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With no sleep comes major boredom. Blake sat in her bed, mostly staring at the wall filled with band posters, thinking about what her life has become.

Her whole arm injury wasn't anyone's fault but herself. She knows that right about now Reggie is probably freaking out that he caused this, but she along with the others weren't thinking.

What was killing her even more however, was the fact that her hurt arm was also her dominant writing hand.. meaning she would have to struggle to write.

But she made it work, her songbook sat in her lap and she wrote with her opposite hand. Sure, it looked like Luke's handwriting, but it was alright for now.

As the morning came around, she finally fell asleep. Yes, it was 8:00 in the morning when she finally fell asleep, but it was better than nothing.

She basically spent her Sunday sleeping all day, then eating dinner, only to not fall asleep for school.

Monday morning was rough for Blake Jones, she had to wake up extra early so she could get changed and ready, which wasn't too much of a problem because she didn't sleep.

"Blake! The boys are outside!" Her mother called as the sounds of beeping were heard from outside.

"Ok!" Blake said, putting her songbook in her backpack and running down the stairs.

She was in a better mood today, she even said goodbye to both of her parents before going.

"How's your arm?" Reggie asked as the girl got into the car.

She noticed the guilty look in his face. "Reg I'm totally fine don't worry. Something good actually came out of that though." She said.

Alex nodded. "Yeah Luke told us about your dad liking your music.. that's crazy." He said in shock.

Blake nodded. "Yeah well that gonna have to go on a pause, I can't write." She paused. A small smirk fell into her face. "Well I can, but it looks like Luke wrote it."

The boys all laughed, Luke looking at the girl with a smirk. "My handwriting isn't that bad." He said, putting his arm around the girl.

"Yeah it is." They all agreed with a laugh.

As they arrived to the school, Blake walked off to get to her locker before Michael decided to show up and be annoying to her.

"Ugh." She scoffed as she failed to open her locker.

"Luke can you open this?" She asked the boy as he approached her with a smile.

"Well of course I can." He said, putting the combination into the locker and opening it.

"Literal life saver." She said, kissing his cheek.

Luke smiled and handed the girl her books. "You sure you got this, those are pretty heavy." He said, feeing the weight of her books.

"Luke I'm fine, now go to class before the other three come to find you." She said, pecking his lips and walking off.

"See you later!" He said as she walked down the hall to her class.

"Miss Jones may I ask what happened?" The teacher said during class, noticing the girls arm.

"Oh I um.. I got electrocuted." She said, looking up from her songbook.

"How?" The teacher asked. Nosey much?

"I was fixing an amp with my friend and it started to rain. My friend is alright though." Blake said, nodding her head as the teacher called her out.

"Idiot." Michael said from behind her. "Easy target now." He continued, a small little laugh following.

Blake gulped as she heard what he said, wanting to be anywhere he isn't right now.

"Guys I'm not ok." Blake said as she met the four boys at her locker for lunch.

"What do you mean your not ok? What's going on?" Luke asked, standing up straight after leaning on the lockers.

"I mean Michael called me an easy target. I don't know what he meant but it's not good." She said as Bobby took the books out of her hand.

The looks on their faces turned to the usual angry looks, making her eye them all. "If it means what I think it does, let him strike first that way we don't get in trouble." She said to them.

"But Blake-" Alex began.

"No, let him strike first. If I can survive being electrocuted, I can survive him." Blake said with some confidence, but also worry.

Luke put out his hand for the girl to take, Blake gladly taking it.

As they walked to the cafeteria, they sat at their usual table. The five just talked for most of lunch, not worrying about eating.

"So I got us a gig yesterday at the same club as last time.. but are you able to preform with us?" Bobby asked the girl, begging eyes coming from all four boys.

"I can sing, but keyboard is most likely not happening." Blake said, Reggie coming with a smirk.

"But, I know who can play keyboard.." he said.

"Oh my gosh! I forgot you could play! Reg this is great." Blake said with a smile.

"Well I owe you big time for your arm. And plus, the gig is tonight.." Reggie said, making her eyes go wide.

"Tonight?!" She said in shock.

"Yes tonight, why?" Alex asked, looking at the girl.

"My dad grounded me for not coming home Friday night.. but maybe he will feel bad and let me come. If not, I am the escape artist so." She said, making the boys laugh.

"Well Miss escape artist, how are you going to escape Michael if he tries to strike first?" Bobby asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Well, I have a whole plan. I'm going to- yeah I don't have a plan." She said, slumping down as she realized.

"Hey it's ok, I can clock him in the face again if that helps." Luke said with a smile.

"That can be part of our 'the plan didnt work' plan." Blake said to the boy, patting his shoulder.

"Alright well, now we just wait." Reggie said, taking a bit of his pizza only for it to be cold and the bell ringing.

Reggie frowned and quickly ate the slice, running out of the cafeteria to get to class.

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