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"HEY!" Blake heard Luke shout down the hall, making Blake freeze.

Alex stopped with her, giving her another hug. "Blake it's alright, you know Luke isn't going to let this slide." He said, looking down towards her.

Blake nodded, beginning to walk again with Alex towards whatever Luke was about to do.

As the two turned the corner of the hallway, all that could be seen was Bobby and Luke attacking Michael while Reggie attempted to control himself.

"Hey.. babe.." Michael said with a smirk as he's eyes met the girls, Luke pushing him away.

Blake let out a little whimper, hiding behind Alex.

The girl felt ashamed. She used to be one of the strongest people the Boys have met. Fighting her own battles was something big to her, but now it's like the opposite.

Here she was, hiding behind Alex crying, letting Luke and Bobby deal with her problem. But it wasn't like she was going to do it herself just yet, she was petrified of the boy right now.

Reggie walked over to the girl who stood behind the blonde, giving her a hug. Blake could feel the boy was tense, doing all he could to stay under control.

"Don't ever, ever touch her again!" Luke said, punching Michael one more time before walking off with Bobby towards their friends.

Luke lifted Blake up into his arms, her legs wrapping around his body as they left.

"Blake are you ok.." he whispered to the girl.

"n-not really." She said, wanting to be honest with the boy.

"What hurts?" He asked, the others going ahead so they could talk.

"Everything. My head, my arms, my legs.." she said with a frown.

"I know now isn't the best time to joke, but your not allowed to the bathroom by yourself again." Luke said, placing his hands beneath her so she would stop sliding down.

Blake nodded, keeping her head in his shoulder as the got to the car.

Going back to the studio. The car ride was quiet. Bobby looked like he wanted to Burst with anger, Reggie concerned, and Alex freaking out.

But Luke, he tried to stay as calm as he possibly could for Blake. If he knew one thing, it was that when other people are freaking out, Blake freaks out.

"I'll drop you guys off first.." Bobby said, stopping in front of his house for Luke and Blake to get out.

The two slid out of the car, walking down the driveway and towards the studio, opening the doors to go inside.

Luke pulled out the folded couch into a bed for the two of them like usual while Blake took a shower.

The boy was working on his song for his mom, when he heard the faint sounds of Blake crying.

As much as he wanted to go check on her, he has no idea what pain she felt or even still feels. He knew that a bit of privacy is all she needs right now.

But there was one thing that didn't sit right with the boy. The fact that Blake was scared of him when they first found her. He had no clue what Michael could've done to her, but if she was scared it definitely wasn't something good.

"Hey." Luke said as he heard the bathroom door open, revealing the girl in a larger hoodie and sweatpants.

"Hm." She hummed, knowing if she spoke her words wouldn't be understandable.

Luke stood up from the seat he was in, walking over to the girl and looking down into her eyes.

"you can talk to me you know.. what happened with Michael." Luke asked calmly.

Blake looked away, only for Luke to lift her face up again for an answer. "I understand if you don't want to talk about it, but please know I'd never hurt you." Luke said, looking into the girls eyes.

Blake nodded, a tear dripping down her face. "He raped me." She quietly said, Luke's arms falling from the girl.

"He what..?" Luke asked in shock.

"I-I couldn't stop him." She said, more tears coming from her eyes as she spoke.

Before Blake could speak again, Luke grabbed her, pulling her into a tight hug. "The piece of shit." The boy said, holding the girls head on his chest.

"I'm sorry.." she said in a whisper, making Luke look down to her.

"You shouldn't be apologizing, you didn't ask for this." He said, kissing her forehead.

Blake shook her head, "can we just.. go to bed.." she asked in a soft tone.

Luke nodded and the two laid down on the pull out bed. Feeling the somewhat comfort of the mattress calmed her down a bit, along with the boy who held onto her.

Blake turned hey body so her head was on his chest and her arm across his body, Luke's head on top of hers and his arm around her shoulders.

A soft kiss was placed in the top of Blake's head, along with the voice of Luke. "Goodnight blake." He said softly to the girl.

"Goodnight." She whispered, shutting her eyes in an attempt to fall asleep, knowing that it wouldn't be long before a nightmare.

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