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"Blake! I'm going to work!" The girls mother shouted as she left the house.
Blake jumped out of bed and quickly went to her closet, looking for something to wear for school.

She managed to get sweatpants and a tshirt on, but her hair was impossible for her to do by herself.

"Guys my hair.. help." She said as she got into Bobby's car, hopping over Luke and sitting between him and Alex.

"Here, Reg give me your hairbrush." Alex said to the boy sitting up front.

Alex brushed the girls hair for her as they drove to school, he was always good at styling things so this was perfect for him.

"How'd you sleep?" Luke asked the girl with a smirk.

"Good question. But how the heck did I get home?" Blake said, scrunching her nose as Alex brushed through a knot.

"Luke charming over there carried you inside." Bobby said with a goofy smirk, making Blake hit his arm.

"Be nice Robert." She said to him, knowing how to get on his nerves.

Blake looked over at Luke with a smile as Alex finished brushing her hair.

"Oh thanks Alex." She said to her blonde friend as the car turned down the block and into the parking lot of the school.

As they walked inside, Blake noticed the saddened look on Luke's face. "Luke you alright?" She asked, noticing the others look at him as if they knew something.

"What's.. going on?" She slowly asked, looking at the four.

"We will leave you two alone." Alex said, taking Reggie and Bobby by their arms and walking away.

"Luke if your cheating on me just say it." Blake said, looking from the ground to the boy.

"What? No- no that's not what happened. Last night me and my mom got into a heated argument and I left.. for good." Luke said, taking the girls two hands in his, looking into her eyes.

Blake frowned at his, giving him a comforting hug. Luke hugged her back and smiled.

"Thanks, but hugging you is gonna make me cry and that's not what I wanna be doing right now." Luke said, kissing her forehead and pulling away.

"Too late, I'm crying." Blake said with a laugh as she wiped the small tears going down her face.

Luke chuckled at the girl, opening up her locker for her since she was still struggling with that.

"So where did you go last night if you ran out?" Blake asked the boy, looked up at him.

"Bobby's letting me crash at the studio. I didn't know where else to go." Luke said, shrugging his shoulders as he walked the girl the class.

"Well if I don't run away soon, your allowed to stay over by my house." She said as they got to the classroom door.

"Thanks, let me know if you know who bothers you.. I can deal with him." Luke said, motioning his head to the boy in the class with an evil smirk.

"Who michael? Oh you'll know, don't worry." Blake said with a giggle as she entered the classroom.

Luke just laughed at the girl,  walking off to get to class since he didn't have much time left to get there.

After the school day ended, Blake went over to Luke's locker and snaked her arm around his waist from behind, putting her head against his back.

"Hey blake." He said immediately, confident that it was his girlfriend.

"How's you know it was me!?" She said, stepping back so the boy could finish what he was doing.

"Well, it's not hard to guess who it is considering you only used one arm, plus i just knew it." He said with a smile as the others approached.

"Ok ready to go? I have a ton of homework I need to do." Alex begged, motioning his head towards the pile of books in his hands.

"Yeah and I have an sleep appointment at 3:15 so chop chop." Blake said, tired from this long and exhausting day of school.

"Alright alright you big babies." Bobby said, twirling his car keys and walking off, the four others following.

"So, I think we start to work for our orpheum gig." Blake said as Bobby began to drive.

"You don't want to wait for your arm to heal?" Luke questioned the girl as she leaned against him.

"Well, look at it this way, if we play the orpheum we aren't going to need a piano. We have our song picked out and it's mainly all of us on vocals." Blake said, Reggie nodding his head.

"Yeah but what if we change our song choice?" Reggie said, shrugging his shoulders.

Blake shrugged. "Then we have work to do. And you all know I don't like work." She said with an eyebrow raised.

"Trust us, we know." Luke said, patting the girls head as if she was a child.

"So what are we doing anyways?" Blake asked, Bobby shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, Alex said he has a bunch of homework so we can go to the studio or.." Bobby said.

Blake's eyes went wide. "Wait I'm still grounded. I gotta go home." She said, Bobby nodding and going to the direction of her house.

"Still? How long is this for?" Alex asked the girl.

"No clue, I'll let you know once I know." She said, getting out of the car and walking up her pathway.

"Bye guys, see you tomorrow." She said.

"Bye Blake!" They all said with their dorky smiles as the girl entered her house.

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