science, all she could remember was that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of a cell.

"What could you possibly be thinking about now Blake." Luke asked, leaning against the set of lockers next to the girl.

"How stupid school is. Cant we just stay gone and do music!" She complained.

"No because then you won't graduate and have a backup plan if music doesn't work out." Alex said, pointing to the girl as he approached the two with Reggie and Bobby.

"I agree with Blake, let's go to the studio." Luke said, nudging the girls arm with a smile.

"No, your not- after school we can go there." Bobby said, waving his arms.

The bell for class rang, giving the band an excuse to leave one another, well sort of, Blake and Luke had the same class right now.

"Hey! No leaving!" The two heard Alex call from down the hallway.

"No promises!" The girl shouted back, giggling at her blonde friend.

"Ok I totally don't want to go to science right now." Luke complained to his friend as they entered the room.

"And you think I do? Your funny Patterson." She said, sitting in her seat next to the boy.

"Good evening class, take out your books and prepare to write down notes." The teacher said as the bell rang for class to begin.

Blake sighed and took out her songbook instead, writing down the rest of the lyrics to her most recent song.

"Miss Jones, taking notes already are we?" The teacher asked, looking at the girl.

"Shit." She said under her breath, shutting her book and stuffing it into her backpack. "Just had to write a few things down quick." She said.

"Great, now one more time I see that book, your headed straight to detention." The teacher said, watching the girl to make sure she took her notebook out.

Blake nodded her head and looked at the notes, only copying a few down.

"Finishing up your song?" Luke whispered to his friend.

"Yeah, I think I finished it finally." She said with a smile.

"Good, we are in desperate need of a song for tonight's gig." Luke said, making the girls eyes go wide.

"We have a gig tonight?!" She whisper yelled to the boy.

"Yes, I told you this." The boy said, whisper yelling back.

"Luke your so lucky we are in class." She whispered to him, squinting her eyes at the boy.

"And your lucky the teacher didn't take your book. Today is just a lucky day." Luke said with a goofy smile.

"Your such an ass." She whispered to him with a small laugh.

"So are you, now pay attention before the demon notices." He said, looking back towards the notes the teacher wrote on the board.

Blake quietly laughed and continued to write her notes down. Her teacher was writing notes about some Charles Darwin guy, someone Blake didn't care about at all.

The bell ran for class to be over and the two were quick to get tour of there.

"Luke I can't believe you didn't remind me about this gig sooner!" The girl said as they approached the other three boys.

"You forgot about the gig?" Reggie asked his friend, eyes going wide.

"Yes I did. And do we even have a song to preform tonight or are we just going to sing it and hope for the best?" She asked, still not pleased.

"We were going to sing your new song, but it's too late so we are going to sing it I guess." Alex said as the five of them walked to lunch together.

"Don't worry guys, we can just preform one of my songs. From now until the gig, we don't have much time to learn and preform a new song anyways." Luke said, looking at his bandmates as they all sat at their table.

"You better have a good song Luke." Blake said to the boy, an eyebrow raised.

"We always have home is where my horse is you guys." Reggie reminded the band.

Blake patted the boys shoulder and said "maybe next time, none of us know that song yet.. besides the fact your constantly singing it."

Bobby looked at reggie like he was crazy and said "dude, that's just.. not happening. Sorry man."

"Yeah Reg you brought yourself right into that one." Blake said, patting his shoulder one more time before joining the conversation again.

"So how about we do 'fallin'?" Luke asked the group, knowing they all knew the song.

"Sounds good, but next time we definitely need to prepare better for this gig." Blake said, looking at the four boys. "Speaking of, where is it anyways?"

"Just be ready by 7, we will pick you up." Alex said to the girl, knowing she would have something to say about tonight's club they were playing at.

"Ok, I'll try not to get detention then because we know I'll be in trouble if I do." Blake said, taking a bit of her sandwich.

"Hey, sharing is caring!" Bobby said, snatching the other half of her sandwich.

"Oh your such an ass." She said, squinting her eyes at the boy as he took a bit of the sandwich.

"Don't worry, just remember I owe you half a sandwich." He said with a smile.

Blake was used to this type of behavior having grown up with the four. Alex was usually the smart one of the five, Bobby coming to a close second, then Luke and Blake tied for third, then there was Reggie. But don't worry, Reggie has his moments when he moves up on the list into Blake's spot as she moves down to his.

The girl wasn't always the brightest. The boys usually helping her through whatever issue she gets herself in, like when some group of guys started to hit on her, the boys went into what Blake calls "guard dog" mode.

But she loved them.

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