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Flashback to the night that ended the relationship between Blake and Michael:

Blake and Michael were on a date for their six month anniversary, sitting at the local Italian restaurant, giovannis.

"Blake I got you a gift, just to know how much i love you." Michael said with a smile, handing the girl a small black velvet box.

"Awe mike, you didn't have to get me anything.." the girl said, taking the box from him.

"Just open it, your going to love it." He said, smiling at the girl as she looked down to the box.

Lifting it open, the smile on her face dropped.

"Who's Clara..?" She said with a frown on her face.

The boys eyes went wide. "I must've brought the wrong one.." he said in shock.

"Wait what do you mean you brought the wrong one?! Who's Clara, Michael?!" She asked, holding back her tears.

"My um.. sister?" Michael said, his voice going higher.

"You don't have siblings. So your cheating on me? Thanks a lot.  Don't speak to me, we are over." She said, throwing the box at him and storming out.

Blake continued to walk away, cars beeping at her for not being cautious when crossing the road.

The girl walked past the Wilson house, seeing that the studio lights were on and hearing some music was playing.

She walked to the studio, opening the door to see all four boys. They jumped when the door opened, thinking someone was breaking in.

"Jesus you sca-" Alex began to say, seeing it was only the girl, but pausing when he saw her face.

Tears were flowing down her face and her eyes were all puffy.

"Blake, what's wrong..?" Alex asked in a softer tone, nervous for the answer he would receive.

"The asshole cheated one me!" She said in a stressed tone, rubbing her hands through her hair as she paced around the studio.

"He cheated?" Luke said, shocked that anyone would do that to the girl.

The boys didn't know what to do, they weren't prepared for this to happen so soon.

"Yes he fucking cheated. He didn't plan on telling me either, he bought me a necklace that said another girls name then made up that it was for his sister. Why does life hate me?!" She said, continuing her pacing around.

Luke grabbed the girl, stopping her from moving. When he looked at her face all he could see was how heartbroken she was.

"do you want me to deal with him?" Luke asked in a calm tone.

Blake nodded. "Do whatever you want to him. I don't even care." She said as he boy pulled her in for a hug.

She stood there in his arms, crying into his shoulder. She was never the one to go crying to the boys about anything. Usually she hid her emotions from them.

All four boys were angry now. Even Reggie and Alex, and they're never angry. "Who's coming with me?" Luke asked the group.

All five of them ended up in Bobby's car, driving to Michael's house to confront him.

Blake sat in the back between Luke and Alex. As her head was rested on Luke's shoulder, she could feel how angry he was.

Stopping in front of Michael's house, they spotted the boy walking down the sidewalk towards the house.

Luke and Bobby got out of the car, leaving Blake with the other two boys.

Alex put his arm around Blake, giving her a side hug to comfort her. "He didn't deserve you anyways Blake, your too badass for him to handle." Reggie said in hopes to make the girl feel better.

A small smile formed on Blake's face as she looked to Reggie, but something behind him caught her eye.

"Holy-" she said, seeing Bobby and Luke basically beating Michael up.

Reggie and Alex turned around to see what was going on and their eyes went wide.

"Do we stop them?" Reggie asked, generally confused on what to do.

"No, no what he did wasn't right." Alex said confidently.

After another five minutes, Luke and Bobby got back in the car with smiles.

"Have fun?" Blake questioned, looking from each boy.

"You would've done the same thing if you were one of us." Bobby said, pointing to the girl.

"Yeah. But Are you guys alright?" Blake questioned, noticing the small bruises on their arms.

"All good." Luke said with a smile, placing his head on Blake's shoulder.

When they arrived back to the studio, the five members of sunset curve went inside and continued what they were doing before.

Blake simply sat in the couch, her songbook opened on her lap and she wrote a whole song.

"What are you writing?" Bobby asked as he peeked over the girls shoulder.

"A song. Hopefully this helps me feel better." She said, pushing the boys head away and continuing her writing.

"Oo oo, Name it 7 things." Reggie said as he now peeked over her shoulder and read the lyrics.

"Wow Reginald, not bad." She said with a smile, writing the title "7 Things" on page.

"So what were you guys doing that I interrupted before?" Blake asked, shutting her songbook after her hour of writing.

"Actually waiting for you. We were expecting something better to happen from tonight but.. yeah." Luke said, scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh."  She said, shifting her position on the couch.

"So what are you doing tomorrow?" Alex asked the girl, hoping it would be something good.

"Well I was supposed to hangout with Michael but I'm probably going to cry in my room for the day now." She said, leaning back into the couch.

Alex frowned. "Well you can hangout with us you know." He said with a smirk.

"I don't know.. I think I just need a day to process it. But, there is no way I'm walking home in the dark so I'm staying here." She said, now laying down on the couch.

Blake reached over her head and grabbed a blanket , putting it over herself and shutting her eyes.

"Your going to sleep already?" Reggie asked, pointing to the clock that said 9pm.

"Yes. Yes I am." She said in a gentle tone, showing she was quite tired.

"Alright then.. goodnight." Reggie said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Night." She said to the four boys.




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