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"Blake Jones you better explain yourself!" Alex said as the three boys came into the studio after school hours.

Blake was standing behind her keyboard trying to play with one hand when they came in, glaring at the boys for messing her up.

"Blake what happened?" Alex said in a softer tone.

She shook her head. "I got into an argument with my dad and he was pissing me off so I left. It's not hard to understand." She said, snapping at the boys.

All of their eyes widened at the volume of her voice.

"Sorry I just.. I don't know what's going on with me recently." She said, slitting down on the stool she had behind the keyboard.

Reggie nodded. "It's ok. It get the bitchy parent thing.. but running away? We expected it from Luke but I thought you would figure something out."

Luke looked at the boy offended, making Blake laugh. "Oh Luke, don't play dumb. Everyone knew you would, you've always been passionate about your music." The girl said, patting his shoulder.

"Oh and by the way, principal Andrew's asked if we would play a song at the school dance tomorrow." Bobby said, stopping everyone from what they were doing.

"I have the perfect song!" Luke said, flipping through his notebook and showing the others his song.

"Shine?" Blake said as she read the title.

Her eyes scanned the page, a thought popping into her mind. "What about a name change.." she said, raising an eyebrow to the boy.

"Ok, yeah sure. What are you thinking?" Luke asked, handing the girl his book along with a pen.

Blake scribbled over shine and said "bright, it's mentioned in the song more than shine is so I say bright."

Luke nodded and let the girl write down her new name she came up with.

"Ok so I was thinking we start with the keyboard, if you can of course." Luke said to the girl.

She nodded and placed both hands on the keyboard, struggling with her right hand since it was injured, but she made it work.

"Ok great, now once the first verse is over we all come in with our instruments, and bam." Luke said with confidence in his voice.

"Ok now let's rehearse because I want to hear this song." Blake said in excitement.

Luke smiled and they all began to play.

As time went by, the lyrics started to stick out to Blake more. Rise through the night, you and I, we will fight to shine together, bright forever.

As realization came to her mind, she smiled at Luke. "So this is the secret song?" She asked, making the boy smile back.

"Yup." He said, the others looking confused.

"What secret song? Who said it was a secret?" Alex asked in total confusion.

"I wrote it for Blake but didn't let her see it." Luke said, making the others smile.

"Aw!" Alex said, earning a look from Luke.

Blake just giggled and shook her head, getting more and more used to the keyboard.

"Ok so, anything interesting go on in school?" Blake asked as the band wrapped up rehearsal and just hung out.

The three boys looked at each other, making Luke and Blake look at each other confused.

"What did you idiots do." Luke asked the three boys with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh it's not what we did." Bobby began. "We walked into the school only to see Michael going through Blake's locker. We got him away and checked to see if anything was gone or anything new was there but nothing."

Blake's eyes went wide. "What did he say he was doing when you asked him?"

"He said something about getting your lucky pencil." Reggie said with a laugh.

Blake laughed too. "That lucky item shit is stupid, I could never have a lucky pencil, I'd lose it too easily."

Alex nodded, "that's what I told him and he walked away."

Luke shook his head. "He's an idiot. But wait until he hears our performance at the dance.. he might just shit his pants." Luke joked.

They all laughed and moved to sit around the room rather than just standing with their instruments.

Blake placer herself on the couch between Luke and Alex while Bobby and Reggie sat in the arm chairs.

"Ok so, I say we go out for some street dogs?" Bobby said, which was surprising coming from him since he doesn't like them that much.

"Really? Robert Wilson wants a street dog?! I never knew this day would come!" Reggie said in total shock.

"Come on, run before he gets to change his mind!" Blake said, jumping up from the couch and running to Bobby's car.

They all piled in, Alex Reggie and Blake crushing each other in the back seats.

"Ok let's make a deal, If I throw up I'm never getting one of these again, and if I don't you guys can make me come with you next time." Bobby said as they approached the street dog car.

"Deal." Luke said, shaking the boys shoulders.

"Blake I see you brought the boys back!" Sal said, remembering the previous big night.

"Yeah, I even got Bobby to come." She said with full joy.

Sal laughed and handed each of them a hotdog, opening the hood of his car for them to get toppings.

"Ok let's place our bets on Bobby throwing up." Reggie said, raising a dollar bill. "My bet is during the car ride home."

Blake took out a dollar. "I'm gonna go with once we get to the studio."

"I say midnight." Luke said.

"It's definitely going to be within the next 2hours." Alex said, taking a bite of his hotdog.

Bobby shook his head. "You guys are ridiculous. Now finish eating so I can maybe not throw up in my car." He said, making Reggie frown.

"Hey! You don't want me to win?!" Reggie said, crossing his arms.

"Sorry Reg, just personal preference." Bobby said, patting the boy on the shoulder and laughing.

"Ok let's go then." They all agreed, getting in Bobby's car and going to the studio since everyone was just going to sleep over there tonight.

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