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The loud sound of Luke's six string rang into Blake's ears the next morning, waking her up and making her fall out of the chair.

"Luke Patterson if that was you I swear.." the girl said as she stood up and looked at each boy.

Luke had a little smirk on, giving off every hint that it was him.

"So, you decided to come back here with us.. thats on you miss Jones." Luke said, raising an eyebrow at the girl.

She shook her head and gave off a small smile. "What time is it anyways?" She asked, squinting her eyes to see the clock.

"It is.. 9:30." Reggie said, making the girls eyes go wide.

"9:30?! Your blasting your music at 9:30?! Jesus you guys are crazy." She said, shaking her head as she continued. "I gotta get home, I'll be back later."'

The boys nodded. "You need a ride?" Bobby asked, him being the only one with a car available right now.

"Nope, i need to think about what to tell my parents about not coming home last night." Blake said, walking out the studio doors.

"Bye losers!" The girl said, shutting the studio doors.

Blake walked down the Wilson driveway, going towards the direction of her house.

"Blakey!" The annoying voice of Michael called from behind her.

Blake didn't understand what his deal was. He cheated on her and broke her heart, so there was no reason to chase after her and attempt to win her back.

"Mr Rogers will you ever stop stalking me." She said, not even turning around to check if it was him.

"After what your little boy toy did last night, nope." Michael said, making the girl stop walking.

"I'm sorry, boy toy?! Luke is my best friend. You know that." Blake said, giving a dirty look to Michael.

"You know, fighting your own battles is a big win. But of course you don't understand that because your friends have to fight them for you. Have you ever fought for yourself?" Michael said as if he was some inspirational speaker.

"I can handle my own battles. Now fuck off so I can just go home." She said, turning around and continuing her way.

"Get back here!" The voice called as the sound of running followed.

Blake knew the boy was chasing her now, so she began to run. She should've stayed with the boys.

A heavy weight shoved Blake to the ground just like last night, then a large pain hit her face.

She looked up and saw Michael with his fist balled up and a smirk. "Fight your own battles, Blakey." He said before walking off the other way.

Blake shook her head, standing up and continuing her way home. She covered her face where the stings of pain were coming from and ran straight into her house and up the stairs.

Looking in the mirror on her desk, she saw the large swollen bruise forming around her eye.

"Shit." She said under hear breath, rubbing her hands through her hair.

What was she supposed to do now, the boys are expecting her to come back later.

"Hey hun? You in there?" Her mother asked as a know was heard on the bedroom door.

"Yeah! One second!" Blake said, panicking about what to do.

If her mother or father saw the bruise they would freakout. So, she picked up the foundation on her desk, quickly covering the black eye as fast as possible.

"Ok!" She said, letting her mom into her room.

"Where were you last night, I came home and your father was pissed off.." Mrs Jones said to her daughter as she entered the room.

"I had a gig and he didn't want me to go. Then I fell asleep at the studio with the boys after." Blake said, scratching the back of her head.

"And your eye, why is it swollen?" Her mother questioned, crossing her arms.

"Oh um.." she began, quickly thinking of an excuse. "Thats from school.. we played dodgeball and I got hit.."

Her mother nodded, leaving the room. Blake sighed in relief that her mother bought the story, scared of what could've happened if she didn't.

Blake decided it was best to not go back to the studio today or tomorrow, just to avoid the eruption of anger that would come.

"Hey Bobby." She said into the landline phone her father had bought her.

"Hey Blake what's up." Bobby answered from the studios phone.

"I can't come back today, and I have to do something tomorrow so I'll see you guys at school." Blake said, knowing she was going to get questioned.

"Why not? Is everything alright?" Bobby asked.

"Yeah, my shoulder is um.. killing me.. yeah. I uh just wanted to rest it for the day and I have to.. clean my room tomorrow." She said, stuttering as she made everything up.

"Right... see you Monday." Bobby said.

"See you monday!" Blake said, immediately hanging the phone up.

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