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Blake waited for her friends to return, sitting on the couch so she would be ready.

she was currently eating a pop tart,
Watching the news to see what was happening around town.

As the news began to show a story about some kidnapper going around town, a knocking sound began on her front door.

Her eyes went wide, sneaking over to the front door, opening it the slightest bit.

"Jesus Luke j thought you were a kidnapper." She said, seeing the 5'8 brunette standing there.

"What are you talking about?" He asked with a small laugh.

Blake opened the door more, pointing to the television playing. "Oh.." he said, seeing the news lady speaking with a picture of a man beside her.

"So what's up?" Blake asked, noticing no one else was with the boy.

"I just wanted to talk before we go to the studio. And besides, Bobby ran out of gas so we have to walk."  He said as Blake let him into the house.

"Talk about..?" She asked, muting the television and sitting down on the couch, Luke sitting beside her.

"Don't play dumb.. the other night. I know I'm not the only one who felt something there." He said, looking up at the girl.

Blake looked down. "It's just.. I don't know. I will admit I felt it too.." she said, a small smile coming from Luke.

If someone would've told Blake that she'd be admitting her crush to Luke about a month ago, she'd laugh in your face.

Blake wasn't the biggest fan of relationships ever since the whole Michael thing.

"Look, I know your probably not thrilled with the idea of a relationship.. but, I can promise you that I won't do what he did." Luke said, both of the teens blushing.

"I'm just scared.." Blake admitted.

"There's nothing to be scared of. I'm not letting anything happen to you." Luke said, taking both of the girls hands and looking into her eyes.

Blake looked into his eyes too, the blue green color making her get lost and let out a smile.

"What are we..?" She hesitantly asked, looking up at the boy.

Luke smiled. "Well, is this you giving me a chance or is this you about to reject me?" He asked with a small laugh.

"Continue speaking and we will find out." She said, a smile creeping onto her face.

"Well alright boss, do you want to make my day and be my girlfriend?" Luke asked, his face turning red.

Blake smiled at her best friend. Never in a million years would she think this would be happening.

"I would love to." She replied, smiling at the boy.

Luke smiled and pulled her into a hug as they each stood up. He kissed the top of her head and looked at the time.

"Alright, let's get to Bobby's then." He said, taking the girls hand and walking out the front door.

The walked hand in hand all the way to the studio. This felt so normal for them now. Luke was always the closest to Blake friendship wise. Sure, they were all close, but the now couple always had that small connection.

When they entered the studio, Reggie immediately noticed the two holding hands.

"That's new.." he said curiously, looking from their hands to their eyes.

"Yeah. It is." Luke said with a smile, each of the boys now getting the hint.

"Finally!" Alex said, sighing in relief.

Bobby frowned and took out his wallet, handing a twenty dollar bill to Alex.

"You guys had a bet?!" Blake questioned, noticing the small action.

"Yeah. I thought Luke would wimp out and wait another month. Alex said it would happen this month. Reggie wouldn't participate." Bobby said with a small laugh as the two sat down on the couch.

"Ok what movie?" Alex questioned, looking through the box of movies.

"Let's watch the sandlot! Pleaseeee!" Blake begged, seeing the movies case sticking out of the box.

Alex picked the movie out, putting it into the television for the five to watch.

The band sat around the room, Luke sitting on the couch with Blake ontop of him, Reggie in the opposite side of the couch, and the other two in the two armchairs.

As the movie went on, Blake smiled as it came to an end. "I've always wanted a dog like Hercules. I mean he's literally huge." She said, seeing the large dog on the screen.

"Yeah well, we've got a Reggie." Alex said, patting the boys head.

Reggie glared at him and said "I'm not a dog! And if I was, I'm not a mastiff like Hercules, I consider myself a golden retriever."

They all laughed, picking out their next movie. "I'm not picking again, one of you pick." Blake said, tucking herself into Luke with a blanket over her shoulders.

"How about.. the little rascals." Reggie said, pulling out the next movie.

"Of course your picking that." Blake said with a laugh as he put the movie into the tv.

They all began to watch this movie, Blake singing alfalfa's little song when it comes on. "You are so beautiful, to meeeee! Cant you seeee!"

The boys laughed at her singing, knowing thats not her singing voice at all.

As the movie went on, Blake was fiddling with the rings Luke kept on his fingers, not paying any attention to what was going on.

Within minutes, Blake was knocked out asleep in Luke's arms, her hands still holding his.

"Did what finally made you do it?" Reggie asked, looking at the boy.

"Honestly, I needed it off my chest. It felt like I was going to explode." Luke said, Leaning back into the couch.

"I thought for sure she would've rejected you because she wasn't ready." Bobby said, looking at the boy.

"So did I. But Reggie or Alex, I forgot which one of you said it, but you were right.. she was scared about a repeat of Michael." Luke said quietly.

"Oh, well Luke she is our friend too so if you do what he did you will totally regret it man." Alex said, eyeing the boy.

"I won't do anything to her, I promise. She's been my best friend since we were young." Luke said, giving the boys a promising look.

"We are trusting you."

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