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"Hey Blake, how was school today?" Blake's mother asked as her daughter entered the house.

"Good..? Why are you home?" Blake said confused. Usually her mother worked until 6:30 Every night.

"Well, I got out early today so I could be home when you got home." Her mother said, smiling to her daughter.

Blake frowned. "Mom I have to tel you something before dad gets home."

"Oh what is it?" She asked, worried about what was going on.

"Ok, Luke and I are dating now. If dad finds out he's going to be mad." Blake said quickly, squinting her eyes in fear.

Blake's mother smiled. "Aw I'm so happy for you! First boyfriend!"

Yeah, Blake didn't tell anyone about Michael besides her friends. Her father was totally against her dating so she kept it a secret.

"Now I have gig to get ready for." Blake said, running before her mother could yell at her.

Mrs Jones wanted nothing but for her daughter to be happy, so she let her go and get ready. Blake just had to leave before her father got home.

"Go quick." Her mother said, seeing her daughter run down the stairs dressed in a pair of jeans and a pink top.

"Your the best!" She said, running out of the house and going towards the way to the studio.

"What are you doing here, we were gonna pick you up." Bobby asked as the doors swung open.

"My mom let me go before my dad came home. I ran here before she changed her mind." Blake said out of breath.

"You good?" Luke asked with a little chuckle as the girls breathing was heavy.

"All good, I need to sit." She said,
Making her way to the couch and sitting down.

Alex tossed her a water bottle so she wasn't getting dehydrated.

"Ok, well we are all here.. ready to go?" Reggie asked, shrugging his shoulders.

"Yeah we gotta load the car up." Blake said, standing from the couch.

"You are not helping us with that. Just wait in the car." Luke said to the girl, stopping her from lifting the drum set.

"Fine, but don't be crying that you four need help." She said with a smile, sitting in the front seat of the car.

As they arrived to the club,there were a lot of people and it was pretty loud.

"Wow this is awesome!" Blake said as they entered the room backstage.

"Yeah right! Now in just 10 minutes we get to play up on that stage.. pretty cool." Luke said, swinging his arm around her shoulders as he spoke.

"Your making this seem like the orpheum." Blake said with a laugh.

"Well, that could be our next stop.." Luke said with some hope.

"I hope so." Blake said, smiling as she fantasized about the orpheum.

Her and the boys have been trying to get a gig there for over a year. If they got to play there, they would be legends.

"Ok, you two ready?" Reggie asked the couple as him and the others approached.

"Of course, let's rock this!" Blake said, all of them stepping onto the stage.

"Hi we are sunset curve." Blake said into the mic, not receiving too much of a reaction.

"Ok.." she said to herself, noticing the crowds reaction.

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